“So it helps to promote that healthy lifestyle because people have transportation options.” another sustainability attribute is a low-impact storm manage- ment system.
able housing styles will be on full display at seven show homes – duplex, bungalow and two-storey models — during the Fall Parade of Homes. a dozen show homes in Devonshire Village show off a similar range of housing styles on a mix of front-drive and laned lots.
“it’s a naturalized constructed wetland stormwater manage- ment pond as opposed to what you would call a conventional stormwater management pond,” he says. “This one is constructed so that it provides better filtration for run- off before it enters the natural drainage system, and also pro-
“We do have a lot of homes that are on back lanes, and the idea with those homes is that they can help meet a price point for people,” says Boles. “For those families going into starter homes, they can keep their home size a bit smaller, and they aren’t required to build a garage right away.” For those who are ready to downsize,
The ponds are incorporated into the overall plan for the community park, which goes hand in hand with healthy, active living.
vides habitat for a variety of wildlife.” The ponds are incorporated into the overall plan for the commu- nity park, which goes hand in hand with healthy, active living. “We will be including a playground as well as a shaded area close to the naturalized storm pond and there will also be a whole net- work of active transportation paths which are partly recreational and which partly speak to the alternative transportation options,” Boles says. “There will be a large park in Devonshire Village — good sized ac- tive and passive park that will include an off-leash, enclosed dog park, which will be a real draw for people.” These are value-added components that are trademarks of gen- star communities, he adds. “Those components include a park, entry monumentation and or- namental fencing with concrete pillars, and we like to think that these things add value to a person’s home.”
a 55-plus rental project is in the works. The attention given to condominiums, duplexes, townhomes and multi-family units is another indicator of sound community planning. “There is a variety of housing types for every stage of life, from starter homes right through to people that are downsizing and looking for a lower maintenance property, and everything in between,” Boles says. “There is a whole host of different types of housing in the com- munity and once you’re in there and you like it you can stay put … so it’s that age-in-place type of housing but also age-in- community as well.” When residents do want to leave the area, there’s good access to major commuter routes and transit. “One attribute of sustainability is proximity to transit and future transit development, and there is a rapid transit station that is supposed to be built adjacent to Devonshire Village,” Boles says.
Devonshire Village PHOTO By TODD LeWyS
Parade of Homes FALL 2015 109
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