Parade of Homes | Fall 2021

MURAL, MURAL, ON THE WALL — Cont’d from page 95

“They taught me how to paint quickly and from there I never really looked back,” she says. Lancaster’s style is “process- oriented,” and conversations with clients guide her. Some clients are very particular and specific. “They’ll come with a whole bunch of things added together and then I’ll have to create that on the wall.” Some follow her work online and just want Lancaster to have free rein. “Their direction might be, ‘I really want a bluebird,’ or they might pick an animal or something and then that’s the only direction that I have.” Lancaster also works with interior designers. “They’ll tell me, ’This is the vibe or the palette we want to go with.’ Maybe it’s edgier or maybe an angular design — they’ll choose the concept and then I just make it happen.” Recently, she worked in a newly built home whose owners were inspired by a handful of photos they saw on Pinterest. “So I just took colours from their house and used their ideas to design something contemporary, so it looks like the mural was always part of the house.” Most of her work is freehand and the best results come in trusting the process, taking inspiration from the room and the wall itself and letting it flow together.


“Sometimes I just stand there and stare at the wall for five minutes and then I have a better idea.” She recently completed an assignment in an eight-storey apartment block, painting a simple, bold design of a number with a graphic element beside each elevator door. She says painting is much more time- and cost-effective than a vinyl graphic.

Cont’d on page 98

96 Parade of Homes FALL 2021

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