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make a donation to the area of greatest need or set up a gift in memoriam, such as through the Tree of Life fundraising drive in November. You can also arrange a monthly gift, no matter how humble. As well, you can specify if you’d like your donation to support a specific project, research area, equipment or program need. “Monthly donors can provide an incred- ible base of ongoing support. It doesn’t have to be large amounts, but when you have many monthly donors, all con- tributing and doing their bit, big things happen,” Einarson says. “We rely on the kindness of people making gifts of whatever size they can, in whatever way they want. We have a great website where people can go and support specific campaigns, so people have a bit of choice there. And, ultimately, we’re just grateful for every solitary person who gives us whatever they wish.” Visit to learn more.
imaging services by adding a second CT scanner, a new digital X-ray and ultra- sound. At the same time, they also added echocardiogram services. The work to improve the quality and breadth of ser- vices continues with the Intensive Care Critical Need Capital Campaign. “All of this is because now, as an acute care hospital serving the entire city, our patient volumes have increased dramati- cally. We’re so excited about what this will mean for the Grace. We currently have a 10-bed ICU, but the space is old. It’s not ideal,” Einarson explains. “This new ICU is intended to be up to 20 beds, all brand-new construction and completely state of the art. So that will address not just our growing and emerg- ing needs at the Grace but also for the city ICU capacity and, in certain cases, the province — so it’s a big deal for the health-care system.” If you are inclined to discover ways to support the work at Grace Hospital, you can contribute to a specific campaign,
When you have many
monthly donors, all contributing and doing their bit, big things happen”
— Jon Einarson, executive director, Grace Hospital Foundation
Photo by Darcy Finley
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