Founded in 1962, Atom-Jet Indus- tries ( is celebrat- ing a landmark 60th anniversary as a manufacturer of quality agriculture and industrial products helping to build and grow businesses. “When the company was started — and this is how it got its name — they manufactured atomizers, an older version of a humidifier, which injected water into the air,” says Terry Dorratt, vice-president of sales and manufac- turing operations at the Brandon-based business. “Once the atomizer became obsolete, the machining division grew — a service that will be around for many, many years.” As technology changes, so does Atom-Jet. “I like to use the word ‘evolution’ because I don’t think you can remain in business for 60 years without evolving, whether that’s your team or your prod- uct or your clientele,” Dorratt says. “Our customers include anyone involved in industry: agriculture, plant maintenance, plant infrastruc- ture, trucking companies. We serve a wide range of needs from the big multi-nationals to the local farmer, everyone from southwestern Manitoba and throughout Canada to the United States, Europe and Australia.” Today, the company comprises two divisions: a machine shop division and a manufacturing division. Atom-Jet’s manufacturing division pro- duces seeding openers, fertilizer knives, ground engagement equipment and
tools, with 80 per cent of its business in the western Canadian market. “Our machine shop does a lot of OEM (original equipment manufacture) work and custom one-off jobs for different plants around Brandon,” Dorratt says. “Our manufacturing division has more of a global reach and ships product around the world. We produce hydrau- lic kits for older legacy tractors, so it’s a pretty wide product lineup within each of our divisions.” Under the leadership of Barry LaRocque, Atom-Jet took a big leap forward in 2011 when it purchased Glendale Industries, which manufac- tures potable water and septic tanks, does structural steel construction and fabrication along with powder coating — leading to further business growth for the group. “We’ve developed eight new patents over the last seven or eight years and we continue to release about two or three new products a year. This has been driven by Barry’s direction to innovate, beginning with his purchase of the busi- ness in 2002,” Dorratt says. “We continue to build our culture on the founder’s talent for innovation and development to spur growth of the busi- ness and to sustain us into the future.” But there’s more to good business than growth. Atom-Jet Industries’ core values are a big part of what brings customers to — and keeps them with — the company. “Our clients choose us because of our
ATOM-JET CONTINUES TO GROW FORWARD BY WENDY KING With its “retro-futuristic” name, Atom-Jet Industries sounds like a company right out of a science fiction novel. But with roots in an innovative past and a global reach into an exciting future, the moniker seems just right for the times.
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