I.H. Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba. Right: Debra Jonasson-Young, Joshua Zaporzan and Lindsay Friesen of the Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship. Photos courtesy of I.H. Asper School of Business
students worked on real life problems and provided each organization an advanced solution to their business challenge. The Asper School of Business’ James W. Burns Executive Education Centre also devel- oped a Virtual Leadership Series, delivered free of charge to help managers cope more effectively during the crisis. Additionally, the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub, also located at Asper, hosted numerous round tables that enabled organizations that support women entrepreneurs to connect and share timely ideas. The School’s forward momentum contin- ues this fall, with the launch of the Asper Master of Supply Chain Management and Logistics Program – one of only four of its kind offered within Canada. The pandemic has highlighted the need for strong supply chain management going forward and Win- nipeg’s geographic location in the centre “We noticed early on that not only did we need to proactively support our students, we also needed to find ways to support the community through these difficult times.”
of the continent makes Asper the perfect home for this master’s program. At Asper’s Stu Clark Centre for Entrepre- neurship, a number of new and exciting initiatives are also underway to support stu- dents as they consider starting businesses of their own, and many of these resources are available to assist small businesses within the community. Debra Jonasson-Young, the Centre’s executive director, notes that the Stu Clark Centre is a conduit as well as a resource for entrepreneurs. If they do not know where to turn for help, staff can point them in the right direction, or connect them with agencies such as North Forge, Futurpreneur and the Women’s Enterprise Centre. Businesses can take advantage of opportunities at the Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship by attending the free, live Stu Clark webinars dedicated to business
topics such as: Legal Fundamentals for Start- Ups (in collaboration with the Faculty of Law), Business Plan Essentials, Building and Leading a Team, and The Entrepreneurial Journey – Panel Discussions. Business leaders and entrepreneurs can also access past videos on YouTube through the Stu Clark Webinar Library. Dean Jacoby notes that during these challenging times, the Asper School of Business is here to support the needs of the business community and many of the school’s initiatives provide an opportunity for students to contribute in meaningful ways while developing essential skills as they launch their own careers. ■ To learn more about the Stu Clark Webinar Series visit: https://umanitoba.ca/ entrepreneur.
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