MBiz | Summer 2024

process. Each year, employees dedicate thou- sands of hours to corporate-driven and personal volunteerism, as well as participate in the annual workplace giving campaign, fundraising collections and blood donor drives, all of which encourage a more caring and compassionate corporate culture. “Everyone who works at MBLL is a part of Manitoba,” Sul says. “We live and work in commu- nities across the province, we are proud volun- teers, and we all have a vested interest in ensuring our province is a great place to live. By partner- ing with so many worthy organizations who are committed to elevating our province, we really are demonstrating how ‘good together’ we can be.” ■ To explore partnership opportunities or to find out more about out how MBLL supports our communities, please visit mbll.ca or follow MBLL on Facebook or Instagram at mbliquorlotteries.

Corporation Act. In 2022-23, this accounted for $13.2 million being spent on social responsibility. These monies provide funding to more than 40 community partners in treatment and support, FASD prevention, community safety and harm mini- mization programming. Informed Gambling Centres at both casinos provide supports and fact-based information about gambling to visitors, and the DrinkSense program provides tips and tools to help Manitobans make better choices about alcohol. Additionally, MBLL partners on valuable research studies related to the responsible use of liquor and gaming products. Last but certainly not least is the focus on em- ployee volunteerism at MBLL. Recognizing that giv- ing back is an important part of making our com- munities better, MBLL offers its employees various ways to help organizations so they can make a difference, building stronger communities in the


MBLL first started using #MBLLGoodTogether last year to communicate its commitment to work with Manitobans to make the province an even better place to live.

Gerry Sul, president and CEO, Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries

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