After two years of pandemic-related stops and starts, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) team is out and about! Here is a snapshot of some of the experiences we’ve had recently as we've championed economic development across the province, as well as an overview of a few of the key initiatives we’ve been working on in support of recovery and growth. #OnTheRoadAgain
A RETURN TO IN-PERSON EVENTS: 791 DAYS IN THE MAKING Following the release of Budget 2022, MCC hosted Honourable Cameron Friesen, provincial Finance Minister, for a budget breakfast and a discussion of business recovery needs. "After a two-year COVID delay topped off by an inclement weather postponement, we were finally able to meet in person on April 21 – 791 days since our last in-person gathering – and the networking and connections were energizing,” said Chuck Davidson, MCC president & CEO. "Thank you to our members for their continuing support of the chamber despite two years without in-person networking events."
Advocacy on behalf of strong business and community is at the heart of everything we do. In July 2021, we launched MB Pulse, our secure online survey vehicle and engagement community to gather point-in-time data from our business community and inform our policy and advocacy efforts. To access survey reports and join MB Pulse:
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