Parade of Homes | Fall 2016

The show goes on after the Parade of Homes

With 134 show homes on display during the 2016 Fall Parade of Homes, it will be a challenge to visit every home you want to see. You’ll find the greatest variety of show homes during the Parade, and the extended hours are convenient for visiting multiple homes. But remember, show homes are open year-round in Winnipeg, Brandon, Stonewall, La Salle and other communities. If you’re interested in a particular builder, call or visit the company website to find show home locations any time. Most show homes are open at specified hours and they’re also available for viewing by appointment. Visit the Manitoba Home Builders’ Association website at

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to to keep tabs on new show home locations, and to find a complete list of member builders.

(844) 372-2220 |

144 Parade of Homes FALL 2016

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