10 Active Aging Week September 21-27, 2014
The Quest for Knowledge is a Great Adventure!
By Carin Crowel For the Winnipeg Free Press
Boomer and pre-Boomer generations have fully accepted the notion that we can and should remain physically active. We all want to make the most of our “golden years” by being healthy and as active as our bodies will al- low. We also recognize that our brains require exercise too. The popular- ity of crossword puzzles, Luminosity and other brain exercises is expand- ing as fast as the greying population. The quest for knowledge does not end as we age — in fact, quite the opposite. Time that was so elusive during our working years is now more available. We can indulge in areas of learning we had previously put on the shelf to explore at a later date. The University of Winnipeg’s 55+ Program offers a wide variety of cours- es, ranging from music to religion, politics and history and so much more. My husband and I first registered four years ago, and we both look for- ward to the arrival of the course outlines so we can choose the ones of interest to us. Courses vary in length from four - 12 weeks. We have met many inter- esting classmates and look forward to sharing opinions and experiences with them. The campus itself is an exciting place, and it’s invigorating to be around young students. Sometimes on those cold north-wind blow-
Winnipeg, MB R2M 3A4 200 - 99 Scurfield Blvd., Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1Y1 207-2211M c Phillips St. Winnipeg, MB R2V 3M5 204-989-4236
DAVID G. VINCENT TANIS B. JURY IF YOU ARE A SENIOR ... You should ensure that you have the following in place: Will • The Executor - the person who will administer your Will and Estate; make decisions on your behalf; file appropriate tax returns; protect and preserve your assets and follow your wishes. • The beneficiaries - this includes making special provisions for beneficiaries with special needs. • Handling your funeral and burial arrangements. Power of Attorney You may become incapacitated and/or unable to manage your affairs personally. Without a designated Power of Attorney, the Public Trustee can assume control of your assets and administer your affairs. Alternatively, someone else can apply to the court to obtain control, but this may We can help you remove the burden and the pressure from your loved ones of having to guess your wishes by preparing a document that will enable treatment decisions to be based on your health care directives. Standard Fees* Seniors Last Will and Testament $175.00 $150.00 Power of Attorney $125.00 $100.00 Health Care Directive $75.00 $50.00 Home Visit - Extra charge of $125.00 *plus GST & PST - rates are based per person prove to be a lengthy and costly procedure. Health Care Directive (Living Will)
ing January days, it’s a challenge to leave your nice warm home and venture out to attend class, but once there, you find many others who eagerly at- tend despite the weather. Taking a course increases your motivation to be in- volved in all areas of life. It is a life-enhancing expe- rience that goes beyond the classroom — with the bonus of coffee and a scone at Stella’s after class. Physical exercise leaves us feeling good about our- selves; our muscles are working and our bodies feel alive. Mental exercise provides stimulation and in- teraction, challenging us to keep our minds moving and wanting more! The quest for knowledge does not end as we age — in fact, quite the opposite.
Winnipeg’s 7th Annual
September 27 & 28, 2014
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