Pull up a Chair Cont’d from page 11
“Our mission is to create a great customer experience, so we want to know: Was it a good meeting with the interior decorator? Was she helpful? Were there any problems when they went to our window supplier, or to view their plumbing fixtures?” she says. “We make sure that they’re happy with the home, and sometimes they tell me where we could improve and that’s good feedback to hear.” The give-and-take of the business will carry over in her new capacity as MHBA chair. Advocacy is a big part of the association’s mandate, and Sobie is already familiar with the process, through frequent contact with govern- ment ministers. “They often come up with issues that in the end are going to cost the con- sumer more money, so we go there and explain, ‘Maybe you should hold off and do this, or do more research,’ ” she says. “We’re always trying to say we have to keep prices as reasonable as we can for the consumer.” A variety of construction professionals are represented on the MHBA board and its standing committees, which serve consumers and the industry by working on workplace safety and health, education and training, environ- mental and warranty issues, among other concerns. On the business front, after more than 12 years at Ventura, Sobie has never been busier. Sales are humming and the company has been hiring and training new staff. She’s proud to work in the industry, and was delighted to be a judge during last spring’s Parade of Homes.
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12 Parade of Homes Fall 2013
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