Give | Fall 2024

Another popular teaching tool is to volunteer as a family. Block says this form of hands-on learning can help to demystify the individuals who receive help and build empathy in young people. “Rather than seeing people that you don’t know as others, when you volunteer and engage with folks that you might not have otherwise, it builds community,” she adds. Block says one of the most important things to do when it comes to encouraging youngsters to become involved in giving is to find causes or organizations they feel engaged with. “That’s the first step,” she says. “Part of building empathy in kids is finding out what matters to them, where their heartstrings are. It’s about listening to your kids and finding out what connects with them.” The United Way offers a program designed to encourage volunteerism and civic engagement among high school students, post-secondary learners and young professionals. Youth United is open to anyone between the ages of 16 and 24. As part of the program’s curriculum, participants identify needs they wish to address in the community. They then develop a funding proposal which is submitted to a panel of their peers. Successful pitches receive funding and participants can implement their initiatives and see first-

Heather Block, director of strategic initiatives, United Way. Submitted photo

hand the impact their actions have in addressing the community’s needs. “It’s about encouraging youth to identify needs in the community and being part of making a difference,” says Block.

By making a planned gi to the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation, you will help Jacoby and other youth with disabilities thrive. Your legacy will provide life-changing equipment, programs and support for generations to come. I belong. To learn more about our mission, please contact our Fund Development Ocer at (204) 258-6702.

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