Parade of Homes | Fall 2015

Parade of Homes FAll 2015 SEPTEMBEr 12 to OCTOBEr 4 2015 Presented by tHe MAnitobA HoMe buiLders’ AssociAtion

Show homeS are ready for Their CloSeup

Welcome to the 2015 Fall Parade of Homes. The Manitoba Home Builders’ Association is proud to present our annual display of new homes. With 131 new homes by 33 different builders in 35 unique neighbourhoods, ours remains the largest and best Parade of Homes offered in Canada. The design and construction ex- pertise that goes into each new home is unparalleled anywhere in the country. When visiting the various show homes, take time to appreciate outstanding Manitoba craftsmanship. Talk to the repre- sentatives showing the homes about unique features and what makes that particular home spe- cial. With such a wide selection available, we’re confident that the perfect new home is waiting right now for you to visit. There is defi- nitely something for everyone at the Fall Parade of Homes.

In addition to variety and quality, there are nu- merous additional good reasons why now is the perfect time to purchase a new home. Financial institutions are still offering long-term mortgages at historically low rates. Manitoba and Winnipeg homes continue to increase in value year after year, making them among the most sound of all investments. Manitoba new homes are the most energy efficient in the country and a move to a new home may result in significant energy sav- ings. Quality, choice and affordability are always primary considerations for both new home build- ers and buyers. Manitoba’s new home construction industry con- tinues to be strong and vibrant. MHBA member builders and suppliers keep abreast of the latest technology, trends and techniques to ensure that your new home offers the highest level of quality available. Enjoy the 2015 Fall Parade of Homes and thank you for visiting.


mike moore, President – Manitoba Home Builders’ Association

SHOW HOME HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 3pm - 8pm, Sat & Sun: Noon - 6pm, Fri: By Appointment Only

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