But the cost must still be covered for renovating and modernizing an outdated and underutilized civic building. Executive director Christy Dzikowicz spearheaded the centre’s We Will Capital Campaign to raise $15 million to pay for those renovations last April, and almost $10 million has been raised to date. “We’re getting near the finish line, so we need to push it to that next level,” she says. “We’re waiting on the federal govern- ment to make a commitment. That will be a big relief should they do that.” Toba Centre has requested $3 million from the federal government, which would leave $2 million for the centre to raise to reach that $15-million goal. The Toba Centre for Children and Youth is a charitable organization that co-ordi- nates a collaborative approach to inter- viewing child-abuse victims and children who have witnessed violent crimes. The organization is moving into the new build- ing from cramped quarters in an office building on Portage Avenue, which didn’t enable the type of collaboration that will be possible in the new space. The new space will allow the organiza- tion to become truly centred on children and youth, Dzikowicz notes. “We have run out of space to try and CAPITAL CAMPAIGN CONTINUES FOR TOBA CENTRE BY JIM BENDER The renovations for the new Toba Centre for Children and Youth at Assiniboine Park will soon be completed.
Executive director Christy Dzikowicz spearheaded the centre’s We Will Capital Campaign to raise $15 million to pay for renovations.
Police, social workers, medical prac- titioners and mental health workers and support-victim workers will all be working together under one roof in the newer facility. The only multi-disciplinary child advo- cacy centre in Manitoba is also moving to a more serene, forest-like setting. “It’s an absolutely beautiful environ- ment. It’s embedded in the park. I can’t imagine anything more symbolic of child- hood than being able to go to the zoo. It’s symbolic of our goal. We want to get kids back into childhood and what childhood should look like as soon as you possibly can,” Dzikowicz says.
improve things. What we need is an en- tirely new approach, and that is what the new centre offers. I’m glad it’s been here for the years it’s been here, but we don’t have any room to do a lot,” Dzikowicz says. “We see kids here. Our ability to serve far more children and families is going to grow immediately upon moving. We see about 400 kids a year right now in our little office on Portage Avenue. Once we move over there, it will likely be in the thousands annually.” Since 2015, two forensic interviewers have conducted about 2,500 interviews in- volving families from 58 different Manitoba communities, the centre’s website says.
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