The Fair Exchange Historic character meets modern comfort
By Todd Lewys – Photos by Jim Todd Photography
>> When you walk through Winnipeg’s downtown – princi- pally the historic Exchange District – a shift occurs. With its wealth of brick heritage buildings,
Maykut adds the motivation to be involved downtown as a developer goes beyond revitalizing the area. It’s also about being part of a process that helps people connect with the Exchange District’s roots as a bustling centre of civic life. There’s a special aura about the area, and developers such as StreetSide want people to experience that his- toric ambience. “You also can’t beat working on these fantastic 100-year-old buildings,” he says. “Seeing them trans- formed into great living spaces is a great feeling. More than that, though, the Exchange is special for many reasons. It’s unique, and it’s downtown, it represents what Winnipeg was and is, and it celebrates our city and history.” Residents can step outside their door and stroll through streetscapes lined with preserved Old World build- ings housing art galleries, boutiques and restaurants — along with the creative hub that is now Innovation Alley. The Manitoba Museum, Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre and Centennial Concert Hall are within easy walking distance for those who want to take in a play or concert in the theatre district, and Waterfront Drive has undergone a renewal with greenspace, condos and popular new eateries.
‘Actually, we were drawn downtown for many reasons, but a lot of it was being part of revitalizing the area and making Winnipeg, and downtown specifically, a great place to live’
the Exchange’s turn- of-the century ambi- ence transports you back in time — to an era when construction was more an art than a science, and when people had more time to take in their surroundings as they strolled along cobble- stone sidewalks. Little wonder that de- velopers have been
drawn to the area over the past decade or so. One of those de- velopers is StreetSide Development Corp., an arm of Qualico. StreetSide’s Marty Maykut says the area held many attractions for the company. “Actually, we were drawn downtown for many reasons, but a lot of it was being part of revitalizing the area and making Win- nipeg, and downtown specifically, a great place to live,” he says.
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24 Parade of Homes Spring 2015
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