MBiz | Winter 2023


“St. John Ambulance is more important to Manitobans and people around the world than what people realize. The programs they have are outstanding." – Bob Cunningham, chair of the St. John Ambulance Capital Campaign

will go towards creating 30 to 35 new parking spots and green space that will further revitalize the area, as well as adding a new digital pylon sign. Staying on the St. John Ambulance Capital Campaign beyond its initial goal was a no-brainer for Cunningham, who has a long history of philanthropy in the community and wouldn’t have it any other way. “I’ve had a fairly successful career and I don’t believe that successful careers come only from the work that you do, but they come from people that you meet and people that support you — and people that you get a chance to support. I was taught at a young age to be kind to people and to help out where you can. I’ve never forgotten that,” he says. “St. John Ambulance is more important to Manitobans and people around the world than what people realize. The programs they have are outstanding.” Many of these programs fly under the radar. Perhaps one of St. John Ambulance’s most unknown services is the Therapy Dog Program. Locally, there are more than 200 therapy dogs with trainers, and the organization has a request for 150 more. But it’s no surprise that canine companionship at places like hospitals, seniors’ centres and cancer treatment centres is in high demand. “Therapy dogs do relax you and are great for the children at Ronald McDonald House when they are having their cancer and other treatments,” Cunningham says. “They come back and they’re sad, and to pet a dog is so

Bob Cunningham, chair of the St. John Ambulance Capital Campaign

undergoing a minimum of 60 hours of training. Acknowledgment of the work St. John Ambulance does has helped grow the capital campaign to $6.8 million — but there’s still another $1.7 million to go. “One of the things people do not think about is that no gift is too small,” Cunningham says. “Small gifts are very important and if you take in a number of them, it adds up to a lot. If five people give $200 each, that’s $1,000, and if somebody gives matching money, that’s $2,000. It’s not a simple formula but it is a formula, and that is to be kind.” ■ For more information about making a donation, visit sja.ca/donate or call 204-784-7005.

important.” Dogs do double duty as reading partners in a new program that pairs pooches with early elementary school students. “The one thing about reading to a dog is the dog is not going to correct them,” Cunningham says of the program, which has been proven to increase students’ reading levels and self-confidence. With so many courses tailored to the workplace and home, it’s easy to forget about St. John Ambulance’s presence in the community — whether it’s at the Bomber game, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, the Santa Claus Parade or essentially anywhere a major event is taking place. More than 300 volunteers give their time to provide medical assistance, many of them first

41 WINTER 2023

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