Parade of Homes | Fall 2015

dream home at the Fall 2015 Parade of Homes SePtember 12 to OctOber 4 2015

Presented By

All Builder PArticiPAnts Are Proud memBers of the mAnitoBA home Builders’ AssociAtion Published by Follow us on

Parade of Homes FAll 2015 SEPTEMBEr 12 to OCTOBEr 4 2015 Presented by tHe MAnitobA HoMe buiLders’ AssociAtion

Show homeS are ready for Their CloSeup

Welcome to the 2015 Fall Parade of Homes. The Manitoba Home Builders’ Association is proud to present our annual display of new homes. With 131 new homes by 33 different builders in 35 unique neighbourhoods, ours remains the largest and best Parade of Homes offered in Canada. The design and construction ex- pertise that goes into each new home is unparalleled anywhere in the country. When visiting the various show homes, take time to appreciate outstanding Manitoba craftsmanship. Talk to the repre- sentatives showing the homes about unique features and what makes that particular home spe- cial. With such a wide selection available, we’re confident that the perfect new home is waiting right now for you to visit. There is defi- nitely something for everyone at the Fall Parade of Homes.

In addition to variety and quality, there are nu- merous additional good reasons why now is the perfect time to purchase a new home. Financial institutions are still offering long-term mortgages at historically low rates. Manitoba and Winnipeg homes continue to increase in value year after year, making them among the most sound of all investments. Manitoba new homes are the most energy efficient in the country and a move to a new home may result in significant energy sav- ings. Quality, choice and affordability are always primary considerations for both new home build- ers and buyers. Manitoba’s new home construction industry con- tinues to be strong and vibrant. MHBA member builders and suppliers keep abreast of the latest technology, trends and techniques to ensure that your new home offers the highest level of quality available. Enjoy the 2015 Fall Parade of Homes and thank you for visiting.


mike moore, President – Manitoba Home Builders’ Association

SHOW HOME HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 3pm - 8pm, Sat & Sun: Noon - 6pm, Fri: By Appointment Only

Parade of Homes FALL 2015 3

Experience a new urban lifestyle in West Transcona

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Contact participating builders for available lots


For more information visit the show homes located on Larry Vickar Drive West and Chelston Gate or contact Genstar Development Company at 204-488-6537 or visit

SEPTEMBEr 12 to OCTOBEr 4 2015 Parade of Homes FAll 2015

Publisher Bob Cox editor Pat St. germain Vice President sales laurie Finley Manager of niche Products Barb Borden design & colour serVices Corinne Ball/Coral Enterprises contributing Writers


Wendy King Todd lewys Jennifer McFee laurie nealin Pat St. germain Jon Waldman PhotograPhy darcy Finley Marianne Helm numerous Supplied

by Pat st. germain – Photos by darcy finley

Mhba board of directors Jason Jaquet, Chair rAndAll HOMES lTd. glenda Sobie, Past Chair vEnTurA CuSTOM HOMES lTd. Brian Arnold, 1st vice Chair TrIKOr BuIldErS Spencer Curtis, 2nd vice Chair HIlTOn HOMES John lund, Secretary-Treasurer STEInBACH CrEdIT unIOn John daniels, director QuAlICO lTd.

BUyiNg A FixER-UppER and investing time and elbow grease to turn it into a dream home is one way to go. But there’s a better way — you could just buy that dream home and save your elbow, and maybe some money, too. Manitoba Home Builders’ Association president Mike Moore says costs for labour and material have increased at moderate rates in recent years, while land costs have risen sharply, making a new home today comparable in price to an existing home. “The gap maybe at one time used to be fairly wide — now, not at all because a lot of it is the price of land keeps going up,” Moore says. Signature Homes sales manager Jeff McArthur, who sells existing homes as a realtor with Maximum realty, agrees a new home is just as affordable as a used one. “Absolutely. The homes that are 20, 25 years old are selling for the same price as a new home or possibly more,” he says. And buyers have to consider the potential added costs of unexpected repairs or renovations.

‘The homes that are 20, 25 years old are selling for the same price as a new home or possibly more’

laurie Finley, director WInnIPEg FrEE PrESS Alan gray, director vACuFlO MAnITOBA Tanya Maric, director MArIC HOMES

Janet Milne, director MIlnE HOMES lTd. Andrew reimer, director All-FAB BuIldIng COMPOnEnTS InC. laurence rosenberg, director THE ACCurATE TECHnOlOgy grOuP

Cont’d on page 14

4 Parade of Homes FALL 2015

Home welcome

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Consider climate, colour and contemporary new looks

>> from esthetic appeal to functional flair, the importance of choosing the right windows is clear to see. And homeowners have a greater selection than ever before in style, materi- als and technology. Coloured windows are a popular choice, and affordable options are more readily available, notes Jeff Wallace, a sales profes- sional at All Weather Windows.

by Jennifer Mcfee Photos courtesy of loewen Windows

‘If you look around, you will certainly find much more of a linear look. There are far fewer shaped units, which would be elliptical windows or even full round windows. That’s mostly gone away with contemporary architecture. It’s a very modular type of look these days’

“We have our aluminum alloy window in our Apex Alloy series. That’s pretty high-end, so we wanted to give people an option to get colour at a bit of a break on the price point. Some manufacturers actually paint windows, but we don’t do that in our climate so we came up with an alternative,”Wallace says.

“We have a new product called renolit that’s anoth- er version of a coloured window. It’s an acrylic wrap baked onto the PvC. It withstands extreme tempera- tures and it’s very durable. you can use it in a renova- tion or a new construction.” And when it comes to decorator colours, window-shoppers can set their sights on a full spectrum of possibilities. “We’re seeing a lot of people wanting black. There are also people look- ing for that commercial-type industrial look, so we have something called a clear anodized look. It’s basically almost like an aluminum look,” Wallace says. “We can achieve that colour with either the alloy or the renolit as well.”

6 Parade of Homes FALL 2015

‘Contemporary is huge, and what that means for windows and doors is big — lots of window area and lots of glass’

“Contemporary is huge, and what that means for windows and doors is big — lots of window area and lots of glass,” says Clyde loewen, senior vice-presi- dent of product and marketing. “If you look around, you will certainly find much more of a linear look. There are far fewer shaped units, which would be elliptical windows or even full round windows. That’s mostly gone away with contemporary architecture. It’s a very modular type of look these days.” Those clean lines extend to the entire profile around the assemblies them- selves. “The glazing stops that hold the glass in, the mouldings around the product have gone to very, very clean contemporary lines rather than ornate traditional pro- files,” loewen says. “On the higher ends of the market, you would also have more of an interest in natural materials. People value natural throughout the home — natural stones, natural woods, natural materials of al- most any sort.” Energy efficiency becomes increasingly important in areas of wide, expansive glass, he adds. “We have a long history of triple-glazing low-E windows. you can also capture some solar heat gain with that, even in Manitoba where it’s very, very cold. The benefit we have in Manitoba, even in winter, is that it tends to be sunny a lot of the time,” loewen says. “Even if it’s 20 below, you can still cap- ture quite a lot of solar heat gain when the sun is shining. One of the problems in the middle of winter is that the sun isn’t shining that long.”

There’s also a window of opportunity to add low-emissivity coatings to increase energy efficiency. “low-E is basically a metallic oxide that they apply to the win- dow, and the average person can’t actually see it. If you add low-E to your whole house, the cost is so small in the grand scheme of things,”Wallace says. “you’re going to be more comfortable in the winter and more comfortable in the summer. We’ve had people in the past who have declined getting that low-E and then changed out those windows after the fact. It does make it more energy efficient.” To see a sampling of inspiring selections, Wallace suggests dropping by the All Weather Windows showroom located at 124 Terracon Pl. “Even though we don’t sell directly to the public, people can come in any time to get some ideas. When it’s time to change your windows and doors, our showroom is a good tool to help people out,” he says. “We have all sorts of different samples. We have glass options and alloy options. Whether they want colour or they want white, if they want something basic or if they want to get re- ally extravagant, it’s virtually limitless as far as the options. It’s whatever your imagination can do.” With a focus on the high end of the market, loewen Windows offers fresh ideas that are on trend with contemporary styles.

Cont’d on page 8

Parade of Homes FALL 2015 7

to be certain of your lines. you don’t want one window starting a foot from the roofline and the next one two feet from the roof. It looks like a hodgepodge then,” he says. “Most builders in the Parade of Homes are going to be doing a really good job at that sort of thing. That’s where the designers and the architects really earn their keep.” In these new show homes, you’ll see a variety of window styles to reflect every taste, even in children’s bedrooms. “Some will be putting very shallow but very wide windows towards the upper end of a bedroom. Some will just con- tinue with the large window. It has a lot to do with the outside look of the home as well. Of course, people need to keep in mind concerns with egress in case of fire,” loewen says. “There’s so much experimentation go- ing on. If you drive around in the Parade of Homes, you’ll probably see a lot more creativity in design these days than you did several years ago because everyone is trying to get their own take on what con- temporary means.” trying to get their own take on what con

WindoW sHoPPing Cont’d from page 7

With an eye on esthetics, loewen notes that header heights should line up to create a sense of congruity be- tween different sight lines when looking at the front eleva- tion of a home. “The header is the top frame member of windows and doors. Especially with the contemporary trend, you want

Office Hours: Mon-Thu 3-8, Sat-Sun 12-6, Fri by appt. only

8 Parade of Homes FALL 2015

• Meandering pathway • Diverse selection of house designs • Homes backing onto green space • Lookout lots on the lake fabuLous entrance witH Huge Lake







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gRANd ENTRANcES Keys to creating beautiful weather-tight doors

>> we don’t generally give a lot of thought to our doors. We hope they keep the heat in, the wolves at bay, and that they don’t swat us on the back- side on our way out. On the other hand, they are in constant use and they provide that first impression when company comes calling. So maybe a little more attention is warranted. Michael neufeld, owner and manager of yarrow Sash & door, says his pas- sion is helping customers design unique and beautiful doors — just the kind of thing that makes a memorable first impression. But each door has specific requirements and considerations, including exposure to the elements, bud- get and esthetics like paint and stain finishes.

by Wendy King Photos courtesy of yarrow sash & door

10 Parade of Homes FALL 2015

<< a stately mahogany door with wrought iron grill makes a statement. a cherry storm door has plenty of curve appeal.

ray ginter, owner and director of operations at gnT Pre- mium Windows and doors, says the company focuses not on volume but on careful design in function and appearance. Quality is paramount when choosing and installing an entryway door. “you should be prepared

‘Wood wins, hands down, with so many interesting wood species that lend themselves to unique designs, sizes and shapes’

to spend more on this door than any other opening in your house walls,” says ginter.

It should fit with the home’s heri- tage, or be part of a curb appeal re-design. Energy efficiency is the next consideration. “The greatest contributor to the energy efficiency in any door is the door sill, which can make or break the total in air or water infiltration,” he says. Weather-strips are a part of every door these days to control that infiltration, but the door materials will dic- tate performance. “It is a common belief that the door slab (panel) insulat- ing factor is most important, but this is simply not true,” says ginter. “you can have all the insulation you want in the panel but if you have one spot of air/water infiltration the rest is only as good as the leaky part.” Materials used to build doors and frames vary by quality of function and appearance. According to ginter, steel and fibreglass skin panels are the most common material used for volume builders since they are readily affordable and can provide great service. They may not last as long but if properly main- tained they can do the job. “The most important factor is that a material remains stable with the wide temperature swings we have here in Manitoba and in Saskatchewan,” he says. He says steel is not the best performer since it expands and contracts in temperature change, although fibre- glass is stable, as is wood.

neufeld says darker stains in particular will break down quickly and will only resist fading for one or two years on both wood and fibreglass doors. But they can be made to work. “In the right location with a good overhang or an east or north facing entryway with limited sunlight you won’t have any problems with the stained products,” he says. “Finishes in these locations will last for 10 to 15 years and generally need to be refinished just from the wear and tear a front door gets from everyday life.” He says if you have an exposure with sunlight most of the day, you will need to consider paint instead of stain for the fibreglass and wood doors. A qualified salesperson can help you understand the differ- ences and direct you to the right door with the right finish. neufeld says wood doors have the advantage on esthetics. “Wood wins, hands down, with so many interesting wood species that lend themselves to unique designs, sizes and shapes,” he says. “In addition, they are easy to accent with metal panels such as copper and steel.” Once you’ve settled on the look and feel you want in a door, it’s time to get down to brass tacks. you need careful mea- surements, the right materials and a professional installation.

Cont’d on page 12

Parade of Homes FALL 2015 11

behr paint in vibrant colours and sea gull lighting sconces (centre) add curb appeal.

grAnd entrAnces Cont’d from page 11

“The most important thing to remember is to not mix materials that are unstable with materials that are sta- ble in any door,” he says. Wood frames with fibreglass or wood panels are stable and wood clad panels and frames are available if you want an all-wood interior. Most wood panels are now built with engineered core for stability. But materials don’t mean a thing without careful, professional instal- lation. ginter says installations are at fault in 90% of ser- vice calls. “you can buy a $10,000 dollar door with a great bill of materials and design and yet have grief from the start due to a poor installation.”

Surprisingly, the highest r-value (thermal resistance) isn’t always the best for some doors. “If it’s a steel door you want, be careful that the r-value is not more than about 10,” he says. With a higher value than 10, the difference between the outside and the inside steel skin temperature can vary too much, causing the panel to “cup or bow.” “This causes improper function and does not like to cor- rect itself,” he says. vinyl (PvC) materials are also unstable on their own unless they are reinforced with steel aluminum inside to help keep them rigid.


By working with our members, you are ensured the highest quality in home building and renovations for your home


12 Parade of Homes FALL 2015

doLLArs And sense Cont’d from page 4

‘It’s really easy for a buyer to go and buy a house across the highway that’s a 25-year-old home, same size, and end up spending $40,000 or $50,000 on a renovation job’

“Everybody’s so busy, there’s no question about that,” McArthur says. Moore points out that if repairs are needed, buyers may not have enough financial wiggle room to cover costs and pay the mortgage, too. “If all of a sudden you have to fix the foundation and replace the air conditioner and the furnace and replace windows, well you’re not eligible for that loan because you’ve used your entire credit, shall we call it, for the purchase of that home,” he says.

“It’s really easy for a buyer to go and buy a house across the highway that’s a 25-year-old home, same size, and end up spending $40,000 or $50,000 on a renovation job they never thought about, whereas with a new home it’s all brand new,” he says. “I’ve sold older homes to young guys and talked to them later and they’ve just said, ‘you know, you were right, we should have bought that new home.’ ” do-it-yourself Tv shows give some people the impression renovations are easy, but in real life, there’s no master builder to come to the rescue, and most people don’t have the time to devote every weekend to home repairs.

Cont’d on page 18

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14 Parade of Homes FALL 2015

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doLLArs And sense Cont’d from page 14

“And therefore a lot of people are looking at new homes as an option because they know that, yes, they may have used their maximum credit, but they’re not going to have to fix anything for a number of years and by that time they’ll have paid down some of their mortgage. And of course, assuming they continue to move along in their career, they will have increased their credit limit, too. So a number of people I know are looking at that and saying, ‘Perhaps I’d like a starter new home as an option.’ ” There are other benefits, as well. For one thing, new homes in Manitoba are among the most energy efficient in the country, and therefore more environmentally and budget-friendly. They come with a warranty that provides peace of mind. And there’s a good selection of locations, lot sizes — including smaller lots that reduce pesky frontage levy costs — and

628 sage creek boulevard — Kensington homes

models to suit your lifestyle, from modest bungalows to luxury custom homes with all the bells and whistles you could want. “When you build your own home, you get to choose the neighbourhood you want it in and you get to choose what it looks like, as in where you want the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the living room, whatever it may be,” Moore says. “If you’re a backyard deck person, then you’re going to build a big deck out there.”

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18 Parade of Homes FALL 2015

Mud rooms, walk-in pantries, kitchen islands and high ceilings have become the norm, and more builders are adopting age-in-place concepts, with wide doors and no-step entryways that allow for wheelchair access, and designs that can easily be adapted as homeowners age. Moore says resale homes and new homes are continuing

If you long for the charm of an older home, you can get that in a brand new one, too. Boulevard-style homes with detached garages in the rear and plenty of curb appeal in the front are available in several new neighbourhoods.

‘When you build your own home, you get to choose the neighbourhood you want … what it looks like … whatever it may be’

to increase in price, and costs for materials will

rise as the u.S. housing market starts to rebound. But there’s a good opportunity to get into the market now. “The (interest) rates are unbelievably low still, and they’re going to continue that way for quite a while,” he says. “you can’t beat getting in on the ground floor and buying a new home.”

Kensington Homes has a beauty at 628 Sage Creek Blvd., with a second-floor laundry room, modern walk-in closets and a glorious open kitchen, and marketing manager ryan Alby points out that rather than buy someone else’s dream home, you can choose your own options.

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Parade of Homes FALL 2015 19

Material World


The stuff dream homes are made of

by Pat st. germain

>> unless you have fond childhood memories of sliding down a steel-and-glass staircase banister, it’s a safe bet the house you grew up in was made of much different stuff than many of today’s show homes.

new materials — and old materials used in new ways — pack a dramatic punch, and you’ll find some knockout spaces during your Parade of Homes tour. Arlt Homes vice-president Jason Arlt says he focused on bringing newer materials with unique traits to a show home at 137 rose

‘We did a really unusual hardwood floor. It’s a white oak floor, but the boards are incredibly wide’

lake Court in Bridgwater Trails. “We did a really unusual hardwood floor. It’s a white oak floor, but the boards are incredibly wide — I’m going to say they’re at least eight or nine inches wide. When I picked the floor I was one of the first people in Winnipeg to have used it,” he says.

20 Parade of Homes FALL 2015

above: 100 lake bend road – Maric homes

Wood isn’t practical in a bathroom, but a heated ceramic tile floor made to look like distressed barn- board in tones of grey, beige, white and cream pro- vides warmth and interest. And oak kitchen cabi- netry is offset by a nine-foot island topped with Cambria quartz in hues of black, gold and white. Floor-to-ceiling tilework adds drama to a fireplace, and the main-floor bar and media wall cabinetry shines with a metallic acrylic finish. Artista Homes mixes it up with stonework, stain- less steel, glass and wood elements at 30 Cassel- man Cres. in Oak Bluff West — and at luxury show homes in Bridgwater Trails, la Salle and Sage Creek. In South Pointe, Artista’s show home at 11 Trailside Cres. could be yours for a pittance, since it’s a grand prize in the dream lottery 4 Kids in support of St. Boniface Hospital Foundation and Children’s Hos- pital Foundation.

daltile – wood-look tile

Cont’d on page 22

Parade of Homes FALL 2015 21

it’s ALL MAteriAL Cont’d from page 21

One street over, Maric Homes’ South Pointe show home at 28 Waterstone dr. “will blow your pants off,” according to vice- president of architectural design Peri Maric. “There’s a big double-height area that has 28-foot ceilings; it’s got this insane glass and steel staircase right in the middle of the room and it’s got lots of neat features,” he says. One of those features is an engineered glass floor on the second-level gallery. It’s frosted, so if your pants do blow off there’s no danger of flashing someone on the first level, and it’s so strong you could drive a car on it. “We did a steel structural ladder below and it’s lit by an lEd strip along the side so it shines out green along the side of the glass. It’s very cool,” Maric says. ‘We did a steel structural ladder below and it’s lit by an LED strip along the side so it shines out green along the side of the glass. It’s very cool’

28 Waterstone drive – Maric homes

Cont’d on page 24



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22 Parade of Homes FALL 2015

Your new home is waiting in Oak Bluff West! Located in a well-established town, this stylish new neighbourhood offers country living with Winnipeg’s shopping, entertainment and other city amenities only minutes away. Enjoy roomy lots, beautiful homes and picturesque wetland trails together with Oak Bluff’s thriving school, rec centre and community programs. Lots of style .

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100 lake bend road – Maric homes

it’s ALL MAteriAL – Cont’d from page 22

Maric says the family-owned company usually uses maple, and occa- sionally oak, but whatever the species, you can’t have too much of it. “you can use it in any capacity. If you really clean it up and do a nice dressed sharp edge you can make it really, really modern, but it always still has this kind of underlying warmth to it because it’s a natural mate- rial — it’s completely unadorned and not man-made,” he says. “glass we have to fabricate, steel you have to fabricate, but wood is wood and (in) any home, the more wood you can put in there, the better.”

Over in Bridgwater lakes, at 100 lake Bend rd., there’s seri- ous drama in a staircase that incorporates glass and saw-tooth stainless steel stringers along the sides. While it’s open-concept, partial walls create separation be- tween spaces without interfering with the flow of natural light throughout the home. Marble floors and a 9.5-foot island with a quartz countertop are highlights, but one of the most striking materials is an old-school hallmark of a Maric home — wood, and plenty of it. That kitchen island is attached to a 6.5- foot waterfall walnut table and the floor is solid walnut, too.


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Feature EnErgy EFFICIEnCy


lEEp Builders test-drive

energy-saving technologies

by Pat st. germain

>> inspired designs provide plenty of eye candy during the Parade of Homes. But it’s what you can’t see that has some builders excited about throwing open their doors this fall. Exterior insulation, Energy recovery venti- lation (Erv) and drain water heat recovery systems are among the more low-profile features, along with natural gas furnaces and appliances. Builders are working together toward adopting newer technologies, a commit- ment that was demonstrated through a local Energy Efficiency Partnership (lEEP) project sponsored by Manitoba Hydro and natural resources Canada (nrCan). Manitoba Home Builders’ Association president Mike Moore says consultations began in 2013 to study everything from on-demand water heaters to passive solar energy and cold climate air-source heat pumps. “We brought together about a dozen builders and looked at hundreds of differ- ent technologies and narrowed it down to about a dozen, and then from there took about five and really went to town on them,” Moore says.

26 Parade of Homes FALL 2015

left: furnasman new homes plumbing manager Jeff sheldon PHOTO: dArCy FInlEy

While the lEEP program helped to offset builder costs — Ow- ens Corning supplied exterior insulation and EcoInnovation Technologies supplied drain water units — it took a bit of ingenuity to incorporate Owens Corning CodeBord exterior insulation systems into an Arlt Homes show home in Bridg- water Trails and a Foxridge Homes model in Sage Creek. For

Manufacturers were invited to present in-depth information about shortlisted items and one — the drain water heat re- covery system — will become a building-code requirement for all new homes starting April 1, 2016. during the Fall Parade, Manitoba Hydro is promoting four show homes — three that incorporate a variety of lEEP

example, attaching stucco required longer fasteners than the norm, and labour was more intensive, and more expensive. But Arlt Homes vice-president Ja- son Arlt and Qualico production manager dale verville say it was worth the effort to test-drive lEEP ideas. “Our projections are that this house should be super efficient,” Arlt says. “We’re very excited because it’s go- ing to be a show home for a year to see how it performs, but it’s defi- nitely unique and it’s not that com-

technologies and one that features natural gas op- tions — with an Energy Innovation Tour. Manitoba Hydro marketing programs specialist Allison lund says information sheets and displays in the homes will highlight the benefits of investing in energy- saving measures.

‘If you’ve got an electric hot water

heating system, which essentially every new home in Manitoba does these days, the payback is under seven years’

Manitoba’s new homes are already among the most energy-efficient homes in Canada. The province was the first to make Heat recovery ven- tilation (Hrv) — which warms incoming air with heat from the outgoing air, increasing air quality and reducing condensation — mandatory in all new homes, and we’ll be among the first to re- quire drain water heat recovery systems. lund says the systems will pay for themselves over time, since they can reduce a hot water heater’s energy consumption by 25%. “If you’ve got an electric hot water heating system, which es- sentially every new home in Manitoba does these days, the payback is under seven years.” The payback time on more complex systems is difficult to calculate.

mon, especially in new construction. “It’s hard to assess if people are going to see value in it. yes, it’s energy efficient but there’s definitely a cost to it so for the right client this could be a perfect fit, but I would not say that it’s a mainstream thing just yet. We’re hoping to make it a little more mainstream by showing it out there and by talk- ing to people about it.”

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Parade of Homes FALL 2015 27

one giAnt LeeP Cont’d from page 27

He’s not sure how much lEEP innovations will add to the final cost of the house, but Arlt says benefits are clear when it comes to comfort. “There’s no way that you’re going to get a draft through a house like this because it’s really tight and really, it’s just going to lead to better air quality (and) better sound isolation for outside noise coming in to the house.” verville says Foxridge Homes has used some exterior insulation in the past, but not to such a great extent, covering the whole house, includ- ing the foundation wall. The show home also has insulation under the floor slab. “We’ve done that before too, but when you com- bine everything and you start to look at your heat-loss calculations you go, ‘Wow … there’s no heat loss.’ ” While the show home has a high-efficiency natu- ral gas furnace, it doesn’t require the heating capacity he would normally use in a house of the same size. Over the long-term, replacement costs will be lower and energy savings will start adding up right away. Maric Homes vice-president of architectural design Peri Maric says a show home in Country- side Crossing was already under construction when the company decided to include lEEP in the build. That ruled out exterior insulation, but several efficiencies were incorporated at later stages, including a drain water heat recovery system, high-efficiency natural gas furnace and Erv, which is a “souped-up version of Hrv” that captures humidity, transferring it to incoming air in winter and removing it in summer. “What’s cool about them is you can explain to people what’s going on and it’s not something you need to plan the entire house around. If you wanted to do one small step to save yourself a couple of bucks a month and to lessen your en- vironmental footprint it’s a fairly simple thing to do,” he says.

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‘There’s no way that you’re going to get a draft through a house like this because it’s really tight and really, it’s just going to lead to better air quality (and) better sound isolation for outside noise coming in to the house’

siblings tanya and Peri Maric from Maric homes

28 Parade of Homes FALL 2015


Custom bungalow homes, pristine landscaping and the serene sounds of nature are the hallmarks of this community just north of the perimeter. With quick access to downtown, the Whiteshell and the area’s top golf courses, Southlands Village at Pritchard Farm is the perfect place for those looking to live life to the fullest. MORE TIME FOR WHAT YOU LOVE Lawn care, landscaping and snow removal are all taken care of, so you have more time for what you want to do! Learn more about the Bare Land approach to owning a home. Contact our custom builders: Arlt, Irwin and Maric Homes, or visit DISCOVER STRESS-FREE LUXURY LIVING IN SOUTHLANDS VILLAGE AT PRITCHARD FARM

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one giAnt LeeP Cont’d from page 28

“My generation is very aware of the impact that we have on the planet and the amount of energy that we use and all the other things that come with that,” he adds. A key component of the lEEP program was practi- cality. Efficiencies had to make sense from a financial perspective for both builders and buyers, but Maric says it’s equally important that builders spearhead change. “you actually want to start implementing prac- tices that actually do help change the way that we build into more of a responsible manner,” he says. “Even my house that I built myself, you try and put in as much of these details as you can. So OK, if I go with a slightly more expensive but far more efficient furnace it will pay for itself in three years, and then every year after that it’s saving you money. So peo- ple need to look past the end of their nose a little bit. I think it’s a generational thing, but it’s slowly hap- pening.” Manitoba Hydro’s Energy Innovation Tour spotlights the Arlt and Foxridge Homes show homes, as well as ventura Custom Homes’ Parade entry at 161 Willow Creek rd. in Bridgwater Trails, which features high- performance ventilation, advanced framing and the drain water heat recovery system. The tour is also fo- cusing on the advantages of natural gas with a stop at a Southwynn Homes show home in Charleswood.

Cont’d on page 34

‘My generation is very aware of the impact that we have on the planet and the amount of energy that we use and all the other things that come with that’


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30 Parade of Homes FALL 2015

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Energy Innovation Tour

Southwynn Homes - 105 Geraldine Drive

105 Geraldine Drive

WHAT’S INSIDE? • Natural gas high efficiency furnace • Natural gas energy efficient tankless water heater • Natural gas range

• Natural gas fireplace • Natural gas barbeque

Ventura Homes - 161 Willow Creek Road

WHAT’S INSIDE? • High-performance ventilation with smart controls • Advanced framing techniques • Drain water heat recovery system

Arlt Homes - 137 Rose Lake Court

161 Willow Creek Road

137 Rose Lake Court

WHAT’S INSIDE? • Rigid exterior wall insulation • Drain water heat recovery system • Upgraded attic insulation

Take the Tour

BUILD A BETTER HOME Manitoba Hydro has partnered with some of the most innovative builders in Manitoba to showcase leading-edge technologies that will make a home more comfortable and energy efficient. Check out the four homes on the Energy Innovation Tour to learn how these technologies can elevate your lifestyle, save you money and help you build a better home. For more information, visit .

Foxridge Homes - 44 East Plains Drive

44 East Plains Drive

WHAT’S INSIDE? • Rigid exterior wall insulation • Under slab insulation and enhanced below grade wall insulation • Drain water heat recovery system • Upgraded attic insulation • Higher-performance windows

*Manitoba Hydro is a licensee of the Trademark and Official Mark

one giAnt LeeP Cont’d from page 30

Along with a high-efficiency natural gas furnace, the two-storey home has a natural gas barbecue, ribbon- style fireplace and a gas range, as well as a tankless hot water heater.

‘Sometimes you don’t think about using a gas appliance when a gas appliance is available, and there are a lot of advantages’

lund says the promotion ties in with a Hydro campaign to educate consumers about their options when it comes to fuel choice.

“We talk about how affordable gas is — even if the upfront cost is a little higher, the life cycle costs are significantly lower — and we’re going to highlight some of the other benefits that go along with that.”

Manitoba Hydro is promoting four show homes in the Energy Innovation Tour: • 44 East Plains Dr. in Sage Creek (Foxridge Homes) • 161 Willow Creek Rd. in Bridgwater Trails (Ventura Custom Homes)

• 137 Rose Lake Court in Bridgwater Trails (Arlt Homes) • 105 Geraldine Dr. in Charleswood (Southwynn Homes)

It’s the little things! #5

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34 Parade of Homes FALL 2015 CAM 20965 Fall Parade of Homes Ad-FIN.indd 1

2015-08-04 11:53 AM


by Jon Waldman

>> manitobans will see fewer of their hard-earned dollars going down the drain next year. Starting April 1, 2016, the Manitoba Building Code will require drain water heat recovery systems in all new homes, reducing hot water heater energy consump- tion by up to 25%. Manitoba Hydro is working with supplier EcoInnova- tion Technologies to provide systems to builders be- fore they’re mandatory. “We’re attempting to claim savings for units that are put in prior to that enforce- ment date for code and supplying those units to builders at essentially zero product cost, and then in- stallation costs are their own responsibility,” says Manitoba Hydro marketing programs specialist Allison lund. While plumbing labour costs are proving to be a barrier, several builders are installing the systems early. Though drain water heat recovery may sound like a complicated system, it’s actually a fairly simple pro- cess. daniel Beauchemin, co-owner and CEO of EcoIn- novation Technologies, explains that heat recovery oc- curs as you run your shower. “When you take a shower, 90% of the energy is still in that water. This system taps into that waste energy before it leaves the home, takes that energy and pre- heats water before it goes into the hot water tank,” he says. “So essentially what that means is you’re reducing your energy consumption and, in the case of a hot water tank, you’re getting three times more hot water from that tank.”

The installation process involves removing a section of the drain pipe and replacing it with the thermo drain. It sounds simple, and Beauchemin says it doesn’t take a great deal of time, but it is a job best left to a professional plumber. Jeff Sheldon, plumbing manager at Furnasman new Homes, says the system is installed on the plumbing stack connected to the drain of the shower that’s used most often in order to reap the greatest benefits. Some larger homes with multiple showers may have two units, but only one will be required under the building code. While the new requirement does not apply to existing homes, a retrofit is available. Sheldon expects the demand to grow, especially as more homeowners see the benefits of more readily available hot water. “We’ve had some requests already,” he says. “We put one in two years ago for a couple in old St. James. There’s been some public exposure but a minimal amount.” According to Manitoba Hydro, water heating accounts for up to 20% of a home’s energy consumption, and lund says it’s estimated the systems will pay for themselves in less than seven years. “There are other benefits beyond payback, too,” she adds. “I don’t know if you’ve got a big family, but if you’re all show- ering in the morning the last person is running out of hot water, and that doesn’t happen if you’ve got a drain water heat recovery system. depending on how it’s installed and where it’s installed it’s possible to have nearly limitless hot water.” Another benefit is the unit’s longevity. Beauchemin says the life expectancy of the system is 50 years because it’s made from copper and has no moving parts that can break down. Additionally, the components are 100% recyclable. drain water heat recovery system upgrades to existing homes are eligible for financing under Manitoba Hydro's Power Smart residential loan and Power Smart PAyS Financing. Homeowners can choose their own supplier, provided the units meet approved standards.

‘Depending on how it’s installed and

where it’s installed it’s possible to have nearly limitless hot water’

Parade of Homes FALL 2015 35

Feature WElcOME AddiTiONS granny flats fit the bill for multi-generation families

by Wendy King

>>here in North america, the two-generation household is pretty much standard. Think of it as a “mom and pop with kids-style” organization. But demographics and social norms are shifting, with the three-generation household becoming increasingly more common. One way that is be- ing accommodated is with granny flats. A granny flat, or secondary suite, is a small, self- contained suite that is an “accessory to a single- family home.” It can be attached as a basement suite, located over a detached garage or built as an addition at grade. The construction of secondary suites is a growing trend in some cities. “I think there are two drivers for it,” says Martin grady, Zoning and Permits administrator with City of Winnipeg Planning, Property and devel- opment. “One is aging baby boomers with aging parents wanting to have mom and dad nearby, either in their own home or in a detached suite. The other driver is financial, being able to rent something out for a bit of an income.” While not yet commonplace in Winnipeg, they are slowly gaining a foothold. “We’ve seen a lot of people renovate their lower level and put a secondary suite in the basement,” says grady. “But we’ve also seen some where they’ve actually put an addition on their house at grade” The detached suites, as part of a detached ga- rage or as a separate suite on the same lot (also called a garden suite) are not seen as frequently.

“We’ve only done a handful of the detached ones, maybe only three or four, all above a garage, which

is not a lot and I’m not sure why we’re not getting an uptake on that,” grady says. Manitoba Home Builders’ Associa- tion president Mike Moore says he’s baffled by the lack of uptake within the city, as well. He expected to see much greater interest, particularly among multi-generational families and homeowners who are looking for an income property. “What a great way to pay off your mortgage by maybe having a student live there. There’s all sorts of opportu- nity like that.” grady says some people may not be aware that secondary suites are even a legal option in Manitoba, but that may be about to change.

‘The province has done a really good job of adjusting the Manitoba Building Code to make it a little easier to put a secondary suite into the lower level of a home’

“The province has done a really good job of adjust- ing the Manitoba Building Code to make it a little easier to put a secondary suite into the lower level of a home,” he says.

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