Spring 2023
Jonathon Lyon President and CEO Health Sciences Centre Foundation
Karen Fowler President and CEO St. Boniface Hospital Foundation
Stefano Grande President and CEO Children’s Hospital Foundation
Photo by Darcy Finley
Spring 2023
Manitobans are incredibly generous at heart.
We work hard to build our lives and support the community around us. So many of us want important organizations to thrive — even after we’re gone. For this reason, we must plan for the future. Planning will likely involve difficult decisions and discussions with loved ones. The Lifestyles department at the Free Press created GIVE magazine to help guide you through this process. This is the first issue of GIVE magazine. We chose the cover to highlight three important Manitoba foundations: HSC Foundation, St. Boniface Hospital Foundation and the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba. It’s often been said that without health you have nothing. Few of us have been blessed to live void of health concerns. These organizations work hard to provide excellent health care today while tirelessly looking to improve care in the future. Manitoba has so many institutions worthy of support, and we are thrilled to share information about them in this issue. We’ll also cover a few topics that can help guide you in choosing where to focus your support today as you build a legacy for tomorrow.
Charlene Adam Free Press, Director Lifestyles Media
President and CEO: Mike Power Director, Lifestyles Media: Charlene Adam Charlene.Adam@freepress.mb.ca
Editor: Jennifer McFee Design: Shakar Hagiev
For advertising information, call: 204-697-7390
View online at: winnipegfreepress.com/lifestyles
Manitoba 3
To learn more about Harvest Manitoba and our work, please visit us at: HarvestManitoba.ca Invest ina Lifetime of Impact OUR COMMUNITY, AND YOURS FOR YEARS TO COME. YOUR LEGACY GIFT TODAY WILL NOURISH
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Leave a Legacy Your bequest will make a lasting impact on the lives of our students at The University of Winnipeg and The University of Winnipeg Collegiate.
Bunny Gutnik, Planned Giving Officer 204.789.1471 b.gutnik@uwinnipeg.ca
THE VALUE OF VOLUNTEERS Adjusting to the new landscape in Manitoba’s world of volunteering. page 6 THE JOY OF GENEROSITY Manitoba’s close-knit community at the heart of our generosity. page 10 HARD TALKS: END-OF-LIFE CONVERSATIONS Addressing the need to have those difficult talks to make the planning process smoother. page 14 WHS SUPPORT LEADS TO BETTER LIVES FOR ANIMALS A glimpse into the importance of Winnipeg Humane Society support. page 16
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The Volunteer Manitoba team includes Kamillah El-Giadaa, training and development manager; Gloria Dovoh, community relations co-ordinator; and Ashley Seymour, executive director. Photo by Darcy Finley
The value of volunteers
By Todd Lewys W hen it comes to pandemic dramatically changed the landscape for volunteerism in Canada. Today, roughly three years after the pandemic started, non-profit volunteering, Canadians have the market cornered. That said, the COVID-19
organizations are still feeling its effects. For perhaps the first time ever, they are having a hard time finding volunteers. This finding comes on the heels of a 2018 Stats Canada study that found 24 million people aged 15 or older — or 79 per cent of the population — volunteered during that calendar year. Roughly five years later, that’s no longer the case.
“Late last year, 65 per cent of non-profits reported a shortage of new volunteers, while 50 per cent reported problems with volunteer retention,” says Kamillah El-Giadaa, training and development manager for Volunteer Manitoba. “This is having a significant impact on the sector’s paid workforce.”
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Your support will: • Unlock the mysteries of childhood diseases • Build places of hope and healing • Purchase specialized medical equipment • Develop Child Health programs Give Better Futures to sick and injured kids. That’s the power of your legacy gift. For a confidential discussion on how your legacy can help, contact 204-594-5323 or info@goodbear.ca Let’s make anything possible. You have the power to ensure a brighter future for kids in Manitoba. The gift of a future
”I’m proud that my gift will make a difference for sick kids, even after I’m gone.” – MEREDITH For a confidential discussion on how your legacy can help, contact 204-594-5323 or info@goodbear.ca Let’s make anything possible.
Manitoba 7
You gain new experiences, can network with people and can benefit from working in beautiful outdoor environments or with animals.” — Gloria Dovoh, community relations co-ordinator “
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The impact? Well, about 28 per cent of non-profits report that more staff are working more hours due to taking on work normally done by volunteers, with 21 per cent saying the extra workload is causing employee burnout. There are several reasons why volunteerism has dropped so significantly, notes El-Giadaa. “After going through the pandemic, people are out of the habit,” she says. “Also, since the pandemic, volunteers are re-evaluating how much time they are donating. That means not being as busy as they were before so they can prioritize really meaningful volunteer work plus have a work-life balance.” At the same time, people have also changed their mindset on how they want to volunteer. “They now want to do it for a cause that’s important to them,” she says. “They want to be more intentional with their time
and to make a difference when they do commit their time to volunteering.” Moreover, the demographic that volunteered at the highest rate prior to the pandemic is no longer coming out in the same numbers. “Pre-COVID, seniors were easily the highest number of volunteers,” El-Giadaa says. “There are two reasons behind them not coming out as much as they used to: COVID is still around, so they’re nervous about that. They’re also around three years older, so they’re slowing down.” Ashley Seymour, Volunteer Manitoba’s executive director, adds there’s another reason why fewer seniors aren’t donating their time as freely to non-profit organizations.
“They’re retiring later and working longer, often out of necessity. Many seniors now must work part-time to pay their bills with the increased cost of living.” While that news is sobering from a volunteerism perspective, there is some good news: Canadian youth are now the most likely individuals to volunteer in Canada. However, their concept of volunteering is different from that of their parents or grandparents, says El-Giadaa. “Their concept of volunteering is getting involved in the project for a certain amount of time — starting it and seeing it through to the end,” she says. “It’s volunteering, but in a different, more non- traditional way.”
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doing, chances are you’ll continue to do it over the long term.” Dovoh adds that she also lets students know about all the positives that stem from giving their time to a worthy cause. “You gain new experiences, can network with people and can benefit from working in beautiful outdoor environments or with animals,” she says. “From a physical health perspective, you get exercise; mentally, you get a sense of purpose and gain a sense of self-esteem. Students can also get credits and earn scholarships and bursaries, too.” Right now, there are all kinds of opportunities to volunteer in and around the city, says El-Giadaa. “Currently, we have 293 positions open on our website,” she says. “The positions are varied. Basically, there’s something for everyone. For anyone who wants to give back, there’s a place to give their time.” Interested in volunteering? Visit volunteermanitoba.ca to see what position might suit you best.
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Now, it’s incumbent upon organizations like Volunteer
Manitoba to sell youth on the merits of volunteering so they — like their parents and grandparents — make it a lifelong practice, though their way of volunteering might look a little different. “We go to high schools to encourage young people to volunteer,” says Gloria Dovoh, the community relations co-ordinator for Volunteer Manitoba. “We’re also active on social media, posting daily to show youth why it’s so gratifying to volunteer.” Seymour says the message at school presentations is a simple one. “We encourage students to find something they like or enjoy doing. For example, one student might be interested in horses, so we’d encourage them to volunteer with an organization where they can work with horses. If you like creating social content, volunteer to do that. If you volunteer for something you like
Submitted photos
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Mary Beth Taylor, vice-president of donor engagement for The Winnipeg Foundation. Photo by Darcy Finley
in generosity
By Jennifer McFee T here is joy in generosity, and Manitobans continue to lead the way on this philanthropic path. Year over year, Statistics Canada reports that Manitoba has the most taxpayers per capita who donate to charities. Steinbach has once again earned the title of being the most generous community in Canada, with a median donation of $2,270 in 2021. Winkler ranked second in the country with a median donation of $1,820.
Mary Beth Taylor, vice-president of donor engagement for The Winnipeg Foundation, reflects on this altruistic inclination. “I think it’s a core value of Manitobans. If you look at who we are as people, we tend to look out for each other and support each other,” she says. “At the core of what we do is volunteering and philanthropy. It’s something special about who we are — and that’s something Manitobans can really take pride in.” Population might also play a role in Manitobans’ penchant for giving back, she adds.
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Formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities
“Geographically we’re a large province, but population- wise we’re a small and very connected province that really is focused on relationships. The joke is that we all know each other, so I think we talk to each other and we share a lot of stories. We get excited about what each other is working on in the community,” Taylor says. “We’re also able to mobilize quite quickly. We can get a lot of different thinkers and problem-solvers around the table.” At the same time, Taylor says it’s important to recognize the cultural diversity throughout Manitoba. “We have many strong communities — including Mennonite, Islamic, French Catholic, Jewish and Indigenous communities — that have philanthropy as a core value,” she says.
Your legacy will ensure an inclusive & accessible society for all Manitobans Get in touch at (204) 975-3025 or foundation@manitobapossible.ca Plan your gift today
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“I think it’s a core value of Manitobans. If you look at who we are as people, we tend to look out for each other and support each other.”
— Mary Beth Taylor, vice-president of donor engagement for The Winnipeg Foundation
“My legacy gift will continue to help students long after I’ve stopped working at UM.” Become an Isbister Legacy Society member, like Professor Laura Loewen. Leave a gift in your will to the University of Manitoba.
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“We also like to champion each other and support local people, whether it’s business or teams or charities. I think all those things coming together have led Manitobans to being really generous.” These efforts tend to hone in close to home, with Manitoba-led solutions and creative approaches. “There have been a lot of visionary projects the community has bought into, as well as a lot of urgent needs that the community supports,” Taylor said.
“It comes together because of the connections, relationships and the trust around the table. We create space for creativity and discussion.” Through her role at The Winnipeg Foundation, Taylor enjoys the opportunity to experience the generosity of Manitobans firsthand. “It’s quite wonderful. We have the privilege to hear people’s stories of generosity and what’s motivating them to give. We work with them on what they plan to do with their generosity, which is really exciting. We hear from community where the needs are, and then we can work with the donors to help them facilitate their giving back to community,” she says. “It’s a fulfilling and inspiring place to work. We have the benefit of seeing the wonderful
people who are putting a lot of effort into solving some of the urgent needs
our community is facing, whether that’s people who are working with organizations or the donors that are quietly providing their funding to keep that all happening.” Looking ahead, she hopes the future generations of Manitobans will continue to embrace the spirit of giving. “Now more than ever, we need to talk to the next generation about giving. Giving has become almost hidden with the way we do it online. We really need to have those conversations with our
children about why we give, where we give — and we have to get them to understand the importance of supporting as well,” Taylor said. “We need to grow that next generation of supporters so we can maintain our status as the most generous province and continue with this kind of creativity. Generosity is loving those you may never know and wanting a better world for them. It’s beautiful.”
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Manitoba 13
Doowah Design Inc. Client: Assiniboine Park Job no: 10882 APC Give MB ad - WFP / 4C / 7.125” x 4.875” Problems or questions, contact Kim at kwentz@assiniboinepark.ca
By Wendy King A n end-of-life plan, and the conversation around it, can be a source of comfort for individuals and their families whether it’s part of long-term estate planning or, even more importantly, because end-of-life is imminent due to illness. “The end-of-life plan is for the people in palliative care and the people around them,” says Wayne Sandler, community outreach and education co-ordinator at Palliative Manitoba (palliativemanitoba.ca). “It’s where the person who is dying is getting the death that they choose. Going through the process also prepares families, so there’s a greater chance that you’re going to be able to grieve in a productive way when it’s planned. Families do a lot better.” What needs to be considered as part of the plan? “It’s making sure a health-care plan is in place, whether you’re dealing with the health-care issues now and are in treatment or moving to palliative, end-of-life care,” he says. The first part of the process is for the individual making the plan. “The early stage is building up a picture of who the person is and what they want their death to be like. It’s also talking to people to help you through that process,” he says. Finding the right person to talk to is key. “If there’s a safe person involved, whether it’s a spouse or a partner, a friend or a family member, we need to approach them first and have the beginning of a conversation,” he says. “There’s really no good way to start it other than ‘I’m clearly ill, and we need to talk about what’s next.’ That’s where a lot of internal questions need to be answered, maybe with the support of family and friends or clergy or health-care professionals.” Part of the conversation includes looking at issues around decisions and substitute decision-makers. “As health-care challenges progress, people may not be able to speak for themselves, so there’s designating who speaks for them, what are the directives regarding their health care, and how that gets executed,” he says. Hard talks: End-of-life conversations
Wayne Sandler, community outreach and education co-ordinator at Palliative Manitoba. Photo by Darcy Finley
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“Our volunteers are well trained in talking with families and being a resource for what the person might need in terms of extra support.” People who are in the palliative care program will refer individuals, he adds. “A social worker or nurse refers them to us and our volunteer co-ordinator sets up a match,” he says. Part of Palliative Manitoba’s role is to challenge death denial by encouraging those conversations, says Wayne Sandler: “Let’s talk about it. Let’s plan for it. Let’s understand it, and that way we become a healthier society.”
“That could include choosing a health- care proxy or a power of attorney, depending on their situation.” Sandler says the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority has a workbook available on the web to help guide people. And it can be found at Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Advance Care Planning (https:// wrha.mb.ca/advance-care-planning). The next step is communicating decisions. “Make sure everybody knows what the plan is, who is doing what and how people are going to enact that,” he says. It’s important to get a plan on paper so there is no ambiguity. “Sometimes people will use a lawyer and have plans notarized so that it’s clear that it’s authorized by the person. Health-care directives that you can find online can be notarized as well.” A person outside the family can be a help if family members are struggling with the process. Palliative Manitoba has trained volunteer supports.
Make sure everybody knows what the plan is, who is doing what and how people are going to enact that.”
— Wayne Sandler, community outreach and education co-ordinator at Palliative Manitoba
“Sometimes you might have a person that’s getting support from us but the spouse or the family is objecting to the idea that the person is in palliative care,” he says.
Available supports and information can be found at: Canadian Hospice Care Association: chpca.ca Canadian Virtual Hospice: virtualhospice.ca Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Advance Care Planning:
https://wrha.mb.ca/advance-care-planning/ Palliative Manitoba: palliativemanitoba.ca
Manitoba 15
WHS support leads to better lives for animals
Ken Talbot and Peggy Talbot. Submitted photo
By Kristin Marand K en and Peggy Talbot are dedicated to programs. Active members in their community, the Talbots support various organizations, but as self- professed dog lovers and rescue parents to KC, Chance, Bandit, TJ and Lincoln, the Winnipeg creating better lives for animals in Manitoba by supporting the Winnipeg Humane Society’s spay and neuter and One Health Humane Society (WHS) was a natural fit. The Talbots’ previous involvement with the Ontario SPCA in their summer community of Kenora prompted a conversation with WHS major gifts officer Trish Taylor about spay and neuter and animal health programs in Manitoba. Turns out, the WHS was already working on a plan to roll out a program that would address the number of homeless pets in the province while promoting animal welfare and protecting them from suffering.
Spay and neuter surgeries prevent unwanted litters and can reduce some behavioural problems associated with mating instincts, explains Dr. Gina Bowen, director of veterinary services at the WHS. “Spaying and neutering animals in overpopulated areas is a way we can protect these animals from population control practices. Fixing these animals in a timely manner can also prevent serious medical conditions, including certain cancers like ovarian, mammary and testicular cancers in pets,” she says. As a result of the Talbots’ support, as well as a partnership with the Manitoba government and other generous donors, the WHS was able to launch the One Health program, which focuses on the link between animal and human health and well-being. This program aims to build trust and learning while also co-creating and delivering community- engaged programming to northern and remote clinics, thereby offering a variety of services to both humans and animals that previously lacked access.
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The best gift Peggy and I give ourselves is when we do cool things in the community. It just feels amazing.” — Ken Talbot “
A welcoming place for those who need food in the inner city of Winnipeg
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A welcoming place for those who need food in the inner city of Winnipeg
“In some communities, stray dogs wander in packs and are exposed to the elements. Packs of dogs can create a dangerous situation for people, or these animals may become injured and need immediate medical attention. Medical intervention may not be accessible in these areas and can be very costly,” Dr. Bowen says. In 2022 the WHS partnered with 25 remote communities in Manitoba and completed 896 spay and neuter surgeries in these communities. Donations help subsidize the cost of the surgeries and cover the costs of veterinary and support staff, equipment, supplies and medications, as well as transportation. Ken and Peggy are thrilled about the difference their support is already making and plan to continue to support this program.
A welcoming place for those who need food in the inner city of Winnipeg A welcoming place for those who need food in the inner city of Winnipeg
Your gift will help us build a stronger and healthier community.
Continued on page 18
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Continued from page 17
“It’s a tough life for some of these animals,” he says. “We will never have enough resources to help all the animals in the north that need helping. So if we can balance that with a spay and neuter program that I promise you will reduce the numbers, it’s going to make such an incredible difference in the quality of the lives that the animals get to lead, improving health and well-being while reducing numbers.” There are numerous ways individuals can support the WHS: cash donations, hosting third-party events, donating food and supplies, volunteering their time for activities like dog walking and fostering animals. Taylor adds that there are many benefits to supporting the WHS. When you donate, you receive an official receipt for income tax purposes, and your donation dollars stay in Manitoba.
“The needs at the WHS are always evolving,” Taylor says. “When a donor commits to a multiyear gift agreement, the WHS can focus on immediate needs, knowing that programs are fully funded for several years. It means that the WHS makes one request allowing us to steward our donors for their generous support, and the donor isn’t making a decision each year.” At the same time, donors also benefit from the positive outcomes of their support. “The best gift Peggy and I give ourselves is when we do cool things in the community. It just feels amazing,” Ken says. “It feels great, especially when you know you’re making a difference. It’s a privilege, and we’re pleased we can help.”
Plan for a healthier future Join the Legacy of Hope Society today. By leaving an estate gift to St. Boniface Hospital Foundation in your will, you become part of a family of dedicated
Support those who need care and those who provide it. • Say thank you for the care you or a loved one received at St. Boniface Hospital. • Expand the Hospital’s vision for better care with new technologies, treatments, and training. • Give more to those you love by receiving tax savings on your estate.
supporters who envision a future of health, hope, and healing for generations to come. Members of the Legacy of Hope Society are rewarded with the gratification of having made a lasting contribution towards a healthier future.
Contact St. Boniface Hospital Foundation today to learn how you can make the greatest possible impact as a donor. Amazing things are possible with an estate gift.
Garth Johnson, Donor Relations 204-291-4461 gjohnson@stbhf.org
“Our family philosophy is to pay it forward. We’re not millionaires, but every dollar counts.” Barbara McGregor, Legacy of Hope Society member.
“The terms of your testamentary documents should be clearly explained so that you understand what the documents will do.” — Ian Scarth, partner at MLT Aikins law firm Photo by Darcy Finley
Map out your wishes with a will
By Kristin Marand A well-rounded plan for the future must include conveying your wishes for what will happen after you pass. A will is a roadmap for how your wishes are to be carried out, addressing circumstances around end-of- life care, how your debts will be resolved and who will receive your property. The following is intended as general information and does not constitute legal advice. “Without a last will and testament, provincial legislation will govern the distribution of your assets, with no regard for your testamentary wishes,” explains Ian Scarth, partner at MLT Aikins law firm. “Generally, assets will be distributed to your next of kin; however, any friends, charities or extended family you may have wished to benefit will be excluded.” Two kinds of wills are recognized in Manitoba: a formal will or a holograph (handwritten) will. A will can be written by anyone over 18 who is mentally capable. It must be in writing, since recorded wills (audio or video) do not meet the requirements of The Wills Act. Typically, wills are written after significant life events, such as a marriage or partnership, the birth of a child or the acquisition of assets. The first step in the planning process is to take stock. Make a list of everything you own and any jointly owned items, including valuables, property, bank
accounts, insurance policies and pensions. Consider what you want your will to contain, including who gets what, who will act as your executor and any special bequests or gifts you have in mind. You will need the names, addresses and occupations of the people in the will. “Generally, a lawyer will schedule an initial meeting to gather information about assets, family tree, debts and testamentary wishes. Once the lawyer has sufficient information, they will draft a copy of the will,” Scarth says. “Usually, a second meeting is scheduled to review the draft and make any changes or adjustments. The lawyer will explain the terms and effect of the clauses of the will to make sure it reflects your intentions.” Make sure you discuss the process with your lawyer at the outset so that you understand whether you will be billed an hourly rate or a set fee and the timeline
“There are a number of advantages to including a charitable gift in your will, including a tax credit on your final tax return; the ability to change, amend or revoke the gift; or allowing you to discuss the gift with your family,” Scarth says. In addition to creating a will, granting someone power of attorney can ensure your wishes are carried out under circumstances of incapacity. This process ascribes a scope of power to someone to manage your finances and make decisions on your behalf. Consider discussing a health-care directive containing specific instructions about the type of medical treatment to be provided at the very end of your life should you be unable to communicate. “You should review your last will and testament every five years or whenever a significant life event occurs, such as a death in your immediate family, marriage (common-law status included), divorce or separation, your financial portfolio changes or you want to change your beneficiaries,” Scarth adds. You may change, revoke or destroy your will at any time; however, Scarth notes that making changes directly on the will itself is not a good idea since those changes may not be valid. Any changes should be made by an addition to the will known as a codicil or by creating an entirely new will. Your will should be stored in a safe place, such as a safety deposit box, safe or locked drawer or cabinet.
for completion, Scarth advises. “The terms of your testamentary
documents should be clearly explained so that you understand what the documents will do,” he says. Drafting a will includes naming an executor, which is the person who will see that your will is carried out as you wish. You will also need two witnesses to sign the will — a lawyer can be one and the other must be someone who will not benefit from the will. You should also discuss charitable gifts with your legal counsel and accountant to determine the best way to proceed.
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Legacy Gifts Create a Strong Future for Cancer Research and Treatment in Manitoba
“I arranged a gift in my will, and I am passionate in encouraging others to do the same.” — Brian Foreman, CancerCare Manitoba Foundation board director and chair, Planned Giving Committee. Submitted photo
W ill changing the course of cancer be a part of your legacy? A gift in your will to CancerCare Manitoba Foundation (CCMF) is an investment in a future free of cancer. Brian Foreman decided to make a legacy gift to honour his wife Marnie’s memory. “Marnie was so appreciative
of the excellent care she received at CancerCare Manitoba,” said Brian. “She inspired me to give back.” Brian first raised funds with a Miles for Marnie initiative and then became involved with various committees before joining the CancerCare Manitoba Foundation’s board as a director.
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“I arranged a gift in my will, and I am passionate in encouraging others to do the same,” said Brian. “I’ve looked after my children but also the causes that are important to me. I strongly believe that when people come together to contribute, we can accomplish great things.” In fact, Brian believes in our collective power for change so strongly that he is now chairing the Planned Giving Committee for CancerCare Manitoba Foundation. Legacy gifts help provide services at CancerCare Manitoba not eligible for government funds. Your gift will ensure Manitobans with cancer live longer and better lives due to the availability of new
treatments and technology. A gift in your will perpetuates your values and beliefs and brings to life your desire to make a difference for others. There are several ways to make a legacy gift to CancerCare Manitoba Foundation: • Make a gift in your will for a specific amount or property • Make a gift in your will for a percentage of the residue of your estate • Designate CancerCare Manitoba Foundation as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, RRSP or RRIF • Donate an existing life insurance policy Your decision to include CancerCare Manitoba Foundation in your estate plans will have a profound impact on
Manitobans and their families facing a cancer diagnosis. By making a gift in your will, you support: • A state-of-the-art cancer research centre operated by clinical and research talent from across the world • A robust clinical trials program • The very best possible physical and emotional support and care for Manitobans affected by cancer and their families Interested in getting started? To learn more about planning your gift to CancerCare Manitoba Foundation, please call Monique Gauthier, development manager, at 204-927-5433 or email mgauthier8@cancercare.mb.ca .
Together, we can create a world without cancer.
Will Changing the Course of Cancer be Part of Your Legacy? Including CancerCare Manitoba Foundation in your legacy planning is an investment in a future free of cancer while improving treatment and outcomes today. You can feel good knowing your gifts remain in Manitoba ensuring your family, friends and neighbours are receiving advanced care in their own communities. Your gift will have a profound impact on families and will support local cancer research, clinical trials, advanced equipment and facilities, prevention and improved patient outcomes.
cancercarefdn.mb.ca 204-787-4143
Manitoba 23
CancerCare Manitoba Foundation Client: CCMF / Insertion: Winnipeg Free Press Give Manitoba Insertion Date: April 17 CCMF April 2023 Give MB ad / CMYK / 7.125 in x 4.875 Problems or questions email msellar2@cancercare.mb.ca
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