MBiz | Winter 2022


REALTORS® at the Forefront of Economic Development Effort

On behalf of the over 2,600 real estate pro- fessionals in Manitoba, The Manitoba Real Estate Association (MREA) has launched a new campaign aimed at promoting business investment in the province. Launched in September 2022, the campaign focuses on real estate practitioners in the United States – specifically, in the key trad- ing markets of Minnesota and Illinois. The MREA has developed an informative website and digital resources to promote Manitoba’s economic and lifestyle advantages to com- mercial REALTORS® in these regions. Through targeted social media, the cam- paign highlights the benefits of doing busi- ness in Manitoba with the goal of connecting commercial REALTORS® in the Minneapolis and Chicago regions with the resources and services to learn about the competitive ad- vantages of investing here. “REALTORS® are proud to be proactive partners in a Team Manitoba approach to attracting business, investment, and resi- dents to our province,” said MREA CEO David Salvatore. “When new companies invest here, it benefits everyone – our communi-

ties and neighbourhoods.” “At MREA, we believe industry associations can play a valuable role in promoting Mani- toba and this campaign builds on the great work REALTORS® are doing to raise aware- ness of the opportunities that exist here.” The MREA is pleased to support the work the Manitoba government, Economic De- velopment Winnipeg, and Rural Manitoba Economic Development Corporation are do- ing to demonstrate that Manitoba is open for business, Salvatore noted. “We are confident this campaign will provide a gateway for real estate industry players in the United States to reach out to and learn more from Manitoba’s investment attraction experts.” With over 1.6 million REALTORS® across North America, MREA members are part of a growing network of business and community leaders located throughout the continent. To view the MREA’s new Invest in Manitoba website, visit RealEstateManitoba.com/Invest



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