Active Aging Adventure Contest
The Active Aging Adventure Contest is open to all Manitobans who are 55 years of age or older. Take the opportunity to explore and try something you have not tried before or that you have not done in quite some time. Then tell your story and share your adventure. ALCOA-MB will compile all the stories in an Active Aging Adventure List and post them on the ALCOA-MB website starting in January, 2015. The Active Aging Adventure List will also be made available in print. No matter where you live and no matter how long you have lived, you have many adventures still ahead! Be adventurous! Allow yourself to be a beginner! Nobody starts off being excellent at anything — so whatever you do, give it a chance for success! Write about your Active Aging Adventure, using the following questions as a guide: What did you try? What inspired you to try it? How did it make you feel? Are you going to try it again? Would you encourage others of your age and ability to try this experience? What advice would you give them to make it a pleasurable experience? How can other older adults get involved? What is the next thing on your Active Aging Adventure List? What opportunities for older adults would you like to see more of in your community? Active Aging Adventure Contest Rules 1. All entries must be handwritten (in legible writing) or typed and postmarked no later than Oct. 31, 2014. You can enter as many adventures as you like. Winners will be notified by Dec. 1, 2014. 2. All participants must be 55 years of age or older by Oct. 31, 2014 with their primary residence being in Manitoba. 3. Each Active Aging Adventure story is to be a maximum of 1,000 words. All entries will be reviewed by an ALCOA-MB committee comprised of older Manitobans. We will post the prize-winning entries on the ALCOA-MB website and will endeavour to include every entry we receive. Send your entry along with your name, age, mailing address, phone number and email address (if any) to: ALCOA-MB, 1075 Leila Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2P 2W7 or email The Active Living Coalition for Older Adults in Manitoba (ALCOA-MB) is looking for Mature Beginners — older Manitobans who subscribe to the notion that it’s never too late to try something new. ALCOA-MB wants to collect your Active Aging Adventure stories. Tell us about your new or renewed experiences during Active Aging Week Sept. 21- 27 or throughout Seniors’ and Elders’ Month in October to be eligible for some great prizes — urban poles, pickleball paddles, custom cribbage boards, gift certificates and more.
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