Give | Spring 2024


The bulk of The Winnipeg Foundation's funds during its first 75 years were created by legacy gifts— people leaving a gift in their will—and most were directed to the Community Fund. Through the Community Fund, donors trust that the foundation knows where support is needed most in the community today, and in a future they will never see. During recent decades, more and more donors have chosen to be involved in their generosity plans while living. As a result, fund types that give donors more options and opportunities are also very popular. Under the umbrella of ‘endowment funds’, there are options for a donor about what kind of endowment fund they may want, depending on their goals and/or areas of interest. Some donors have very detailed plans about a specific charity or charities they may want to support each year with the granting dollars available from their fund. For example, a donor might suggest, "I want my fund to support the YM/YWCA every year." This is done through a 'designated

fund.' Very specific. At the other end of the spectrum, a donor may want to consider a range of granting options for their fund each year. They may want to learn from the foundation about where their support would be most effective and what the pressing community needs are. This type of endowment fund is called a donor- advised fund. With this type of fund, donors are involved in selecting where their grants will go each year— based on their interests. These are just two examples of the many types of fund options available to donors who want to create their own fund. Another opportunity for donors under the endowment fund umbrella is called the Community Fund, as mentioned above. This fund is available to everyone—and often appeals to those who may not want to start their own endowment fund but want to support the community overall—through The Winnipeg Foundation. The Community Fund receives gifts of all sizes, and this fund allows the foundation to

respond in a timely way to pressing community needs. There remains a general misconception that endowment funds and The Winnipeg Foundation are only for people with great wealth and resources. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are so many options available for everyone’s generosity goals and aspirations! Many families—including their next generations—are creating family legacies through the endowment fund model. Many school alumnae are doing the same by creating scholarship endowment funds. Community groups, friends and neighbours, and all sorts of self- organized groups have recognized the value in the model and are working together to give back to their community through endowment funds at The Winnipeg Foundation. There are many options and great opportunities to help make our city a better place when we work together. Endowments help ensure ‘a Winnipeg where community life flourishes for all.’

The Winnipeg Foundation is Canada’s first community foundation. Founded in 1921, it is part of an international network of community foundations, including more than 200 in Canada. In 2023, it granted more than $85.6 million back to the community.

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