Active Aging | September 2014


Let the Adventure Begin

september 21 - 27, 2014



Active Aging Adventure Contest

The Active Aging Adventure Contest is open to all Manitobans who are 55 years of age or older. Take the opportunity to explore and try something you have not tried before or that you have not done in quite some time. Then tell your story and share your adventure. ALCOA-MB will compile all the stories in an Active Aging Adventure List and post them on the ALCOA-MB website starting in January, 2015. The Active Aging Adventure List will also be made available in print. No matter where you live and no matter how long you have lived, you have many adventures still ahead! Be adventurous! Allow yourself to be a beginner! Nobody starts off being excellent at anything — so whatever you do, give it a chance for success! Write about your Active Aging Adventure, using the following questions as a guide: What did you try? What inspired you to try it? How did it make you feel? Are you going to try it again? Would you encourage others of your age and ability to try this experience? What advice would you give them to make it a pleasurable experience? How can other older adults get involved? What is the next thing on your Active Aging Adventure List? What opportunities for older adults would you like to see more of in your community? Active Aging Adventure Contest Rules 1. All entries must be handwritten (in legible writing) or typed and postmarked no later than Oct. 31, 2014. You can enter as many adventures as you like. Winners will be notified by Dec. 1, 2014. 2. All participants must be 55 years of age or older by Oct. 31, 2014 with their primary residence being in Manitoba. 3. Each Active Aging Adventure story is to be a maximum of 1,000 words. All entries will be reviewed by an ALCOA-MB committee comprised of older Manitobans. We will post the prize-winning entries on the ALCOA-MB website and will endeavour to include every entry we receive. Send your entry along with your name, age, mailing address, phone number and email address (if any) to: ALCOA-MB, 1075 Leila Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2P 2W7 or email The Active Living Coalition for Older Adults in Manitoba (ALCOA-MB) is looking for Mature Beginners — older Manitobans who subscribe to the notion that it’s never too late to try something new. ALCOA-MB wants to collect your Active Aging Adventure stories. Tell us about your new or renewed experiences during Active Aging Week Sept. 21- 27 or throughout Seniors’ and Elders’ Month in October to be eligible for some great prizes — urban poles, pickleball paddles, custom cribbage boards, gift certificates and more.

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September 21-27, 2014 Active Aging Week 3

Add Life to YourYears Active Aging Week leads the way

E mbrace the spirit of Active Aging Week Sept. 21 -27 and reap rewards for years to come. This year’s theme is Let the Adventure Begin, and there’s no telling where it might lead you. The theme is all about encouraging older adults to try something new — or try something again, says Jim Evanchuk, executive director of the Active Living Coalition for Older Adults in Manitoba (ALCOA-MB). “The whole idea is just to give yourself license to get out and do something perhaps a little different than you are normally doing on a day-to-day basis. And it’s a personal thing — your adventure would be different from my adventure or it could be the same, but the whole idea is to seek out new things and challenge yourself to get out there

and do something.” Join a band, explore new experiences through volunteering, learn to dance a tango, or sign up for a class to learn about photography, computers or music history. Whatever floats your boat, chances are there’s a group or program to help you get started. You don’t have to be athletic to enjoy the benefits of physical fitness, from increased confidence and energy to improved mental and emotional health. Join an urban poling walking group, learn tai chi or take out a membership at a fitness centre. The Reh-Fit Centre is offering Active Aging Week workshops and programs from Sept. 22 - 28, and the Wellness Institute at Seven Oaks General

ALCOA-MB Executive Director Jim Evanchuk and urban poling walking group

16 - 18, 2015. ALCOA-MB is planning to work with seniors centres throughout Manitoba to explain how you can take part in everything from brain-healthy games like cribbage to floor shuffleboard, pickleball and track events. “It’s almost like an invitation to connect, try something out taste it,” Evanchuk says. “Of all the buffet of opportunities that are out there there’s got to be something that you’re really going to like.” This year’s theme is Let the Adventure Begin, and there’s no telling where it might lead you.

Hospital is holding its seventh annual Active Aging Day on Sept. 23 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m to offer healthy-living advice and information. Active Aging Week leads into Seniors’ and Elders’ Month, which runs through October. A free kickoff celebration at the RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg is set for Sept. 30 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., with live entertainment, activities, information booths and giveaways. ALCOA-MB encourages all community and government organizations, sports and recreation groups to create opportunities for older adults. And it encourages mature Manitobans to take full advantage of those opportunities to enhance their spiritual, intellectual and social lives, along with physical health. As the organizing body for the Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries 55+ Games, ALCOA-MB invites everyone who is 55 and older to participate when Beausejour hosts the Games from June

Errol Mondell playing pickleball

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Have a Nice Active Aging Day By Kathryne Cardwell For the Winnipeg Free Press

4 Active Aging Week September 21-27, 2014

Tuesday, September 23 Active Aging Open House 9:00 am -1:00 pm

F ourteen years ago, Errol Mondell hadn’t heard of active aging. His doctor had been warning him for years that he needed to lose weight, but at the age of 54, he finally decided to follow doctor’s orders. “For some reason, the way he mentioned it to me, I thought I’d better do something,” Mondell says. He lived only five minutes away from the Wellness Institute — a community fitness and health promotion centre run out of Seven Oaks General Hospital — so he dropped in one morning to try it out. He was hooked. Now 68, Mondell is a running buff who visits the Wellness Institute

Add life to your years and let the adventure begin! Join us for screenings, fitness classes, activity demos and exhibits and get a free 14-month calendar.

Osteoporosis Canada will measure guests and supply information on tracking potential spinal problems. One of the most popular sites is the activity area hosted by the Active Living Coalition for Older Adults in Manitoba (ALCOA-MB). Wellness Institute instructor and Active Aging Ambassador Murray Chimilar will offer low-impact spin (exercise bike) classes. If spinning isn’t for you, ALCOA-MB executive director Jim Evanchuk will be demonstrating other exercises for keeping fit at a comfortable pace. ALCOA-MB will also show off some fun senior team games, such as pickleball, and Wellness Consultants will hold stretch breaks every 15 minutes through the day. Visitors can write inspiring messages and post them on the Tree of Life display and receive an apple as a reward. Active Aging Ambassadors will circulate among visitors. Mondell will be joined by his good friend George Koch, who can’t wait to meet people and share his own story. Like Mondell, Koch led a largely sedentary lifestyle up until about 14 years ago. After retiring, he tried out the Wellness Institute, rediscovered his youthful love of running and made a host of new friendships. “It was a slow journey, but it was a wonderful journey,” he says. “I’ve enjoyed health benefits and joy along the way. Whatever individuals can do as they begin to age, adapt to health challenges, there’s something for everyone at the Wellness Institute.” The event kicks off at 9 a.m. with a speech by Dr. Kevin Saunders, “Exercise is Good Medicine.” Since space is limited for the keynote speech, visitors must register online at activeagingday/ or by calling 204-632-3900. Registration is not required for other Active Aging Day activities.

daily. He’s lost 60 pounds, gained a host of close friends and even ran the full Manitoba Marathon to celebrate his 60th birthday — although he doesn’t plan to make that a habit. “It was a lot of fun, but once was enough,” he laughs. Mondell’s success makes him a perfect role model, which is why he was selected as one of five ambassadors for the Wellness Institute’s seventh annual Active Aging Day on Sept. 23, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at 1075 Leila Avenue. The ambassadors will be greeting guests and sharing information at the free event, which shows middle-aged and older adults how to stay active and feel great as they age, and provides information to get started. Active Aging means keeping fit mentally, emotionally and socially as well as physically. It refers to a whole spectrum of care that can enhance overall well-being, not just physical health, says Ashley Derlago, Health Education and Lifestyle Coordinator at the Wellness Institute. “Someone who’s active is more likely to have a better life.” Studies show that active adults live longer and feel better. Active seniors typically boast better flexibility and balance (lowering their risks of dangerous falls), are less likely to develop chronic illness, and suffer lower instances of mental health problems such as depression. Active Aging Day covers the entire range of needs. Starting at 10 a.m., visitors can check out exhibits offering information on everything from nutrition to exercise programs to volunteer opportunities and fun activities. Visitors are given a passport and receive a stamp for every exhibit they visit, which makes them eligible for prize draws. Specialists will offer free health screenings in the Health Education rooms, including balance testing. Connect Hearing will offer hearing testing, and

opening keynote Exercise is Good Medicine Dr. Kevin Saunders Call to reserve a seat: 204-632-3900

Join us and meet our Active Aging Ambassadors. While you’re here, try a seniors’ spin class, check your hearing or enjoy our famer’s market. All event activities are free. Please sign in when you arrive . Non-members welcome. ing Ambassadors. While

Areyou sick and tired of being sick and tired? Take charge of your life with a free Get Better Together program near you or the Get Better Together Online workshop. Visit us at the Active Aging Open House for details!

GetBetter Together! Held at locations across Winnipeg and Manitoba. Supported by Manitoba Health and Regional Health Authorities.

REGISTER at the Wellness Institute: 204-632-3927 or

September 21-27, 2014 Active Aging Week 5

Get Up and Get Going Spice up your life with new activities

Local company prides itself on service

By Carolyn Kosheluk For the Winnipeg Free Press

R emember being a child, running on fields playing games with your friends? Remember the exhilaration, the thrills and the laughs? Why not recapture that feeling? “This is just as wonderful, and you still get in the zone like when you were a kid,” says Don Norquay, president and founder of the Golden Masters Soccer Club, whose players range in age from 50 to 81. “I can tell you, even if you are going half the speed that you might have gone when you were young, the experience is the same because most of the players are in the same boat. It feels just as fast.” Aging doesn’t mean giving up on fun and games. And with a growing number of programs designed for the 55+ crowd, there’s never been a better time to broaden your horizons. Jumping back into a high-energy childhood game is a great way to improve fitness and add some spice to your life. But many other programs can get you active and involved in an entirely new way — even if the very idea of exercise is foreign to you, says Janet Cranston, director of support services at the Reh-Fit Centre. “Even if you’re somebody who’s sedentary and not been physically active, there are programs that can teach you how to change that

behaviour and easily incorporate activity into your daily routine,” Cranston says. “These are great programs for people who are starting out and just don’t know how to become active.” The sooner you can get your body moving, the better you can enjoy everyday life well into your senior years. “It’s about having enough strength to function independently,” Cranston says. “People want to carry on with a lifestyle they are used to, and fitness allows them to function in daily life.” There is special training designed for people with different needs, so an injury or illness is no reason not to break out of a sedentary rut. There are programs designed for those with arthritis, those who are pre-habilitation (before treatment), and those with a variety of chronic diseases. Programs at the Reh-Fit Centre cover every fitness level on the spectrum, and Cranston suggests taking a chance on trying something completely new. The challenge of a new activity can be stimulating both physically and mentally — and it can also be a lot of fun. Options for seniors at the Reh-Fit Centre include line dancing — featuring music from all genres — an urban poling workshop that will

show you how to use poles to increase the health benefits of walking, and pickleball, a racquet sport that combines the speed of tennis with the skills of badminton. You might also want to try Pilates, Zumba dance fitness classes and even golf. Back at the Golden Masters Soccer Club, Norquay keeps four teams active year-round, thanks to indoor facilities. Some members learned to play as children, while others came to the game only as adults, but skills are allocated evenly across the club, so everyone can strive for the win and enjoy the competition regardless of athletic ability. Groups throughout the province provide countless opportunities to get out, get healthy and try something new. No matter what your fitness level now, a new challenge will help you feel good and boost your quality of life. All you need to do is get up and get going!

Aging doesn’t mean giving up on fun and games.

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6 Active Aging Week September 21-27, 2014

Meet the Wellness Institute’s

2014 Active Aging Ambassadors

On Active Aging Day Sept. 23, 2014

Errol Mondell Errol joined the Wellness Institute 14 years ago. This is where he met his very good friends, who encouraged him to take up running. Errol ran his first half marathon in 2003. In 2006, at the age of 60, he completed a full marathon. Now he enjoys using the elliptical, bike, weights and pool and you’ll often find him playing pickleball. Errol has been married for 45 years and enjoys quiet nights at home watching television and movies, and going out for breakfast with friends on Sundays. Errol’s Active Aging Advice: “Exercise makes you feel good. That’s the most motivating part about it.” Cheryl incorporates biking, resistance training, walking and the odd fitness class into her visits five days a week. She also volunteers for Seven Oaks General Hospital and, once a month, she also volunteers with her neighbour’s church making perogies. Cheryl’s Active Aging Advice: “Having a positive social network and striving to keep moving every day and that’s why I come to the Wellness Institute.” Cheryl Cole When Cheryl retired, she gave herself an option: Get a job or go to the gym. She chose the Wellness Institute and has enjoyed the friendly members and the healthy attitude for two years. “Everyone talks to each other. Shape, size and age do not matter.” George Koch 14 years ago, George joined Wellness Institute and he works out here seven days a week. “It motivates me and takes me back to when I was a teenager. This place is my second home and I have met some of my closest friends here.” George was a teacher for 30 years and retired four years ago. His passion is running and he has participated in a full marathon, a few half marathons and many 5K and 10K runs. He works as an educator at the Manitoba Lung Association and in his spare time, he gardens, referees minor tackle football, and goes for breakfast with friends. George’s Active Aging Advice: “Maintain a healthy level of activity, make healthy food choices, and enjoy all the happiness and joy that will bring.”

Judy Simcox Judy has been a member at the Wellness Institute for three years. She enjoys the classes, exercise equipment, meeting people and bringing her 86-year-old mother to the facility on guest day. After her heart attack, Judy participated in the Cardiac Rehabilitation program at the Wellness Institute. Today, she’s a fundamental part of the Get Better Together program and facilitates close to three programs a year. Judy does yoga, biking, walking, reading, knitting, and crocheting, all while being a caregiver for her mother. She spends summers at her trailer at a seasonal campground and enjoys visits to the beach, biking and walking with her close friends and her Shih Tzu poodle Abby. Judy’s Active Aging Advice: “Keeping active, eating right, positive interaction with others.” Murray Chimilar Murray became a member at the Wellness Institute in 1997 and he’s taught spinning classes at the institute since 2006. In 2000, Murray’s wife passed away, and for the first time in his life, he did not have the motivation to exercise. But after three weeks he returned, and he says, “it was the staff and my tremendous group of friends that helped and pushed me through it.” A leader and a motivator, Murray has been actively involved in starting a running program and many running and cycling events, often followed by a large potluck for members to share and celebrate their successes. Two years ago, Murray started the Wellness Institute’s Golf tournament to raise money to fight breast cancer. It was a huge success and this year’s event was even bigger and better. Murray’s Active Aging Advice: “It’s not about how you feel when you start, but how you feel when you finish.”

September 21-27, 2014 Active Aging Week 7

Where Grown-Ups Learn to Play

If you’ve ever wanted to play a musical instrument but never quite got around to it, or if you played way back in high school and want to take it up again, here’s your chance. Winnipeg’s New Horizons Band offers its 75-plus members an opportunity to develop their musical talents in a friendly, no-pressure atmosphere. A member of the New Horizons International Music Association, the band is comprised of three groups, each directed by an accomplished musical educator: People with little or no musical experience can learn to read music and develop their musicality in the Beginners group. Members with some musical experience can kickstart their memory and “develop their chops” in the Junior band. When they’re ready to take on a little more challenge, they can move up to the Intermediate band. “Regardless of the group you’re in, you’ll be in the company of players who are willing to coach and mentor you,” group president Kelly

Nichol says. The bands are made up of brass and woodwind instruments and members don’t even have to own an instrument — most music stores offer rental instruments so you can try before you buy. The membership fee ($240 for adults, $120 for students) covers the costs of facilities rentals, directors’ honoraria and all music, and the band doesn’t require a heavy time commitment. “Besides the Saturday morning practices, we perform two concerts each season,” Nichol says. “All you have to bring is a music stand, your instrument and yourself.” Dennis M. is a typical member. Recently retired, he played tenor saxophone in a high school band years ago. Since then, the sax lay unused under the guest room bed until last year, when he joined the Beginners group. ”It’s been great fun,” Dennis says. ”A very professional and helpful director, friendly people and a great diversion for a retiree.”

g r o u p , meet people with a common interest and

keep your mind sharp, come out to a practice. The band meets every Saturday morning from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. at Fort Garry United Church, 800 Point Rd. If you have an instrument, bring it along. With us, you can make beautiful music. For more information, email Carl Radimer at or Kelly Nichol at

“All you have to bring is a music stand, your instrument and yourself.”

So, if you’d like to learn or relearn music, get the satisfaction of being a team player in a larger

8 Active Aging Week September 21-27, 2014


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Kerri Irvin-Ross MLA for Fort Richmond 204-475-9433

James Allum MLA for Fort Garry-Riverview 204-475-2270

Theresa Oswald MLA for Seine River 204-255-7840

Jim Rondeau MLA for Assiniboia 204-888-7722

Bidhu Jha MLA for Radisson 204-222-0074

Gord Mackintosh MLA for St. Johns 204-582-1550

September 21-27, 2014 Active Aging Week 9

2014 Active Aging Week & Seniors’ and Elders’ Month Events

Wednesday Sept. 24 Picture Perfect Posture From 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. at the Wellness Institute. The right posture can help you stay independent as you age. Learn to strengthen your back, shoulders and core for better balance.

Thursday, Oct. 16 South Winnipeg Seniors Resource Council (SWSRC) 20th Anniversary Open House Drop by the SWSRC at Corydon Community Centre – Crescentwood site at 1170 Corydon Ave., from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. SWSRC connects older adults and their families with resources, programs and community organizations. Contact SWSRC Resource Coordinator Lynda Quinn at 204-478-6169 or email Thursday, Oct. 23 Healthy Eating as You Age From 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Wellness Institute. Support your challenging body by choosing foods that deliver your daily needs. Wednesday, Oct. 29 Carman Health Fair Visit the Carman Community Hall in Carman, Manitoba, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., to take part in interactive displays including urban poling demonstrations. You’ll find information about active aging health resources and more. Contact Chantal Chevalier, Healthy Living Facilitator at 204- 248-8000 or email Good Neighbours Active Living Centre along with the Healthy Aging Resource Team and River East Council on Seniors have organized this “Roaring ’20s” theme health fair, on from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Good Neighbours Active Living Centre, 720 Henderson Hwy. Public Health from ACCESS River East will be doing flu immunizations by appointment on this day as well. Contact Eleanor or Karen at 204-940- 2114 or email Thursday, Oct. 30 Roaring ’20s Health Fair

Thursday, Nov. 20 Finding Time for Healthy Eating From 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Wellness Institute. Join our registered dietitian to discover some great tips on grocery shopping, meal preparation, portion control and more. Get into the Fun & Games 1,000 older Manitobans showed “Active People ‘R’ Attractive People” in the 2014 Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries 55 Plus Games in Neepawa this summer. ALCOA-MB invites you to “Get into the Fun & Games.” Contact ALCOA-MB if you would like to have a presentation/demonstration about the Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries 55 Plus Games. These annual age-friendly games, which will be held in Beausejour June 16 - 18, 2015, are growing in popularity with more Manitoba 55+ women and men getting involved all the time. Contact: Karyn Heidrick, ALCOA-MB 55+ Games Coordinator at 204-261-9257 (toll-free at 1-855-261-9257) or email Join Winnipeg in motion on YouTube Winnipeg in motion has created a YouTube Channel that includes their excellent energizers videos and the in motion older adult exercise DVD along with other interesting links. Check out the videos at For more information on the new YouTube Channel or other Winnipeg in motion programs, contact Kristine Hayward, Physical Activity Promotion/ in motion Coordinator at 204-232-7546 or email

Let the Adventure Begin! – Start Your Adventure during Active Aging Week. The Active Living Coalition for Older Adults in Manitoba (ALCOA-MB), an official champion of “Changing the Way We Age,” is once again partnering with the International Council on Active Aging to promote Active Aging Week, Sept. 21 – 27, 2014. Here are some of the events you’re encouraged to participate in during Active Aging Week and Seniors’ and Elders’ Month, which encompasses the entire month of October. Sept. 22 - Oct. 30 Reh-Fit Centre Educational Workshops for Healthy Aging Reh-Fit Centre offers a variety of educational workshops throughout Active Aging Week and Seniors’ & Elders’ Month on topics including: The Importance of Strength Training for Older Adults, Exercising with Arthritis, Keeping Your Loved Ones Active Through Exercise, Exercising with Asthma, Mental Health – Ideas for Keeping a Healthy Brain, and more. For more information about these and other programs, visit the website at, phone 204-488-8023, or contact Janet Cranston, Director of Support Services: Phone 204-488- 5855 or email Tuesday, Sept. 23 Active Aging Day at the Wellness Institute The seventh annual Active Aging Day at the Wellness Institute at Seven Oaks General Hospital runs from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Drop in for free screenings, classes, demonstrations and fitness and health information. Keynote: “Exercise is Good Medicine,” presented by Dr. Kevin Saunders at 9 a.m. Pre-registration is required for the keynote as space is limited. For more information, contact Ashley Derlago, Health Education & Lifestyle Coordinator: Phone 204-632-3909, fax 204-694-2712 or email

Tuesday, Sept. 30 Seniors’ and Elders’ Day

A free kickoff event at the RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg to celebrate Seniors’ & Elders Month runs from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., with entertainment, information and activities. Doors open at 9:15 a.m. For more information, visit

or contact the Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat: Phone 204-945-6565 or email Thursday, Oct. 2 Transcona Health Fair

Transcona Council for Seniors is hosting this annual event at Kildonan Place Shopping Mall, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. It includes a variety of healthy aging information booths and demonstrations. Contact the Transcona Council for Seniors at 204-222-9879 or email Thursday, Oct. 9 Motivate Yourself to Move From 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Wellness Institute. Boost your motivation and learn practical ways to overcome the barriers that keep you from achieving your physical activity goals.

Wednesday, Oct. 15 Teulon & District Health & Wellness Fair & Flu Clinic

The Teulon & District Seniors Resource Council is hosting this event at the Teulon-Rockwood Centennial Centre, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Contact the council at 204-886-2570 or email

Activate your life in Brandon

Brandon University Healthy Living Centre (HLC) is buzzing with activity this fall, and we are very excited to celebrate Active Aging Week Sept. 22 - 27. This will mark our first time hosting Active Aging Week at the HLC and we hope to encourage more of our 50+ community and HLC members to try out the facility. We are partnering with Prairie Mountain Health and Healthy Brandon, which is supported by Healthy Together Now. We have enlisted the help of an athletic therapist, podiatrist, physiotherapist, personal trainer and dietitian to lead specialized workshops and sessions on stretching for your age, utilizing weights to improve bone density, eating strategies when you are active, and much more. Sessions are free and will run Monday to Friday around 9 a.m. each

day. Pre-register at our Customer Service Centre front desk, call 204- 727-9756 or just sign in on the day of your session. We host many other activities and events throughout the year. Our Campus Recreation program provides a variety of exercise programs from yoga to Zumba. Our indoor track is ideal for walking or jogging in the winter months. Facility manager Maureen Bonar says it’s great to see multiple generations take advantage of the HLC. “It is so wonderful to see grandparents walking with grandchildren or parents and children working out together. These role models are setting these children up with healthy lifestyles for the future.” For more information, call 204-727-9756 or visit us online at

10 Active Aging Week September 21-27, 2014

The Quest for Knowledge is a Great Adventure!

By Carin Crowel For the Winnipeg Free Press

Boomer and pre-Boomer generations have fully accepted the notion that we can and should remain physically active. We all want to make the most of our “golden years” by being healthy and as active as our bodies will al- low. We also recognize that our brains require exercise too. The popular- ity of crossword puzzles, Luminosity and other brain exercises is expand- ing as fast as the greying population. The quest for knowledge does not end as we age — in fact, quite the opposite. Time that was so elusive during our working years is now more available. We can indulge in areas of learning we had previously put on the shelf to explore at a later date. The University of Winnipeg’s 55+ Program offers a wide variety of cours- es, ranging from music to religion, politics and history and so much more. My husband and I first registered four years ago, and we both look for- ward to the arrival of the course outlines so we can choose the ones of interest to us. Courses vary in length from four - 12 weeks. We have met many inter- esting classmates and look forward to sharing opinions and experiences with them. The campus itself is an exciting place, and it’s invigorating to be around young students. Sometimes on those cold north-wind blow-


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DAVID G. VINCENT TANIS B. JURY IF YOU ARE A SENIOR ... You should ensure that you have the following in place: Will • The Executor - the person who will administer your Will and Estate; make decisions on your behalf; file appropriate tax returns; protect and preserve your assets and follow your wishes. • The beneficiaries - this includes making special provisions for beneficiaries with special needs. • Handling your funeral and burial arrangements. Power of Attorney You may become incapacitated and/or unable to manage your affairs personally. Without a designated Power of Attorney, the Public Trustee can assume control of your assets and administer your affairs. Alternatively, someone else can apply to the court to obtain control, but this may We can help you remove the burden and the pressure from your loved ones of having to guess your wishes by preparing a document that will enable treatment decisions to be based on your health care directives. Standard Fees* Seniors Last Will and Testament $175.00 $150.00 Power of Attorney $125.00 $100.00 Health Care Directive $75.00 $50.00 Home Visit - Extra charge of $125.00 *plus GST & PST - rates are based per person prove to be a lengthy and costly procedure. Health Care Directive (Living Will)

ing January days, it’s a challenge to leave your nice warm home and venture out to attend class, but once there, you find many others who eagerly at- tend despite the weather. Taking a course increases your motivation to be in- volved in all areas of life. It is a life-enhancing expe- rience that goes beyond the classroom — with the bonus of coffee and a scone at Stella’s after class. Physical exercise leaves us feeling good about our- selves; our muscles are working and our bodies feel alive. Mental exercise provides stimulation and in- teraction, challenging us to keep our minds moving and wanting more! The quest for knowledge does not end as we age — in fact, quite the opposite.

Winnipeg’s 7th Annual

September 27 & 28, 2014

September 21-27, 2014 Active Aging Week 11

Time for Learning at Creative Retirement

By Carolyn Kosheluk For the Winnipeg Free Press

D’Arcy Mansell’s 92-year-old grandfather recently wrote his memoirs from the Second World War. It’s a family treasure filled with personal stories and photos. He had the skills and confidence to tackle the project — using a computer and a scanner — after taking an Introduction to Computers class at Creative Retirement Manitoba (CRM). Mansell, who is CRM co-executive director, Marketing and Resource Development, says technology-focused workshops and classes are among the most sought-after programs. “These courses are really popular because when people don’t keep up with technology, to some degree they feel like they have been left out of the loop,” she says. Senior students can learn about programs such as those in the Microsoft Office suite, and they can get into the nitty-gritty of specific devices like smart TVs, tablets, GPS systems and smartphones. As our population ages, continuing education programs and clubs for older adults are growing in availability and variety. Some are community-based, through neighbourhood centres, while more extensive programs are delivered through education-focused organizations like CRM and the University of Winnipeg’s 55 Plus Program. Beyond gaining practical knowledge, Mansell says there are other quality-of-life benefits that contribute to overall well-being. Pursuing lifelong learning helps maintain mental sharpness, contributes to personal growth and strengthens social ties. “When people retire, they find that a lot of their social circle has been with co-workers, and so at 55 or 65, they suddenly don’t have that anymore,” Mansell says. “When people come here, they can meet new people with similar interests and develop great friendships. For example, in our Advanced French Class there are some people who have been studying together for 10 years.” Lectures and special-interest workshops provide opportunities to connect with others who share common interests. Students can dive into genealogy, current events or human rights. They can learn how to safeguard against identity theft or tackle estate planning. They can study up on birding and even learn about UFOs in Canada. For seniors who crave deeper focus and discussion, clubs are another great option. These provide a truly interactive format for sharing experiences and knowledge. CRM’s photography club proved that when members attended the Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries 55+ Games in Neepawa this summer — their work is featured on the cover and within the pages of this publication. Retirement means a big life change for most people. But for those who seize the opportunity, newfound spare time can be the ideal time for learning. Check out Creative Retirement Manitoba’s program guide online at, at Winnipeg Public Libraries, in most Safeway stores and at CRM’s offices at 270 Sherbrook St.

T Thorvaldson Care Center An Intermediate Care Facility for Seniors 495 Stradbrook Ave. • Winnipeg Please call for more information or to arrange a tour Jocelyn Thorvaldson (204) 452-4044 (weekdays) www. E-mail: Over 55 years of caring for Seniors!

Wise students learn about owls at a Whoo’s Who lecture. Photo courtesy of Creative Retirement Manitoba

What does Intermediate Personal Care offer? • 24 hour care / supervision by Health CareAides • Registered Nurse on-site (weekdays) • Medications, inhalers, eyedrops are administered • Monitored blood sugar / blood pressure • Bloodwork, Xray services • Medical appts / transportation arranged • Assist with bathing (complete assist), dressing, hygiene • Assist with catheters / oxygen • Private, bedsitting room with bathroom • Two nurse call buttons in each suite • Three home-cooked meals per day plus snacks • Housekeeping (daily), Laundry (personal and linens) • Accredited Activity Director & Recreation Programs

Thorvaldson Care Center is a government licensed, family owned and operated Intermediate Care facility providing care to seniors since 1959. We offer a moderately sized, non-institutional environment with professional services to meet the needs of those in the later stages of life. ‘Intermediate’ personal care is provided to those who are no longer able to manage/cope in their current living situation due to increasing needs, yet are not quite ready for placement in a Personal Care Home. Thorvaldson Care Center is the only Intermediate Care facility in Manitoba.

Calling all Baby Boomers

For as long as we can remember, retirees have been the driving force behind so much goodwill in our communities. We’ve all heard of professional volunteers — those who dedicate an enormous amount of time and energy to their communities — and most of us have benefitted from their service, directly or indirectly. But society is changing and so are the ways in which people volunteer their time. The Boomer generation — Canadians born between 1947 and 1966 — will face a host of time pressures that the generation before them did not. For example, the high-cost of child care means grandparents often fill the role of caregiver while the parents go to work. To accommodate this new generation, non-profits and charities are rethinking how they structure volunteer jobs. With 80% of Canada’s non-profits and charities relying almost completely on volunteer hours to stay open, it’s become important to develop programs that cater to the needs of the Boomer generation. Some good news: The new generation of volunteers will include more people than ever before who have enjoyed long, successful and challenging careers. As the demands that work and family have placed on them change, Boomers have the potential to become a social resource by actively participating in the growth and development of their communities. One emerging trend in the volunteer sector is to capitalize on their wealth of knowledge by offering them shorter-term, more substantial volunteer roles (similar to consulting work). It sounds like a radical departure, but these new roles are best suited to the skills and experiences of the Boomer generation. Some Boomers are nervous about stepping away from work for the first time. Leaving work can also mean the loss of a social network, and volunteering is a great way to address that. Volunteering can provide a way to keep the mind active and lives full of purpose. What do Boomers have to give? They bring to the table a wealth of life and career experience. Boomers can make a big impact by sharing their wisdom and perspective. Boomers represent a growing force that is ripe with potential. With more Canadians retiring earlier, post- work years are becoming almost as long as work years. As a result, many Canadians have discovered the fulfillment and satisfaction of volunteering after 50 years of age. For information on where you can find a volunteer opportunity, please contact Volunteer Manitoba. Visit or call 204-477-5180.

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September 21-27, 2014 Active Aging Week 13

Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries has IMPACT

W heelchair rugby player Jared Funk is used to being a role model to other athletes. But the three-time Paralympics medalist was inspired himself when he attended the Mani- toba Liquor & Lotteries 55+ Games in Neepawa in June. Meeting participants — including one woman in her 90s whose time in the Predicted Walk was much faster than expected — Funk says he enjoyed the spirit of competition. “It was great to go to the Games and watch some of the athletes do their stuff,” he says. “They go into it and it’s just the eye of the tiger and it’s great. It never ends, no matter if you’re playing high level or whether you’re in the Senior Games and it’s great to see that.” Funk is one of five Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries IMPACT (Inspire, Moti- vate, Participate, Achieve, Champion, Team) Ambassadors who attend community events throughout the province. Funk and his fellow ambassadors — Kaitlyn Lawes (2014 Olympic Gold Medalist on the Jennifer Jones curling team), Janine Hanson (2012 Olympic Silver Medalist in rowing), Reid Carruthers (2014 Provincial Curling Champion on the Jeff Stoughton team) and retired CFL player Obby Khan — have attended more than 120 events on behalf of Mani- toba Liquor & Lotteries (MBLL) so far this year. MBLL gives $6 million annually to support community organizations and events ranging from the 55+ Games to golf tournaments, fund- raising galas and festivals. “There were 40 festivals that we went to this year that were part of the volunteer initiative,” Funk says, adding MBLL offers hands-on help as

well as financial sup- port. Ambassadors sign autographs, pose for photos and join the fun — Funk even judged the Spud Baby contest at the Portage Potato Festival in Au- gust.

“We do a lot of speak- ing engagements,” he says. “We can share our stories about how we became an athlete and what it takes to become an elite ath- lete, but also just give, hopefully, inspiration to the others — whether it be kids or whether it be adults — just to keep pressing forward and do your best.” MBLL has several other programs that support the community as well. Its Flight Deck program provides amateur sports teams with tick- ets for Winnipeg Jets and Winnipeg Blue Bombers home games. The Bingo Volunteer Program at Casinos of Winnipeg offers opportunities for fundraising to hundreds of sports, arts, multicultural, education and service groups. And Funk says he appreciates the direct support

The IMPACT athletes, from left: Kaitlyn Lawes (2014 Olympic Gold Medalist on the Jennifer Jones curling team), Janine Hanson (2012 Olympic Silver Medalist in rowing), Jared Funk (wheelchair rugby, three-time Paralympics Medalist), retired CFL player Obby Khan and Reid Carruthers (2014 Provincial Curling Champion on the Jeff Stoughton team).

for the IMPACT athletes. “It’s been great so far this year. I can’t wait for the rest of the year.” Whether he attends as an IMPACT Team Ambassador or not, Funk says he plans to take in the Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries 55+ Games in Beausejour June 16 - 18, 2015. “My parents are over 55 plus, so I’m going to see if they want to start playing.”


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