Santa Claus is coming to town and he’s ready to celebrate with you!
Join us for another magical year of the Winnipeg Santa Claus Parade, presented by Manitoba Hydro. Gather up 5+1.(+2! +*!/* .%*#0$!) +3*0+3*0+!4,!.%!*!0$!!/0+"0$!/!/+*č festive music, blinking lights, %*.! %(!ý+0/Č* )+.!ē 0.05+1.!2!*%*#3%0$(+',.05(+*#0$!.+10!Č3$!.!+1.,.0*!./3%((#!0$%( .!*+"((#!/%*0$!/,%.%0 3%0$ *%*#Č/0.!!0$+'!5Č#)!/* (%2!(5)1/%ċ*!0$!,. !#!0/1* !.35Č/%0'* !*&+50$!/$+3 3$%(!(+(+),*%!/* +.#*%60%+*//!00$!/!*!"+.0$!)%*!2!*0č 0$!+*!* +*(5*0ƫ(1/ċ $!. !$/!!*ý+0%*# +3*+.0#!Ƶ2!*1!"+.āĀĊ5!./Č/+3!%*2%0!5+10+&+%*1/#%*+./0.0 *!3")%(50. %0%+*5/$.%*#0$!3+* !.+"0$!,. !3%0$5+1."2+1.%0!(%00(!!(2!/ċ
MESSAGE FROM Great West Life
Great-West Life is a proud sponsor of the Santa Claus Parade Volunteer Program 3$%$/1,,+.0/0$!.!.1%0%*#Č0.%*%*#* +10ü00%*#+"2+(1*0!!./ċ2!.55!.Č+1. !),(+5!!/'%'+û0$!$+(% 5/!/+*5 +*0%*#0$!%.0%)!0+,.+2% !00!* !!/ 3%0$0$%*#/(%'!(%2!)1/%Č$+0$++(0!Č"!,%*0%*#Č/"!05* /!1.%05ġ* lots of holiday cheer. We’re a strong supporter of communities across the country, * 3!Ě.!,.+1 0+!,.0+"+))1*%050%2%0%!/(%'!0$!*0ƫ(1/. !ċ
MESSAGE FROM THE Grand Marshal - Jeff Hnatiuk
I am very proud to have been selected as the Grand Marshal for the 109th Winnipeg *0ƫ(1/. !Č.!,.!/!*0%*#((+"0$!2+(1*0!!./* /0û3$+3!.!.!/,+*/%(! for hosting a very successful Canada Summer Games this past summer. Events are so important to our community and I am honoured to be a part of such an incredible holiday outing that has been a family tradition in Winnipeg for so many years. %0$+2!.03!*05ġü2!5!./+"/,+.0(! !./$%,!4,!.%!*!Č !û*0%1'%/0$! .!/% !*0* ƫ0$!ĂĀāĈƫ* 1))!.)!/+/0+%!05Č/!+* )!*0 ".+)$%/,+/%0%+*+".!/% !*0Ēƫ+",+.0 *%0+ċ
Winnipeg Santa Claus Parade • Saturday November 18 th , 5:00 PM • winnipegsantaparade.com
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