Strengthening the bioscience sector while helping to feed, fuel, sustain and heal the whole world.
BI O stre ngth feed fuel sustain heal wh ole wo rld Bioscience companies in Manitoba employ more than 5,600 people, have exports of over $2 billion and have an average salary greater than $77,000 . Now that’s good for Manitoba!
2018-2019 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS CHAIR Paul Holden, Education Canada Group (ECG) VICE CHAIR Robert Lajoie, BDC VICE CHAIR Peggy May, Southport Aerospace Centre Inc./ Portage la Prairie & District Chamber of Commerce PAST CHAIR Judy Murphy, Safety Services Manitoba TREASURER Kevin Ploegman, Fort Group Chartered Professional Accountants Inc. SECRETARY Michelle Aitkenhead, RBC Royal Bank LEGAL COUNSEL Nicole Smith, Pitblado Law DIRECTORS Mike Boucher, Deloitte Carolynn Cancade, Brandon Chamber of Commerce/ Chamber Executives of Manitoba Darin Downey, Gardewine Helen Halliday, Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada Alison Kirkland, Women’s Enterprise Centre of Manitoba Michelle Kuly, Blueprint Inc. Karly McRae, Lakehouse/ Wasagaming Chamber of Commerce Priti Mehta-Shah, 49-97 Capital Partners / Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Justin Phillips, Sycamore Energy Inc. Paul Provost, 6P Marketing Inc. Dave Van Hooren, PCL Constructors Canada Inc. DIRECTORS AT LARGE Kyle Romaniuk, Vantage Studios Frank Sottana, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
SPRING 2018 9
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