Parade of Homes | Fall 2013

Later, as her children grew, she moved into a leadership role with the company’s property management arm before taking a larger role in the overall operations of the company. Today, Qualico’s head office in Sage Creek is still within easy striking distance of its roots in River Heights. Its location at 1 Dr. David Friesen Drive is a reminder to visitors and employees alike of the com- pany’s legacy. With several university de- grees under his belt, David Friesen came by his nickname, The Doctor, honestly. The couple valued education highly, as is evident by some of their philanthropic interests, including the Canadian Menno- nite University, which is home to the Kath- erine Friesen Apartments, the University of Manitoba, the University of Winnipeg and other educational institutions across Western Canada. Doing the Right Thing Cont’d from page 17

‘Qualico has been very fortunate and we like to give back. Assiniboine Park is so important to all Winnipeggers. We have to look after it.’

The family’s long history of giving is mostly done quietly and behind the scenes. Ruth and Brian Hastings prefer to keep a low profile, but it isn’t al- ways easy. In 2011, they were thrust into the spot- light when they donated $3 million to build the $6 million Qualico Family Centre at Assiniboine Park.

Qualico’s sense of community responsi- bility is reflected in its pedestrian-friendly community of Sage Creek. A diverse range of housing, natural grasses, wetlands and walking paths have been designed to cre- ate a neighbourly community. The Village Centre has a bank, grocery store and vet- erinary clinic, among other amenities, and is also home to Qualico’s head office. Hastings’ office overlooks a terrace planted

with native prairie grasses, with views of Sage Creek and its village centre. The three-storey LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) building is clad in an impressive blend of traditional Manitoba limestone and glass. Em- ployees say it’s a pleasant working atmosphere, largely thanks to the floor-to- ceiling windows that bathe the interior in natural light. There’s also a second- floor gym and staff have monthly barbecues on the rooftop garden. The Qualico Group of Companies has a long reach — with offices in Saska- toon, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver and the music capital of Austin, Tex., it has land development, sales, construction and building supply arms. In Winnipeg, Qualico builders have a presence in every area of the city, from StreetSide Development Corp.’s Exchange District condominiums, to Qualico Communities’ countrified properties in Pritchard Farm. Whether you want a modest bungalow, a classic two-storey home with a wide front porch or an urban condo with unique architectural features, chances are you’ll find something in your neighbourhood and in your price range. The variety isn’t just in keeping with the founders’ vision. Hastings says it reflects Qualico’s overall philosophy: “To create communities and homes where people can put down roots, raise their families, and pursue their dreams.” See .

“Qualico has been very fortunate and we like to give back,” Ruth says. “Assiniboine Park is so important to all Winnipeggers. We have to look after it.” That commitment to community is shared by the company’s employees. Following Qualico’s initial donation of $100,000 for Alberta flood relief this summer, the com- pany raised an additional $75,000 through a gift-matching program with employees. The company has been involved with Habitat for Humanity for many years. Back in 1993, it sponsored and crewed a home for the Jimmy Carter Work Project. Qualico is also a founding sponsor of the annual Ride around the Lake, a Habitat fundraiser at Lake of the Woods in which a number of Qualico staff participate. This year the event will reach the $1 million mark in funds raised.

18 Parade of Homes Fall 2013

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