MBiz | June 2017

The economic potential of northern Manitoba is enormous. It has world-class resources — mining, forestry, electrical generation and tourism — that are the envy of other provinces and countries.

made it clear from the start what is required for this task force and plan to have any chance at success. “Without question, this process has to be driven by northerners,” said Davidson. “Their engagement is crucial to this process to ensure the solutions are coming from the North and not the government. There has been a fundamental shift in understanding that residents and business leaders can drive change and not wait for the government to come to the rescue.” The first steps to collecting northern thoughts and ideas came in early April. Davidson and OCN Chief Christian Sinclair, the task force co-chair, spent a week holding summits in The Pas, Thompson and Churchill. “These community discussions were an important first step toward developing the long-term plan needed,” said Davidson. The summits heard from close to 150 leaders from all corners of northern Manitoba, including mayors, chiefs, major employers, small business owners and scientists. The discussions were very productive and provided the task force with critical information that will help develop a working plan. Northern Manitoba has no shortage of raw materials; what is need is investment (capital) and skills (labour)

to reinvigorate and propel the economy forward. This requires a combination of human and financial capital, expertise, skills and infrastructure. Northern and Aboriginal communities must have access to training and education to be full participants in the northern economy. Davidson sees this as a real chance for the North to come away with substantial change and, maybe for the first time in decades, a true path toward sustainable, self-sufficient growth. “What is different and encouraging is having the chance to see the engagement with youth,” said Davidson. “Some of the ideas and business ideas coming from high school students have been staggering. They understand the importance of building a future in their communities. I don’t know if that would have been the case five or 10 years ago.” MCC has long viewed northern Manitoba as a key asset and a region full of potential for growth and opportunity to support the provincial economy. Our hope is that through this process we will develop a forward-looking and proactive strategy that will unleash the North’s real potential and provide northern residents with optimism for the future rather than uncertainty. To learn more, visit www.gov.mb.ca/looknorth. ■

MBiz | june 2017


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