L ast month, Manitobans went to the polls and decided to head in a new direction, electing Wab Kinew and the New Democratic Party to lead our province for the next four years. As the largest and most diverse business organization in the province, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) welcomes the opportunity to work in collaboration with the new provincial government. During the campaign, MCC released our Vote Prosperity platform, which provided recommendations in four key areas that we believe are critical to a growing economy. We were pleased to see unanimous support from all political parties about the importance of a growing economy. Working on your behalf, we will continue to advocate for government to be a partner in creating an economic climate that attracts new business and enables existing businesses to thrive, while recognizing that a robust economy will allow for the delivery of services that Manitobans depend on, including
health care, child care and addressing unprecedented talent shortages. The new provincial government has expressed a willingness to work with the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce and is committed to adopting many of the recommendations we put forward in our Vote Prosperity election platform. I encourage you to read the interview in this edition of MBiz Magazine with Premier Kinew where we asked him about his vision for the province, what economic prosperity and taxation strategies look like for him and his government, what sectors and industries have the best strategic opportunities and how can we leverage those opportunities. As always, this issue is packed full of stories that showcase our province’s inspiring entrepreneurs and business owners. It also shines a spotlight on community and regional Chambers of Commerce throughout Manitoba and their vital role in fostering economic development. Thank you for reading!
CHUCK DAVIDSON President and CEO Manitoba Chambers of Commerce
Featured in this issue:
Alamos Gold celebrates 20 years 10
A catalyst for positive change 28
Q&A with Premier Wab Kinew
Economic development and immigration in rural Manitoba
5 WINTER 2023
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