MBiz | November 2013

November 2013 Vol. 4 B iz MB Manitoba Chambers of Commerce mbchamber.mb.ca President & CEO Chuck Davidson Director of policy & Communications Cory Kolt Winnipeg Free Press winnipegfreepress.com Publisher Bob Cox Vice President Sales Laurie Finley Manager of Niche Products Edith Bonner edith.bonner@freepress.mb.ca Editor Pat St. Germain pdstgermain@gmail.com Writers Kathryne Cardwell

At the Manitoba Chamber we have already or are in the process of establishing President’s Committees made up of experts who can provide insight and policy recommendations to MCC in the areas of: • Manitoba’s Economic Competitiveness • Workforce • Tourism • Northern Economic Development • Health Care It’s my goal and job to work with these committees and chambers around the province to develop strong, credible policy positions and to advocate on their behalf. We are also working with local chambers, as well as the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, to ensure we are consistent in our communications and remain a strong “Voice of Business.” As you read this issue of MBiz, I hope you get a better sense of some of the work that is happening throughout the province and why the role of the chamber is so important to the Manitoba economy.

O ver the past couple of months I have had the opportunity to meet with a lot of business owners across the province to discuss issues of importance to them. I have heard about the acuteness of the workforce shortage in northern Manitoba; the optimism surrounding the oil and gas industry in southwest Manitoba; the concerns around changes in immigration in the Red River Valley; and the potential opportunities around tourism in this province. I’ve also heard what the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce can do to improve the value proposition, to not only chambers around the province, but also the business community. I think a big part of that value proposition is the way we engage business leaders and communities in the development of credible policy positions and the way we advocate those position on behalf of the business community. We are in a great position here in Manitoba, but we can be in an even better position if we can understand the challenges our economy is facing and how to best address the issues and make the changes needed to really move us forward.

Chuck Davidson President & CEO Manitoba Chambers of Commerce

Roger Currie Wendy King Cory Kolt Todd Lewys Jennifer McFee David Square

Jon Waldman Lindsey Ward Photography Darcy Finley Fred Greenslade Numerous organizations supplied Design Jane Chartrand Printing Quantum Graphics

Featured this Month in MBiz:

•  2013 MBiz Awards........ 4 • Norman ...................... 12 • Parkland .................... 14 • ’pegBiz Magazine... 17(1) • Pembina Valley ........... 18

• Central ....................... 20 • Interlake ..................... 22 • Midwest ..................... 24 • Western ...................... 26 • Eastern ...................... 28

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