International Women's Day | 2024


"We have a lot of talent, and we need to highlight and shine that forward for everyone else to see instead of being our humble selves.” – Christine Theissen, founder, Winnipeg Women's Conference


anyone in Winnipeg or Manitoba and then pull in a couple from within Canada, which is precisely what we do. We still maintain that framework today: the speakers should be, for the most part, Canadian, and the breakout sessions should always be Manitoba speakers. We have a lot of talent, and we need to highlight and shine that forward for everyone else to see instead of being our humble selves.” As the event evolves, Thiessen and the WWC team strive to keep

it fresh by adding experiences. In 2023, the conference offered a headshot lounge and a shop-and- sip event. “Every year, we try to do something different so it's not stagnant. We always change up our VIP session to go with the theme. This year, we're changing up our networking lounge. Plus, the topics always change for all the speakers, including the panel discussion. We really try to hone in on what's relevant.”

Thiessen started planning the inaugural WWC in 2020, which became a reality in 2022. From the start, the event featured keynote, panel and breakout sessions with lunch and networking opportunities. Her vision has propelled the conference into what is now the biggest event of its kind on the Prairies, and it’s only in its third year. “In terms of speakers, my thought process was always to keep it local, to highlight speakers, specifically


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