Give | Spring 2024



key ceremonies where with hard work and an attractive mortgage from Habitat Manitoba, these families have been able to purchase an affordable, energy efficient, well-built house that meets their needs. But there is another dimension to my new role that continually inspires me - generosity. Of course I knew it was there, but this job has allowed me to see the depth and breadth of the generosity of Manitobans. And it is truly inspiring.

insulation, drywall and the list goes on. And of course, the gift of funding from individuals, families, businesses and corporations. From those who have much to those who have little, the willingness to give to our cause is truly inspiring. In recent months, Statistics Canada, once again announced that Manitoba was the most generous province in the country, giving more per capita than any other Canadian province. This is part of who we are and I think that it is also contagious. In these pages, you will find many worthy causes in our province. And if you look a little further you will find many more that aren’t in this publication. I have learned that my role is not to compete for a slice of the charitable pie. Rather, my role is to share the vision and passion of our Habitat for Humanity community here in Manitoba and respectfully ask you to consider being a part of it. I encourage you to embrace your inner Manitoban and find a way to support the causes that are important for you. And for some of you, who embrace the vision of creating generational change for children by enabling the ownership of safe, affordable homes – welcome, we have a place for you.

Habitat Manitoba receives this generosity in so many way. The donation of time, by over 2,000

volunteers on our construction sites, but also through committees, events, and programs, where our volunteers work, often unseen – not expecting a reward, but only the joy of having given back in some way. Included in this donation of time are the trades industry, who consistently go above and beyond to provide their services often at a lower-than-market rate through gifts, goods or material. Our ReStores, which divert over 3 million pounds per year from our landfills, but more importantly, provide a place where residents and businesses alike can donate building materials, furniture and much more for the benefit of our Habitat Manitoba programs. A special shout out to the many businesses that consistently donate new material to both our ReStore and to the construction of building new homes, many exceeding $100,000 each year. Countertops, appliances,

W hen I started in the role as CEO in July of 2023, I was most looking forward to connecting with Habitat partner families; working alongside them and serving them. I have watched how the dream of homeownership has come true for families that may not have even dared dream that they could own a house. I have attended multiple Jamie Hall, CEO of Habitat for Humanity Manitoba. Submitted photo

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