MBiz | Winter 2021

DRIVER #5 Workplace Happiness: Create and sustain a psychologically healthy workforce. Scientific studies show that productivity, creativity, and profits directly corelate to the level of wellbeing experienced by employees in an organization. A Health Canada study showed that a stressful work culture creates three times the risk of heart attacks, two to three times the mental health problems and two times the number of conflicts. On the other hand, happy workplaces are shown to be ten times more productive 1 . (Shawn Achor) At the end of the day, losses due to injury, illness and property damage are paid from your company’s profits. Enlightened leaders are realizing that effective safety management demonstrates the true value the organization places on its human capital and that it has a positive effect on the bottom line. THREE TOOLS TO HELP: 1. Get the complete Top Drivers of Safety ROI Self-Assessment at 1lifewss.com/top-5-drivers-of-safety-roi/ 2. Schedule a Free 90-minute Safety Profit Consult with a 1Life Senior Safety Professional 3. Book a Free Safety Profit Gap Analysis (available exclusively to Manitoba Chambers members)

We created The Safety Profit Program™ to help you achieve BOTH greater levels of workplace safety AND bottom-line profitability. It is based on our experience of working with hundreds of companies. We have seen many businesses lose a lot of money, lose important relationships, and even lose t heir business because they don’t have an effective plan to take care of their people and meet their legal safety requirements.

This is an advanced program that takes your safety management to a much higher level and it ’ s only available from 1Life. We realize this program is not for everyone . It is for successful business owners and leaders who care about their people, are profit-driven, forward-thinking, and want to be compliant with safety regulations. They are also coachable, good implementers, and good delegators. If you are someone like that, you would benefit from this advanced program. If you ’re serious about turning your safety compliance into a business performance driver, book a Safety Profit Session with one of our Safety Professionals now. On this call, you will learn your Safety Profit Score , and receive a customized action plan that will get you results ASAP.

Contact us to set up a 10-minute call to see if we are a fit for each other.

1Life Workplace Safety Solutions is proud to partner with the MCC and support entrepreneurial success, prosperous communities, and a strong future for our province.

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