Cultivate is a conference dedicated to digging deep into the roots of topics such as plastics, upcycling, regenerative agriculture and how to calculate your greenhouse gas emissions.
they look at the process as taking one step at a time.” Stolberg added that the journey is a constant process of discovery. “We’ve found that it’s always a learn- ing process. The idea is to talk and figure it out together. That’s really important because we can’t sit back anymore,” she says. “We need to have these conversa- tions and break it up into digestible chunks. What does the path forward look like? No one knows for sure, so we all have to do this together.” On the importance of collabora- tion and knowledge sharing, FABMb demonstrates this with its ongoing partnership with TheoryMesh, which specializes in software for a sustain- able agri-food system. “There’s an urgent need to think about sustainability in the food pro- cessing industry,” said Chris Bunio, the co-founder and CEO of TheoryMesh. “However, there’s a lot of noise in the industry that makes it hard to under- stand. That’s frustrating for businesses, as they want to understand so they can do the right thing.” Their software solutions simplify the implementation of sustainable practices, such as optimizing supply chains, sourcing ingredients locally
By addressing issues like sustainable packaging and emissions, and by facilitating industry-wide collaboration, FABMb not only advocates for change but actively contributes to a greener, more sustainable industry.
commitment to supporting its members marks a pivotal step towards a sustain- able future. By addressing issues like sustainable packaging and emissions, and by facilitating industry-wide col- laboration, FABMb not only advocates for change but actively contributes to a greener, more sustainable industry. With continued effort and collective ac- tion, the goal of net zero can shift from aspiration to reality, setting an industry standard for sustainability. ■
and making compliance with reporting requirements from financial institu- tions, which will come into effect in 2025, easier and verifiable. “We are at a turning point when it comes to the emergence of a green economy. The easy path is business as usual, but we need to challenge our- selves as a province and as a country. We already have a lot of the ingredients in Manitoba: a green electricity grid, educated workforce, raw ingredients and a central location,” Bunio says. “But many of the companies FabMB works with are small family-owned operations with razor-thin margins. We need programs and policies that sup- port these companies. Sustainability isn’t just about the environment: it also involves social factors such as afford- ability, health and the financial viability and jobs we all rely on.” Food & Beverage Manitoba’s
35 SUMMER 2024
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