Parade of Homes | Spring 2016

‘Take a walk through the various trails that run through the community and you’ll see a beautiful massing of homes — even rooflines are considered in the designs, as they give homes a unique character of their own’

“I’ve found that Qualico is super-aware of continually having our homes resonate with nature. They accomplish that by using materials such as ma- sonry, boarding and other materials that provide rich colour enhancements that blend in with and complement the natural surroundings. The homes rise out of not only streetscapes, but from tall grasses, ponds and greens- paces, too.” Kensington Homes’ Rene Giroux, who’s manned show homes in both River Park South and Sage Creek, says variety is the hallmark of both develop- ments. “Both areas offer traditional homes along with homes that offer modern chic detail throughout,” he says. “Gone are the days of boring beige stucco and monotonous and repetitive elevations. With developer guidelines and oversight, these neighbourhoods are ensuring that a variety of styles are being introduced.” Giroux cites a collection of Kensington homes on Sage Creek Boulevard as an example.

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