Parade of Homes | Fall 2014

Fall Parade of Homes — in St. Boniface at 171 Rue Hebert in Pointe Hebert; at 100 Lake Bend Rd. in Bridgwater Lakes and at 25 East Plains Dr. in Sage Creek — as well as a bare land condo at 9 Baywind Place at Pritchard Farm South- lands Village. “The Parade of Homes is a built-in platform for us. We’re more than happy to have our product compared directly to other builders,” Peri says. “It doesn’t matter if people are actively looking to build a new home, or are just out there dreaming. The Parade of Homes isn’t specifically to gener- ate sales, but to generate ideas. It really keeps us on our toes, and keeps us pushing the envelope. We’re constantly trying to stay ahead of the pack.” The event is a great opportunity for builders to showcase some of their best work and gain a following, Tanya adds. “Every year, the Parade of Homes has record-breaking en- tries. The event draws hundreds of thousands of people. People come every year to see what’s out there and to find their favourite builders.” That’s an advantage for both parties. Peri says his ideal cus- tomers are those who are already familiar with what the company has to offer. “All the clients we build for want to build with Maric Homes. They have a good understanding of what we bring to the table. There’s a level of respect and trust between us,” he says. From the beginning, Maric Homes has been about build- ing relationships — with customers as well as with con- tractors and sub-trades. “We’ve been fortunate to work with amazing trades and suppliers,”Tanya says. “Our trades do custom colours for us that they wouldn’t ordinarily do. We’re fortunate to have built these really great relationships.” And doubly fortunate to have some great relationships that transcend the business. Working with family can be challenging, but Tanya says one of the advantages is in having a built-in support system. “We’re already everyone’s biggest support to begin with. We’re all here to support each other’s success,” she says. “We’re working collectively for the same purpose, and we grew up in this business. I can’t imagine doing anything else.”

Attention to detail is another hallmark. Peri says the company goes to great lengths to take care of the small things and ensure finishings are just right. “That’s a reoccurring theme in our homes—spend- ing time on finishing details that can often be over- looked,” he says. “People notice it too. I’ve had peo- ple tell me that our closets look like something out of a magazine.” Carrying on Steve and Cathie’s legacy is a family tradition. Peri and Tanya’s cousin Martin Maric is a part owner and vice-president of construction who’s devoted more than 25 years to the company. Mar- tin’s wife Caroline Maric is marketing director, while Tanya’s husband Dan Rolfe is company president and Peri’s wife Marcia Maric is the design centre manager. Together, they bring a wealth of expertise to the building process, but Tanya says every home starts with the customer’s vision of what they want in a family home. “Our clients are home buyers who want to be fully integrated in the process and who want input into every decision,”Tanya explains. “We design the floor plan and go from there. Our customers are fully involved with everything about how their home looks. We really involve our clients in the process, and we treat every customer the same, regardless of price point.” They also give customers more room than they think they might need, a factor that adds to the comfort of the finished home. “We design every space to be logical, rational and efficient. We give everything a little bit more space. Our hallways are a little wider, our islands are a little bigger,” Peri says. “We exhaustively look at each and every space in the home, and we enhance the feeling of airiness and space by making our windows and doorways oversized. Many clients have told us there’s just something ‘different’ about how our homes feel. It’s really rewarding to have the extra details always feel like part of the whole, and never obvious.” Maric Homes will showcase three new homes in the

<< Siblings Tanya and Peri Maric work with several family

members in the business founded by their parents.

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