A new vision of THE NORTH O pportunities to shape the direction of regions come along once in a generation. The chance to help develop long-term, functional solutions for future sustainable economic development for Developing a Path Forward for northern Manitoba By Cory Kolt and Chuck Davidson
It has world-class resources — mining, forestry, electrical generation and tourism — that are the envy of other provinces and countries. In setting the stage for sustained growth, the focus for communities, First Nations and governments is to embrace the possibility of prosperity and economic growth through building skills and efficiency, and developing productive, sustainable relationships. A long-term, visionary solution that will take advantage of the vast potential of the North is required. Strong policy and the ability of community and business leaders to take stock of their assets and pinpoint where there is potential for future economic development will be an important piece of the puzzle. The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) has long advocated for this kind of discussion and has worked with governments to reexamine the state of the North and the role the Chamber network could play in bringing prominent northern voices together. That vision evolved into Look North, a multi-faceted plan to spur economic change and development. MCC President and CEO Chuck Davidson has a deep understanding of, affection for, and connection to northern Manitoba. Born and raised in Snow Lake, Davidson was approached to co-chair Look North. He
Manitoba’s North might be a once in a lifetime pursuit. Economic challenges and the lack of a clear strategy for growth have left northern Manitoba at a critical crossroads. Many of the major communities throughout the North are reliant on one major industry. The current economic climate continues to rely on market conditions where even the slightest change can send the residents and economy into a state of uncertainty. The most recent examples: the halting of the 2016 shipping season, closing the Port of Churchill and halving the town’s rail service, which is unstable at the best of times. These decisions left and continue to leave residents and businesses cut off from a regular supply of products and materials needed to live. In The Pas, the town’s primary employer, Tolko Industries, made a business decision to close, leaving the future uncertain until a new buyer was found at the last minute. All of this has happened at a time when most experts and those who live in and study the region say the economic potential of northern Manitoba is enormous.
10 MBiz | june 2017
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