Holidays in Winnipeg | 2016



It’s a Jolly Holiday with the Costumed Walkers Every year, a group of volunteers don their merry apparel and bring spirit and cheer to the Parade. “We have a 150 costumed walkers this year,” says volunteer coordinator Tina Lussier. ”This is a day they look forward to all year and these wonderful people bring their own special spirit to the Parade. “They come back year after year and in fact at the end of the Parade, I always hear, ‘I’ll see you next year!’ ” Lussier says participating in the Parade is so special for the volunteers — and they should know they make it special for the crowds who come to cheer them on!

WINNIPEG SANTA CLAUS PARADE VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR TINA LUSSIER SAYS MORE THAN 600 DEDICATED VOLUNTEERS PROVIDE THE MAGIC ON PARADE DAY. S he says once someone volunteers, they stay on, so volunteer spots fi ll up early, “Our team leaders come back year after year and our volunteers actually work their way up into leadership positions,” she says. There are several categories of volunteers: Sponsor companies who provide volunteers to run Santa’s Block Parties at each intersection; volunteers who are involved with Parade communications and logistics, sta ffi ng warm-up areas and covering the bleachers, parking and food delivery. “We have our No Feet on the Street crews who help with crowd monitoring at the viewing areas

and they manage the accessible viewing areas at each intersection — and you can spot them in their safety vests.” A new safety team sponsored by Impact Security has come on board. And school and community groups pitch in as well. One group works with Manitoba Housing to distribute hot chocolate to volunteers. Other participants include the Southern Chiefs Organization, Canada Summer Games, 20th Beavers and Cubs, Special Olympics (with Bison Transport), Block Parents of Winnipeg, Girl Guides of Canada, War Amps of Canada, the Salvation Army, the Winnipeg Jets and the True North Youth Foundation. “We get our volunteers checked in early in the morning and a lot of them are outdoors the whole time,” says Lussier. “Parade day is an all-day commitment for our volunteers.”

Manitoba Hydro: A Parade Sponsor Powered by Volunteers

Manitoba Hydro is once again the proud presenting sponsor of the Winnipeg Santa Claus Parade, and its volunteers energize the entire day. “We’re just so excited to be in the Parade again this year,” says Jackie Britton, who is coordinating Hydro’s participation. Hydro retirees will be driving two fl oats — Parade favourites Cinderella and the Candy Carousel — and in addition to all the people accompanying the fl oats, Manitoba Hydro will send about 40 costumed walkers to the Parade. “We have the Electrosaurus fl oat that will be in the Parade as well,” Britton says. Hydro is also sponsoring Santa’s Block Party in front of its Portage Avenue headquarters, with fun activities for the whole family. “We will also be hosting the Camerata Nova concert at 360 Portage from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.,” she adds. “Then we have the VIP reception on the third fl oor, with about 20 volunteers helping out there, as well.”

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