MBiz | Winter 2021


enough product will be available for sale when demand increases. “Going step-by-step helps you to work out the kinks in your business and learn what you can improve on, and then you get your brand recognition locally, which is really important,” Minish-Wytinck says. Making sure that you live and breathe your value proposition, and that the people you are marketing to understand it, underpins every- thing else. “I can’t stress enough how important that

value proposition is,” she says. “Your product has to solve problems for people. If you don’t have a value proposition of something you’re providing to the store or the customer, you’re just going to be another product on the shelf.” That means showing why the product is made and who is behind it, she says. “And then you can get some really great brand- ing based on who you are, what you stand for, and what you want your business to be about. When people feel more connected to you, they feel more connected to your business.”

She walks that talk by sharing her own sto- ries through social media. “It’s always really important with my chef’s background, because I think it brings a lot of credibility to the industry when we show we understand how the food industry works and that we can create a product with experiences we’ve had in recipe development,” she says. “It’s just important to have your story, and I think that businesses tend to not do that enough. Your personal story is not just who you are, it adds to the fabric of your business.” ■

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