Give | Fall 2023

Change a child’s life by supporting CHFM

Travis Price Heart Centre play tree waiting area. Submitted photo

By Janine LeGal T he benefits of giving are immeasur - able — not only for those on the receiv- ing end but also for the givers. Wide-ranging research consistently shows that the act of giving can result in sig- nificant health benefits, including a decrease in stress, an increase in happiness and feelings of gratitude, which are essential to overall well-being. Manitobans know this and have invariably been the most generous in the country. Our province continues to reclaim the title of most people per capita who donate to chari- ties, according to Statistics Canada. Stefano Grande, CEO of the Children’s Hos - pital Foundation of Manitoba (CHFM), appreci - ates this prairie province trait. The former CEO of Downtown Winnipeg BIZ is a community builder, collaborator and connector, with a passion for the city and prov- ince and a profound interest in positively im - pacting children’s health. The husband and fa -

ther recently celebrated five years with the CHFM. “It’s been an incredible journey, a journey of trying to improve our hospital and health care for our children in our province,” he says. “It’s been inspiring how the vision of our doctors and health leadership have inspired the donors to be part of that transformation. It’s been very humbling to see the generosity of Manitobans.” The Better Futures campaign, Manitoba’s largest-ever donor-driven fundraising campaign in support of child health, hopes to raise $75 million for chil - dren’s health care and health research in Manitoba.

Dr. Goodbear, 2023 champion child Keira and Stefano Grande,

CEO of the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba. Submitted photo

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Manitoba 11

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