The achievements of Dispatch Integration have garnered attention across the nation since the innovative company was recently selected as one of Canada’s Top 50 Start-Ups from a growth perspective.
“Cam and I have quite different backgrounds. He’s very business-oriented and I’m very technically-oriented,” Gavin says. “So, he’s outwardly focused on the operations of the business and I focus on the operations for our professional services, organizations and our technology strategies. It works really well.” When the company began three years ago, it hinged on a few key relationships with major Canadian organizations. Since then, it has enjoyed a solid rate of growth. “We started off doing direct consulting. Since 2016, we’ve grown the company to 17 people so we are growing at a steady state,” Gavin says. “One of the things that I’m quite proud of is that we didn’t take any investment money. This has all been very organic growth based on growing our relationships, growing our customer base and hopefully doing really good work.” Adding to its expertise, Dispatch Integration also develops software for small companies that offer products or
services on the Internet. “We help them to integrate their customers with other applications. The analogy is to imagine you have a company that offers a background check service. You could go on the website, type in a name or SIN number and make that work quite well in a way that will serve your purpose,” Gavin says. “But as the volume increases, you want to be able to tell your customers that you already integrate with their HR software or applicant screening or tracking software so that it all happens very seamlessly. We offer that service to the company so they can now offer it to their customers. It’s a vendor-to-vendor software sale, and there are very few people in the world that do that. It’s a niche market.” With a focus on human resources, among other areas, the company works globally with customers in Canada, the U.S., Europe and Australia. The achievements of Dispatch Integration have garnered attention across the nation since the innovative company was recently selected as one of Canada’s Top
50 Start-Ups from a growth perspective. “It validates the work we’ve put into the company and it validates the work that our employees do. This is hard-earned growth that was based on our network and the trust that our customers have put into us. I’m very proud of that and I’m extremely proud of the team we have,” Gavin says. “We are a completely virtual company in the sense that we don’t have a head office per se. We have employees in Vancouver, here in Winnipeg, in Kitchener-Waterloo and in Toronto. We’re very spread out. We call Winnipeg home, but we find the best people wherever they are.” At the same time, Manitoba has proven to be an optimal place to do business. “It’s been a very supportive business environment and we continue to grow our footprint here in Winnipeg,” Gavin says. “Once we get a critical mass, we’ll be getting office space for the rest of the traffic of the company, but we do value the flexibility that comes with the virtual worker approach.” ■
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