Great Landscapes Cont’d from page 120
“Our most popular is still the Roman, which is tumbled to look old and comes in four different sizes,” he says. “It just never loses its charm and peo- ple really like it.” Wiebe says you can use sand or salt in the winter on the pavers. He says some people like to seal their pavers to give them a wet look but that will require maintenance because it will wear off. Any matte sealers will still need to be done every four or five years. Nothing defines the borders of your property like walls. Are you after a garden wall, which might be in front of the house, or a retaining wall? A retaining wall steps back with each block to give it strength up to 30 feet in height, but a garden wall is straight and takes less weight, so it is limited to a two-foot height.
Build your dream deck or fence.
Purchase your building materials at STAR.
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MAGINOT ST. 1-888-STARWPG (782-7974) OR 204-233-8687 16 SPEERS RD, WINNIPEG STARBUILDING.CA MON - FRI 7AM - 5PM SAT 8AM - 12PM GET A $20 STAR GIFT CARD JUST FOR ENTERING DAWSON RD. N. ELIZABETH RD. To be eligible for this Contest, an individual must (1) provide proof that materials have been purchased from Star Building Materials (invoice), (2) decks and fences must be constructed during the Contest period between May 1 and November 30, 2016, and (3) provide one (1) photo although more than one is encouraged. Entries can be submitted by any means. There are two (2) $1,500 prizes available to be won, one (1) for the best overall contractor and one (1) for the best overall Do-It-Yourselfer; two (2) $1,000 runner-up prizes in the same categories; and four (4) $500 Star Building Materials gift cards to be drawn at random. The chance of winning depends on the number of eligible entries received during the Contest Period. Prizes must be accepted as awarded, no exceptions. Winners will be chosen and contacted on or before January 31, 2017. See website for full contest rules and details.
122 Parade of Homes FALL 2016
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