MANITOBA CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE INITIATIVES A t the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, we advo- cate for strategic investments and innovative ap- proaches that promote economic growth. We also offer a variety of different initiatives and services designed to meet the needs of the business community. THE MANITOBA GREEN ADVANTAGE: The Manitoba Green Advantage (MGA) is a project that will strengthen Manitoba’s position as a leader in the green economy. With near-zero emission electricity and an abundance of critical minerals, Manitoba is a province with an abundance of green investment opportunities. Phase 1 will map Manitoba’s green economy roadmap and Phase 2 includes a granting initiative for local companies. THE DIGITAL MANITOBA INITIATIVE: The Digital Manitoba Initiative (DMI) offers programs built to empower businesses to get the training, tools and ex- pert support they need to transform their operations and thrive in today’s market. Our current offering, the Digital Services Program, connects businesses with a highly vetted and experienced service provider to deliver one of the fol- lowing services: Business Technology Assessment, Digital Legal Services or Cybersecurity Audit. Learn more at THE MANITOBA MINERAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: The Manitoba Mineral Development Fund (MMDF) is a $20-million provincial fund administered by the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce that provides funding for northern economic development and mining projects that create Indigenous partnerships, increase local employment and stimulate investment in northern Manitoba. Learn more at ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOURS: Economic Development Tours are a great way to get out of the city and build connections and partnerships with com- munities in northern and rural Manitoba. These two-day tours are packed with meetings hosted by local chamber and economic development leaders, connecting tour participants with elected officials and Indigenous leaders. Delegates also tour local businesses and attractions.
DELOITTE BREAKFAST (from left to right) • Paul Provost, president, 6P Marketing • Beverlie Stuart, chair, Manitoba Chambers of Commerce board | vice-president, business development and community initiatives, Manitoba Institute of Trades & Technology • Dawn Desjardins, chief economist, Deloitte Canada • Chuck Davidson, president and CEO, Manitoba Chambers of Commerce • Elisabeth Saftiuk, vice-president, policy and government relations, Manitoba Chambers of Commerce
MANITOBA GREEN ADVANTAGE ANNOUNCEMENT (from left to right) •Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs and Minister responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada •Dennis Cunningham, manager of environmental sustainability, Assiniboine Credit Union •Christa Rust, program director, Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, Manitoba Green Advantage •Chuck Davidson, president and CEO, Manitoba Chambers of Commerce
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