Holidays in Winnipeg | 2017



By Wendy King

Jack Frost is nipping at your nose and that can only mean one thing — the Winnipeg Santa Claus Parade presented by Manitoba Hydro (and the Jolly Man in Red) is coming to town on Saturday, Nov.18, starting at 5 p.m.! Jackie Britton, Manitoba Hydro’s parade coordinator, says they’re pulling out all the stops once again this year to delight kids and adults alike with a brand new float. A 20-member employee volunteer team of float-building elves has been busy hammering, cutting and glueing in Manitoba Hydro’s Christmas Workshop. t-building elves has been busy , cutting and glueing in Manitoba stmas Workshop. “I got a sneak peek of it and it’s going to be pretty amazing,” says Britton. “I saw a large gingerbread house, some gingerbread, over- sized presents, and a giant candy cane.” Parade-goers will want to keep an eye out for the antique Hydro truck as well as the Candy Carousel float. “The Candy Carousel has a Nutcracker ers will want to keep an eye out que Hydro truck as well as the usel float. y Carousel has a Nutcracker theme and there will be a little Sugar Plum Fairy on the float, jesters, tin soldiers, and the Rat King,” Britton says. Snowflakes, a few gingerbread men, elves and other fun characters will be with that float as well. “And we have everyone’s favourite, Cinderella!” s, a few gingerbread men, her fun characters will be oat as well. ave everyone’s nderella!” a few other tasks, oordinating the VIP Britton has a few other tasks, including coordinating the VIP pre-parade reception to welcome the sponsors and judges as well as 2017 Grand Marshal Jeff Hnatiuk, reception to welcome s and judges as well as Marshal Jeff Hnatiuk, President and CEO of the 2017 Canada Summer Games Host Society, and Honorary Grand Marshal Kai Madsen, executive director of the Winnipeg Cheer Board. She is also welcoming everyone to the free Camerata Nova concert from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the atrium at Manitoba Hydro Place at 360 Portage Ave., where you can grab a free hot chocolate while you listen. “It’s not too early to start thinking about Christmas and if you really e., where you can grab a colate while you listen. o early to start thinking tmas and if you really nd CEO of the 2017 mmer Games Host Honorary Grand Madsen, executive he Winnipeg Cheer Board. welcoming everyone to merata Nova concert from 3:30 p.m. in the atrium Hydro Place at 360 eak peek of it and it’s going to be ing,” says Britton. “I saw a large d house, some gingerbread, over- nts, and a giant candy cane.” there will be a little Sugar Plum float, jesters, tin soldiers, and ,” Britton says.

want to get into the holiday feel of things, you really want to come to this concert because the atrium is just a spectacular place for them to perform,” she says. “Camerata Nova just sends goosebumps throughout my body every year. Their singing is just so beautiful.” After the concert, take the kids and head outside to Manitoba Hydro’s Block Party, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., for plenty of fun with a giant board game on the street with equally giant dice. A photo booth and a bean bag toss sweeten the deal. “We’ll be sure to have Louie the Lightning Bug and lots of activities that teach kids how to play it safe around electricity,” she says. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and Britton is happy to be so involved with the parade.

“It’s one of my favourite events of the year to coordinate because it just brings joy to so many people throughout the city of Winnipeg.”

After the parade, keep it glowing at the Manitoba Electrical Museum & Education Centre. All That Glows is the museum’s signature holiday event, featuring a display of holiday lighting from throughout the years. It runs from Nov. 14 to Dec. 30. Admission is free. The museum is located at 680 Harrow St. Call for hours and more information: 204-360-7905.

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