MBiz | May 2016

What pledges did you decide to select? Active Transportation, Ergonomics, Infrastructure to Support Physical Activity, Reducing Sedentary Behaviour, Stress Management, Flu Prevention, Healthy Food Culture, Respectful Workplace and Work-Life Balance. What was the initial reaction to the program from staff? What have been the results of the program? We launched our new wellness website, Live Well, in January of this year, including the UM’s Wellness Works pledges. We plan to gather some evaluative information from the university community following our Live Well @ Work Week coming up June 13-17, 2016. Can you share specific success stories? • An inter-departmental team created the Live Well website to provide our students and employees with a ‘one-stop shop’ for wellness resources. This website allows employees to easily access campus resources that are available within the five areas of wellness: Environmental, mental, physical, social & cultural, and spiritual. Recognizing the need for a variety of resources, including those that are online or off-campus, a section of Live Well is devoted to the Wellness Works pledges, and provides easy access to all the related resources recommended on the Wellness Works site. • Live Well @ Work Week – June 13-17, 2016 marks the second annual wellness week for employees. Formerly named Staff Mental Health Week, the week now has a broader wellness focus, offering events and activities for employees in areas covered by Wellness Works, including the Reducing Sedentary Behaviour, Stress Management, and Work-Life Balance Pledges. • Mental Health First Aid at the U of M. The UM has recently committed to providing free Mental Health First Aid (Basic and Youth) courses to its employees as part of the Respectful Workplace and Stress Management pledges, along with the University’s own strategic plans and priorities. The aim of these two-day certificate courses is to reduce stigma and increase participant confidence in supporting those struggling with mental health problems. • U of M Staff Appreciation Week at the Active Living Centre - June 27-30, 2016. During this week, UM faculty and staff can try out one of the Active Living Centre’s instructional programs, take a lunchtime group fitness class, go for a swim, play some tennis or use the amazing track or equipment in the 100,000-square-foot Active Living Centre. This week fits well with our Wellness Works pledges to reduce sedentary behaviour and to promote positive stress management and work-life balance.

The Healthy Workplace Challenge urges more organizations to sign Wellness Works commitments.

Would you recommend the program to other companies? Why?

Yes. Wellness Works offers a supportive framework and a multitude of resources both for the employer seeking to support their employees and for the employee seeking wellness-related supports. The variety of supports and resources, as well as the focus on local and Canadian resources, provides an excellent framework upon which to build a successful and accessible wellness program. In 2015, MCC also introduced a Health & Wellness Blog on its corporate website, designed to highlight successes that Manitoba companies are having with Healthy Workplace initiatives. It also provides valuable information from health & wellness professionals and industry resources. ■

For more information on the Wellness Works Program, please visit www.gov.mb.ca/healthyliving/hlp/wellnessworks/

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MBiz | may 2016


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