MBiz | Summer 2022



“None of it is textbook,” Whetter says. “It’s information they’ve gath- ered from their own practices and I feel that’s the best kind. Everything is tried and true or tried and failed, but customers appreciate those sto- ries. They’ll come with their own stories, so we also learn from them.” The Green Spot also offers small- scale landscaping and winter snow removal. It truly is a one-stop shop, and then some. At 67, Whetter says he still has a lot of energy left, along with a passion to keep the business moving forward. “I tell people I’m still in my honey- moon phase with it,” he says. That’s one thing that doesn’t appear to be changing anytime soon. ■

The Green Spot hosts other special events throughout the year, includ- ing musical guests, workshops and even a farmer’s market. “We try to do something once a month when we’re not in a busy sea- son,” says Whetter. By the middle of April, business is at its peak, he says, and it starts to slow after June. Holiday season is another busy time, and then it’s relatively quiet until the spring rush begins again. There are 15 or so full-time em- ployees that work at The Green Spot year-round, with up to 50 seasonal employees. “We’re not run like a corporate en- terprise,” Whetter says. “We are quite like family here.” Many staff members are gardeners themselves, always willing to share with customers what they’ve learned in the garden.

Find The Green Spot at greenspotbrandon.com.

The Green Spot expanded last year, allowing two more local businesses to set up shop. Supplied photos



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