Celebrating Allied Health Professionals 2022
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2 Celebrating Allied Health Professionals
SUPPLIED PHOTO From left to right: Jennifer Cull, a Shared Health paramedic in the Interlake-Eastern region; Heather Freeland, a retired Shared Health advanced care paramedic in the Interlake-Eastern region, Cassy DeJong, a Shared Health paramedic in the Interlake-Eastern region
By Alexandra Wenger
care to a hospital team,” says Jennifer Cull, a Shared Health paramedic. “Our education in the paramedic training program gives us such a wide range of skills and the ability to adapt to a variety of circumstances in order to help clients and communities both on and off the truck.” Cull is one of a number of paramedics across Manitoba who stepped forward to support the ongoing delivery of care in an ED that was experiencing staffing challenges. Paramedics signed up for shifts when the call went out, often com- muting long distances to work in the hospital(s) on their days off — even as their emergency response teams have been facing similar staffing challenges of their own. “I felt valued and appreciated in this role,” says Cassy DeJong, a Shared Health para- medic in the Interlake-Eastern region who signed up to support Pine Falls. “Many times, people in the community told me that they were very grateful we were there. It was really nice to hear, and to know, I was help- ing to make a difference for the community and the facility.” The paramedic model saw qualified para- medics complete an orientation and some additional training before accepting shifts in EDs located in Southern Health-Santé Sud (Altona) and the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority (Pine Falls). There, the paramedics worked to
their full scope of prac- tice alongside nurse and physician col- leagues, providing temporary support
“The level of care that a paramedic is trained to provide goes far beyond most people’s understanding of what we can do. Our full scope of practice covers a wide range of clinical activities, so working in a hospital setting is really an extension of the skills that we use out in the field.” – Heather Freeland, retired advanced care paramedic. F or Manitoba paramedics, there is no such thing as a typical day. With a wide scope of practice that sees them stabilize, diagnose and treat patients who are extremely ill or in- jured, most paramedics spend their days working in an ambulance. But their shifts may include any combination of 911 re- sponse, patient transport between facilities or — in some areas — care offered in the community. In a word, paramedics will tell you that their days are unpredictable. As Manitoba health-care facilities deal with staffing vacancies and a workforce fa- tigued from more than two years of pandem- ic response, some paramedics have raised their hand to support care in new ways and in different locations, including emergency departments (EDs). “As paramedics, we regularly care for critically ill patients up to the point where we transfer their
with them out into the field. This is especially
beneficial for rural paramedics,” Freeland says. “Our intention was to prepare para- medics to work alongside the physician, nurse and entire health-care team, highlight- ing their skill set while providing some relief to our colleagues in the hospital.” By all accounts, the paramedics’ help has been welcomed, not only by the teams they worked alongside but by the communities they served. “Generally, when we are asked to help, we respond with ‘Where do you need us and how fast can we get there?’ Being able to support communities like Pine Falls was an- other opportunity for us to do what we do well: adapt to our environment, make deci- sions under pressure and implement the most appropriate and available interven- tions,” DeJong says. “We are truly here to help, and the best part is seeing pretty incredible patient care come out of it.” From Nov. 6 to 12, Manitoba’s health ser- vice delivery organizations are celebrating the diverse and highly specialized skills of our province’s allied health professionals. Representing nearly 200 disciplines work- ing in every sector and area of our health system, allied health professionals are vital members of our health-care teams. Shared Health Emergency Response Services delivers air and land ambu- lance services across Manitoba. Inter- ested in a career as a paramedic? Find out more at healthcareersmanitoba. ca/ paramedics Paramedics in Manitoba are a regu- lated health profession under the College of Paramedics of Manitoba. For more information on the college, or paramedic scope of practice, visit collegeparamb.ca.
that allowed the facilities’ EDs to remain open. “Being able to come in and take on this role, we offered valuable support where it was needed. We’re a fantastic resource with a great foundation of knowledge. Us step- ping into a clinical role just built on that,” Cull says. “In this clinical role, I was able to see what happens after we say goodbye to the patient — the labs, the treatments and the progression of the patient. I now have a greater appreciation of what goes on behind those doors, a whole umbrella of care.” Heather Freeland, a retired advanced care
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As paramedics, we regularly care for
paramedic, came back from retirement when she heard about the opportunity to ex- pand training for paramedics who signed up to work in this new environment. Since her return, Freeland has led paramedic training for ED support in both the Altona and Pine Falls locations. “By working in the hospital setting, para- medics are able to work and practise their full range of skills that they can then take critically ill patients up to the point where we transfer their care to a hospital team.” — Jennifer Cull, a Shared Health paramedic
3 Celebrating Allied Health Professionals
Cardiac rehab program pivots during pandemic Kinesiologists bring cardiac care closer to home
SUPPLIED PHOTO Kinesiologist Dustin Kimber
Our goal was to allow clients to build back strength so they could regain — and then maintain — activities in their own communities.” — Dustin Kimber, kinesiologist
By Anya Nazeravich W hen kinesiologist Dustin Kim- ber hosts an ice-breaking ex- ercise with his clients, it isn’t to learn about their favourite movie or most recent vacation. Kimber’s goal during these sessions is to get to know new clients from the inside out, be- ginning with their heart. More specifically, Kimber wants to hear about his clients’ cardiac history; whether a heart attack, surgical procedure or diag- nosis has led them to his Portage la Prai- rie area cardiac rehabilitation program. “The support of a group of people who have all experienced a similar event can be really comforting,” Kimber says. “We knew there was a need for programming that offered both support and rehab ser- vices for people living outside of Winni- peg. Our goal was to allow clients to build back strength so they could regain — and then maintain — activities in their own communities.” Established in 2019, the education and exercise-based program Kimber sup- ports, alongside a team of health-care professionals, allows people of all ages who have experienced a cardiac event to receive rehabilitation services closer to home. The program provides participants with access to a kinesiologist (Kimber), as well as a cardiac nurse, social worker and dietitian, as well as all fitness facilities at Portage la Prairie’s Stride Place over the course of the six-week program — all for a cost of $56. Kimber credits the program’s accessi- bility — both in terms of location and cost — as well as the need for these services in rural Manitoba, for its popularity, refer- encing a waitlist that quickly developed after the program first launched in 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the program to pivot, moving sessions from in-person to online, but it didn’t lose its momentum. Program participants re- ceived emailed or mailed education and exercise materials each week, covering a new topic in every package.
“Heart attacks and cardiovascular dis- eases didn’t stop with the pandemic,” Kimber says. “The move to online allowed us to eliminate the fee, as well as the re- quirement to travel, allowing participants to complete the sessions in the comfort of their own space.” The success of the Portage program soon led to programs being established in other rural communities. Nolan Turnbull is a kinesiologist in the Morden-Winkler area. He knew Kimber from a lab group at the University of Manitoba and was in- spired to help co-ordinate a cardiac reha- bilitation program for his community. “People are having heart attacks and heart procedures regularly and need that support to help them make those lifestyle changes so they can improve their quality of life and add years to their life beyond that event,” Turnbull says. The Morden-Winkler program is slightly different from the Portage example, with clients able to access a chronic disease management clinician, respiratory thera- pist and a pharmacist, but the two pro- grams have the same goal: to improve cardiac rehab for Manitobans. The success of the programs is mea- sured not only by the number of refer- rals and overall demand but also in the achievements of the clients that Kimber, Turnbull and their colleagues see each day. “It’s a really re- warding experi- ence,” Kimber says. “We see clients making permanent lifestyle changes. Some- times they come back to see us and have found things like a pickleball group that no one was really aware of, right in their community.” Turnbull says seeing the physical changes is what proves to him the pro- gram is fulfilling its goal. “Their ability to walk, their confidence around physical activity or their confi- dence in their body and their heart health, it’s really gratifying,” Turnbull adds.
Kimber and Turnbull are thinking big when it comes to the future of rehabilita- tion programs in Manitoba, acknowledg- ing the individual needs that exist for dif- ferent groups. “It’s all individual preference, but sometimes there are cultural barriers, sometimes women might not feel com- fortable exercising around men, some- times it comes down to accessibility,” says Turnbull, who is hoping to create a safe and welcoming environment for women next. Whatever the client group, both Kim- ber and Turnbull are motivated to create rehabilitative programs that help individ- uals in need of cardiac care or manag- ing other chronic illnesses to remove the fear of exercising and physical activity. “Things like COPD, diabetes, cancer, there are opportunities for rehabilitative-type programs that are home-based or online,” Kimber says. No matter how big their goals, Kimber and Turnbull’s mission re- mains the same: finding innovative ways to bring rehabilitation care closer to home.
No matter how big their goals, Kimber and Turnbull’s mission remains the same: finding innovative ways to bring rehabilitation care closer to home.
SUPPLIED PHOTO Kinesiologist Nolan Turnbull
4 Celebrating Allied Health Professionals
SUPPLIED PHOTO Members of the Shared Health Child Transport Team prepare to depart for a call.
It starts with a breath
Allied Health Professionals
Essential to Care
Essential to Recovery
By Olivia Baldwin F rom our earliest moments, the gentle and rhythmic exercise of breathing in — and out — fuels our bodies and calms our minds, allowing us to re- cover from exertion, lower our stress levels, and relieve or reduce pain. Most of the time, and for most people, the simple act of taking a breath occurs without thought or effort. But for anyone who has experienced a health condition or event that makes breathing difficult, or im- possible, the act of taking a breath is any- thing but simple. “If you can’t breathe, you need help,” says Sheila Cabungcal, a respiratory therapist (RT) and member of the team supporting specialized care within the Child and Wom- en’s Health Programs at Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg (HSC). “I’ve had asthma since I was a kid and I find that my experi- ences, including my own visits to the emer- gency department, allow me to really empa- thize with our patients.” Cabungcal is an RT, a highly trained allied health clinician who spends each working day helping Manitoba children and babies
breathe. RTs, like Sheila, work in a variety of care settings ranging from critical care units and labour and delivery to patient transport. They support diagnosis, inter- vention and therapy for individuals expe- riencing breathing challenges, including those who are entirely dependent on me- chanical ventilation. “I quickly learned how vital our role is within the health-care team and how the decisions we make as RTs can dramatically improve the status of a patient,” Cabung- cal says. “There’s no such thing as a typi- cal day. Depending on where we are as- signed, we could be running to a Code Blue, supporting care in a unit of intubated and ventilated patients, or attending a high-risk birth.” RTs participate in regular training and education to keep up to date on the latest clinical practices and to maintain the life- saving skills they use to support patients of every age and condition, from the smallest babies in neonatal intensive care to chil- dren with asthma, older adults with chronic respiratory diseases, and everything in be- tween.
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From the first light of day through the darkness of night, teams of dedicated, compassionate and highly-skilled health-care teams are there for Manitobans. Across every community and in every health-care setting, the efforts of Manitoba’s allied health professionals are making a difference in the lives of patients, residents, clients, and their co-workers. On behalf of a grateful province and all health service delivery organizations, we thank you . Interested in a career in caring?
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5 Celebrating Allied Health Professionals
By Wendy King L et’s make one thing clear: What - ever your age or stage of life, maintaining good eye health is a priority. It starts with a visit to an optometrist — an expert who provides primary vision care. “We are trained to diagnose and treat disorders of the eyes and visual system such as macular degeneration and glau - coma. We also measure prescriptions, prescribe vision correction options, and dispense glasses and contact lenses,” says Dr. Cody van Dijk, optometrist. Dr. van Dijk is a member of the Mani - toba Association of Optometrists, the li - censing and regulatory body for optome - try in Manitoba. The association ensures optometrists meet the legal requirement for education and maintaining their li - cence to practise. He explains that while it provides advocacy and support for op - tometrists, it’s also an excellent resource for reliable information and provides a "Find an Optometrist" search option at mb-opto.ca. “We always stress the importance of getting a comprehensive eye exam, even if you think your vision is fine,” van Dijk says. “The most common causes of irrevers - ible vision loss — glaucoma and macular degeneration — don't have any symp - toms in their early stages but can be de - tected during that eye exam.” At the same time, optometry is for more than prevention. “Manitobans can see their optometrist for emergencies such as red eyes, ocu - lar trauma, infections and new flashes or floaters in their vision,” he says, “and we can prescribe antibiotic and anti-inflam - matory drops.”
If surgery is required, such as for cata - racts, optometrists can refer to an oph - thalmologist. It’s important children get assessments as well. “Children don’t necessarily know what their vision should be. They don’t know from how far back in the classroom they should be able to see the board, and dur - ing early years, the font size on reading materials can be quite large, so some mild prescriptions that might become an issue down the road aren’t showing symptoms yet,” he says. “As children get older and do more reading, print gets smaller, and they’re doing more work on the board — issues become more obvious.” Symptoms of vision issues in children could be avoiding reading, not being able to read for long, skipping or repeat - ing lines when reading out loud, or head - aches. “It can also manifest as behavioural is - sues: maybe a child is acting out because they can’t see the board and they’re just frustrated and bored that they aren’t able to follow along with everybody else,” he says. Dr. Cody van Dijk says an optometrist can help. “Exams are recommended for children annually, as well as for adults with ocu - lar health issues such as diabetes, and those over 65 years,” he says. “Everyone else should visit every two years.”
Sheila Cabungcal, respiratory therapist and member of HSC Winnipeg Child and Women’s Health teams
Vlad Snovida, advanced practice respiratory therapist and member of the Shared Health Inter-Facility Transport Team
Todd Mortimer, advanced practice respiratory therapist and member of the Shared Health Child Health Transport Team demonstrates intubation of an infant, a skill that team members maintain and practise regularly
Reyhan Ozkahriman, respiratory therapist and member of the HSC Winnipeg Child and Women’s Health teams
But the best part of our work as RTs has to be the success stories and our ability to witness the resiliency (in my work) of kids.” — Reyhan Ozkahriman, a vital member of the interprofessional team at HSC Winnipeg
From diagnosing and treating acute and chronic diseases, to promoting disease prevention and providing wellness programs to enhance our health, allied health professionals are making a difference in the lives of our patients, residents, clients and co-workers. Allied health professionals are essential to the delivery of nearly every type of care and recovery in our health system, and we are proud to recognize their positive impact and dedication to keeping us well. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you allied health professionals.
from IV drug infusions, chest tubes, various types of catheters, managing the ventilator and monitoring patient vitals. Our scope of knowledge and training equip us to man- age nearly anything,” says Vlad Snovida, member of the Shared Health Inter-Facility Transport Team. “We are active throughout each transport, trouble-shooting issues and providing care to keep our patient alive,” Snovida adds. “It can be a high-stress environment, especial- ly because we provide this care in a tight space, surrounded by a lot of equipment and with the challenges posed by travel, like bumpy roads. It’s very unique and dy- namic work, and I feel very privileged to be a part of this team.” Allied health providers, like RTs and APRTs, work in every community, across the full continuum of care needs and across the entire lifespan of the patients they serve. “I enjoy the continuity of care. How in- tegrated RTs are to the team makes this such an enjoyable role. Our advice and recommendations are really valued here,” says Reyhan Ozkahriman, who graduated just one year ago and now works as a vital member of the interprofessional team at HSC Winnipeg. “But the best part of our work as RTs has to be the success stories and our ability to witness the resiliency (in my work) of kids. We may see a patient who has been admit- ted to the ICU very sick and on a high amount of respiratory support and we get to be an important part of their recovery process, which is incredible.”
RTs are also key members of teams managing the safe transport of patients between care environments whether for a diagnostic test, organ transplant or, for the most critically ill, to an intensive care unit (ICU). “We’re bringing an ICU environment to ru- ral and remote areas of the province, sup- porting the transport of critically ill children and newborns without the backup of an en- tire hospital or other specialty disciplines,” says Todd Mortimer, an advanced prac- tice RT (APRT) and member of the Shared Health Child Health Transport Team. “It’s just us out there, so training together, plan- ning together and building a level of trust and synergy allows us to stabilize and bring that patient back safely.” The Child Health Transport Team sup- ports neonatal, pediatric and adolescent transports of critically ill patients from across Manitoba. In this model, an APRT works alongside a transport nurse clinician during transports that could involve an am- bulance, an airplane or a helicopter. Both roles have expanded scopes of practice, al- lowing them to safely support critically ill patients during transports without a physi- cian on board. RTs are at the centre of adult transports as well, with a small, cohesive team of APRTs who make up the province’s Inter- Facility Transport Team. The importance of planning, good communication and trust is not lost on the team’s members,
who rely on their training and skills to prepare them for al- most any situation during a transport. “As APRTs, we can manage everything
6 Celebrating Allied Health Professionals
SUPPLIED PHOTO Back row: Ally Forrest, occupational therapist; Danny Halpin, physiotherapist; Danielle Geddes, occupational therapist; Tara Verklan, speech-language pathologist Front row: Renée Hayes, administrative support and intake co-ordinator; Monique Levesque, physiotherapist; Shelly Donaldson, administrative support Missing from photo: Victoria Drapete, physiotherapist; Simone Leclaire, occupational therapist
By Sara Locke
“She is a pillar for our team — making sure we are strong and support each other. She’s always thinking about what’s next, looking at what we can build and where there is op- portunity,” Geddes says. “She actually helped recruit me when I worked with the team as a student.” It was during her placement in The Pas that Geddes saw first-hand how working in a smaller northern facility exposes health- care providers to a wide variety of cases and more opportunities to look at care dif- ferently. It’s something that she still values in her practice 10 years later. You need to consider what this person can actually do at home, what does their environment look like, and how we can we actually support them.” — Danielle Geddes, occupational therapist In her role, Geddes meets clients in their home to get a clearer understanding of the support she can offer them through their re- covery. She helps them adapt to their day- to-day routines to allow for their best qual- ity of life, while considering all factors like internet connectivity issues or reduced ac- cess to resources. “We have to look at things much more broadly and train our brains to think about the bigger picture,” Geddes says. “You need to consider what this person can actually do at home, what does their environment look like, and how we can we actually support them.” Each voice and perspective is important as the team comes together to provide the best care possible for their clients — con- sulting with members of the rehab team or other providers. “Having more diverse lenses allows us to explore every case from all angles,” Geddes says. “If you’re just looking at a client in a medical way on an inpatient unit but not thinking about how they can go to the bath- room, how they can move or their nutrition, it may not help them holistically. There is a huge role for allied health professionals and interdisciplinary work to meet patient needs and a make difference for patients over the longer term. I really love that.” Likewise, Levesque points out the oppor- tunities available in the northern work envi- ronment. “We have a saying when it comes to work- ing in the north. If you can work here and thrive here — in a place that is more remote location and has less access to resources but more opportunity for innovation and ex- panding your practice — then you can work anywhere,” Levesque says.
“Many members of the team didn’t grow up here in The Pas. We each have different reasons for finding our way here but our rea- son for staying is the same — it’s the team.” – Danielle Geddes, occupational therapist. O ften, when we think of health care, the images that come to mind are a nurse holding the hand of their pa- tient or maybe a doctor in a crisp white coat. It’s less common to think of the arms that support a patient as they take their first steps after an injury, the encouraging voice teaching a stroke survivor to relearn how to use their hands, or the reassuring face guid- ing a client through their new routines after an illness. These arms, voices and faces belong to vi- tal members of health-care teams who sup- port recovery and life after illness or injury for Manitobans. At The Pas Health Complex, these dedicated and specialized members of the complex’s rehabilitation team are making meaningful and often life-changing contributions to the health and well-being of community members each and every day. “Our vision of a patient’s journey is dif- ferent than other health-care professions,” says Monique Levesque, a physiotherapist and the rehab team’s charge therapist. “We see patients in many different envi- ronments, not just in a clinic or treatment room. As a physiotherapist, I see patients from their first moments, through school, in their homes and community, to their end of life. It’s a privilege to help people through each phase.” The dynamic team includes a mix of skill sets and professions, including physio- therapy, occupational therapy, speech lan- guage therapy, rehab assistance and ad- ministration. Together, these allied health professionals work closely to provide reha- bilitation services for the 6,000 people who call The Pas home, as well as residents of surrounding communities in the northern health region. Levesque started out as one of the only two therapists providing rehabilitation care at the health facility in The Pas, after mov- ing to the northern Manitoba community with her husband 23 years ago. “Our team has grown since, but it’s not un- common for communities here in the north to face challenges related to staffing and access to resources. But it enables us to work together, be resourceful and think of new and innovative ways to make sure a cli- ent gets the care they need,” Levesque says. “We also see more diverse caseloads than you would in an urban facility or specialized setting and we care for patients in different environments, of many different ages and diagnoses. We really put every single thing we learned in school into practice. Together, we are rehab for patients.” Levesque’s colleagues consider her “the glue” that holds the now 12-person team to- gether, identifying her as a strong advocate for enhancing patient experience and edu- cating other professions about what their team can do. This passion inspires other members of the team, like Danielle Geddes, who is the team’s dedicated community oc- cupational therapist.
“We see patients in many different environments, not just in a clinic or treatment room.”
— Monique Levesque, a physiotherapist and the rehab team’s charge therapist
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Thank you to our Health Care Professionals
7 Celebrating Allied Health Professionals
Craving culturally
Because we work with diverse groups of people and communities, we need to be caring, compassionate and aware of social justice and the right to food security.”
— Chantal Morais, a registered dietitian in Prairie Mountain Health
SUPPLIED PHOTO Chantal Morais, a registered dietitian in Prairie Mountain Health
healthy food environments. With the cost of food on the rise, food security is top of mind for many groups and organizations that Mo- rais works with. “Because we work with diverse groups of people and communi-
grams including Strive to Thrive and Craving Change. “People are looking for ideas for foods that are culturally relevant to them and are nourishing to their mind, body and spirit within their current budget. We can help with that.”
“Working with various public health nurses and getting to visit different communities, there’s a lot of variety of work that I get to do,” Morais says. “Seeing communities come together to develop wellness activities and keeping that mo-
sion for food and nutrition natu- rally. Her family operates a small cattle farm located between Ha- miota and Virden, and while she doesn’t refer to herself as a farmer, she credits living on a farm with giving her an appreciation of the role of agriculture and its impor- tance to the culture of rural com- munities. “Having an understanding of agriculture, the largest industry in southwestern Manitoba, helps me better relate to the communities and people I work with on a daily basis,” Morais says. Morais has worked in rural Mani- toba since completing her studies at the University of Manitoba. She worked first in Virden alongside a clinical team and then, after com- pleting a master’s in public health, transitioned to her current role supporting health promotion in Ha- miota and surrounding area. “There are lots of opportunities and so much you can do as a dieti- tian,” Morais says. “Working rurally, I’m part of a really great interpro- fessional team and a great team of dietitians. I know rural jobs can be a bit lonely, especially if you are the only dietitian at a particu- lar site, but there’s a whole team to stay connected with and always somebody that you can consult with. There’s always support here.” Allied health providers like di- etitians work in every community, across the full continuum of care needs and across the entire lifes- pan of the patients they serve. “Our allied health providers are always there,” Morais says. “We’re often working behind the scenes in hospital, long-term care facilities, primary care facilities and in pre- vention. If you’re interested in nu- trition, there’s so much opportunity to grow and mould your practice to align with your interests and what you’re passionate about.”
By Lindsey Enns H ave you ever wondered why some foods give you energy while others make you crash? If you’ve ever been curious about the science behind nutrition, or what foods you should be eating to feel your best both mentally and physically, con- sider consulting a registered dieti- tian. “We’re not the food police so we’re really trying to correct that misconception about our role,” says Chantal Morais, a regis- tered dietitian in Prairie Mountain Health. “Dietitians work across the health system, providing nutrition advice and recommendations in a variety of settings ranging from health promotion and prevention of chronic diseases to personal care homes and critical care units.” Dietitians have long been im- portant members of health-care teams working across Manitoba, but the importance of their role was heightened during the pan- demic with the need for appropri- ate nutrition and hydration policies in all settings. “We know that a good baseline nutrition and being well-nourished can help keep people out of hos- pital, or if they are admitted for care, it’s for a shorter time,” Morais says. “When someone is malnour- ished, they are at higher risk of be- ing readmitted to hospital, so our work in supporting patients to de- velop the knowledge and tools to stay nourished decreases recovery time and chances of readmission.” For Morais, each work day is a little different. As a dietitian work- ing in health promotion, she works with community groups and orga- nizations to promote healthy eat- ing with a special focus on nutri- tion, food skills education and
SUPPLIED PHOTO Chantal Morais (centre and wearing a striped shirt) stands in the Neepawa Arts Forward kitchen with Immigrant Settlement Services’ Cooking in Canada program preparing for a meal with newcomers.
ties, we need to be caring, com- passionate and aware of social justice and the right to food secu- rity,” adds Morais, who also leads various sessions for First Nations communities and health-care pro- viders, and facilitates regional pro-
Passionate about her work and her profession, Morais gets ex- cited when talking about bringing communities and community part- ners together to improve and sup- port the health and well-being of a community.
mentum going in that community is what makes my job worthwhile. Supporting the health and well-be- ing of a community is so reward- ing.” Morais comes by her commit- ment to community and her pas-
Chantal Morais (right) prepares food with a participant in the Cooking in Canada program partnered with Neepawa and Area Immigrant Settlement Services.
Chantal Morais (far right) works in partnership with a colleague and students to gain insight into the healthy eating issues and needs in the community of Neepawa.
Chantal Morais’ husband, daughter and son pet a calf on their family-operated farm located between Hamiota and Virden.
8 Celebrating Allied Health Professionals
SUPPLIED PHOTO Physiotherapist Brad Lucas, social worker Susan Mair and registered dietitian Kerri Cuthbert
By Mike Daly W hen an unexpected health detour puts you on a hard road, it’s nice to know there’s an Easy Street to get you to the supports you need. Located in Misericordia Health Centre’s parkade building, Easy Street is a rehabilitation program where clients can practise the skills they need for indepen- dent living after a life-impacting health change such as an acquired brain injury, stroke or — more recently – the long-term effects of COVID-19, commonly called “long COVID.” “Long COVID currently accounts for about half of the clients in the Easy Street program,” says Easy Street occupational therapist Esther Hawn, explaining that for some people, the after-effects of COVID can linger long after initial infection from the virus. These can include symptoms such as breathing difficulties, extreme fatigue and difficulties with concentration and cognitive impairment she and other profession- als refer to as “brain fog.” We have the time and expertise to create a robust support system and to set clients up with the community agencies and organizations that can provide long-term support.”
use our expertise to identify challenges. Clients can see any of us or all of us, depending on their needs.” Clients learn that progress against long COVID can be a lengthy process requiring a commitment to small gains over time. “From a functional standpoint, they are unable to operate at the same level they once did,” he says. “The physical and sensory stimulation of daily life can exacerbate the exhaustion associated with long CO- VID. As a result, gains can take longer, and my initial focus is often on helping them maintain their base- line capabilities, with a view to achieving incremental progress over time.” Susan Mair, the program’s social worker, says the impacts of long COVID can be significant, especially on those who expect a speedy return to work. “If you’ve worked for a company for 25 years and created a good reputation and now, because of long COVID, you’re doing a job that doesn’t match your original skill level, that can be really difficult,” she says, adding that long COVID clients share some simi- larity with those who have experienced a traumatic brain injury. “It’s similar in the sense that it’s an abrupt shift from ‘what my life was’ to ‘what is now.’ We offer the encouragement they need to keep going and to help them navigate the systems and supports available to them in the community. We also remind them of the progress they’ve made.” Clients have to adapt to changes in many parts of their lives, including something as routine as meal planning and preparation. As Kerri Cuthbert, Easy Street’s registered dietitian, explains, “Clients with long COVID sometimes have to adjust their expectations around what they are able to prepare for themselves; what’s realistic. Many people who were used to doing a lot in the kitchen have to learn to simplify, while still preparing meals that are nutritious. If long COVID has negatively affected their swallowing, they may require different foods. Others may experience weight gain or weight loss challeng- es, or even food security issues relating to a loss of employment or a reduction in hours worked.” The range of supports and expertise available through Easy Street make it an important hub for those coping with long COVID symptoms. While some of these supports are available privately or through insurance, their cost and longevity can often be pro- hibitive, Mair says. “Employer-supplied health benefits and private in- surance can max out pretty quickly. With the open- ended nature of our program, if you need a month or a year, it’s open to you. We’re not under that kind of pressure, and hopefully our clients don’t feel they are under pressure either.” That’s an important consideration given long CO- VID’s lasting effects. “We have the time and expertise to create a robust support system and to set clients up with the commu- nity agencies and organizations that can provide long- term support. That allows our clients to stay focused on functional improvements. As a team, we’re happy we can help.”
SUPPLIED PHOTOS Social worker Susan Mair
SUPPLIED PHOTO Registered dietitian Kerri Cuthbert
— Susan Mair, social worker
"The effects can be devastating,” she says. “Many people have to stop working or going to school alto- gether or have to significantly scale back their daily activities.” Easy Street — staffed by a team of health-care pro- fessionals that includes an occupational therapist, a physiotherapist, a social worker and a dietitian — offers customized programming to help patients achieve specific goals, such as a return to work. Easy Street recreates an actual community environment — including a bank machine, car, grocery store and put- ting green — designed to help clients better manage the real-life physical and cognitive challenges they face on a daily basis. As Brad Lucas, Easy Street’s physiotherapist, ex- plains, “We consult with the client to discuss what their symptoms are, along with their goals for im- provement. We include them in the process and then
Easy Street — staffed by a team of health-care professionals that includes an occupational therapist, a physiotherapist, a social worker
and a dietitian — offers customized programming to help patients achieve specific goals, such as a return to work.
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