No. 1 core value: respect,” Dorratt says. “We treat that multi-national cus- tomer with the same attention as our in- dividual customers in providing service, due date performance and the quality of goods that we’re servicing or producing. The way we deal with our customers, big and small, is truly one of the things that sets us apart from our competitors.” Those proud values are exemplified by the company’s owner, Barry LaRocque. “Barry is very dedicated to Assiniboine Community College (ACC). He has actu- ally earned three certificates from ACC over the years. He’s very dedicated to developing the trades. He sits on the Industrial Metals Fabrication program advisory committee since 2008, and he’s very committed to the apprentice programs,” Dorratt says. “And he has been a generous donor along with volunteering his time.” LaRocque has been nominated this fall for an award from Assiniboine Commu-
nity College as an outstanding alumnus for the Distinguished Alumni Award. “In concert with our 60th anniversary, Barry LaRocque has made a $60,000 donation to the Prairie Innovation Cen- tre through ACC,” Dorratt says. Atom-Jet has also been ranked as one of Manitoba’s Top 50 growing businesses over the last decade. “We’re quite proud of that honour, es- pecially since we have a number of ACC alumni working for us. It’s just such an important part of our community story.” Atom-Jet has also been ranked as one of Manitoba’s Top 50 growing business- es over the last decade. That expansion
has been possible with a great team. “We have a very good blend of veter- ans, seasoned, committed staff and new upcoming people with different educa- tions and a different work experience,” he says. “Within the last three years, we’ve had three people retire with between 30 and 42 years under their belts, but we’re also actively recruiting to have new apprentices join the shop along with skilled trades.” The company continues to deepen its roots in the community while branching out into global markets. “We are ‘growing forward,’ building on our strong team, bringing good people into the organization,” Dorratt says. “We’ll keep pursuing new markets and new products with our dedicated teams in research and development, and those that look for opportunities within the agricultural market and beyond, into other industries and services.” ■
7 WINTER 2022
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