Prairie Perfection Bluestem Condos neighBour the neCessities while set against prairie landsCape
Sage Creek – Bluestem Condominiums
— while simultaneously being surround- ed by natural beauty. The homes are planted among open prairie grasslands, and overlook nearby wetlands. it’s an ideal blend of everyday conveniences and natural living. Beyond the allure of living in this prairie paradise, the townhomes at Bluestem offer variety and value for new home seekers. “From our elmvale plan at 1,349 square feet, to our Tamarack at 1,552 square feet, we’ve made sure to design layouts that are suited to a range of buyers. We have young, first-time home buyers who love the space and value they get with the elmvale, including a single attached garage,” explains sales and marketing manager at StreetSide Developments, Jessica Willis. “Professionals, families and downsiz- ers appreciate the extra features of the Tamarack, like the 12-foot kitchen island and double attached garage. in between,
we have other sizes and layouts that offer the same great living experience, but allow buyers to choose a floor plan that feels right for them.” Plus, there are a few staples that all of the townhomes share in common — and take advantage of the surrounding beauty. “each townhome comes with a gener- ous front wood porch and a spacious sun balcony, so residents get to enjoy enter- taining outdoors — without the work or hassle that comes with maintaining a yard,” reminds Willis. interiors at Bluestem are classically styl- ish, with a variety of designer-selected finishing packages showcased in quick- possession homes. With move-in ready homes starting at just $299,900 including gST, now is a great time to come and visit the newest display suite at 109 – 155 Des Hivernants Boulevard, or register for future phase re- leases at www.bluestemcondos.ca .
For StreetSide Developments
>> Not an apartment-style condo, and not a de- tached single-family home, townhomes are filling a niche in Winnipeg — offering the comforts and space of a house, with the ease of maintenance and affordability of a condominium. The only one of its kind in the attractive Sage Creek neighbourhood, Bluestem Condos provides just that — features like attached garages and multi- level living provide the feeling (and perks) of a detached home, while the condominium aspect of- fers peace of mind and a lot more free time on the weekends. No need to worry about landscaping or snow shovelling — it’s all taken care of for you. Just a short walk from the new Village Centre, StreetSide Developments’ Bluestem boasts close proximity to everyday amenities like Sobeys, Shop- pers Drug Mart, a brand-new liquor mart and more
Renaissance Linear Wood Burning Fireplace
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This colossal linear fireplace has a unique built in guillotine door and firescreen combination, as well as the largest view of any linear wood burning fireplace make it the ultimate choice in luxury and design.
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