Parade of Homes | Spring 2013

Northwest Community Spotlight

Northwest Neighbourhoods:

>> Northwestern Winnipeg, from Deer Pointe and The Oaks in Headingley and Stone Ridge Meadows in Stonewall to the ever-popular Amber Trails in between, continues to shine as one of the city’s greatest new home success stories. Homes for all lifestyles and within rea- sonable price ranges, as well as an excel- lent location with access to the Perimeter Highway and abundant shopping and recreation facilities, have helped make the northwestern sector of the city a destina- tion of choice for thousands of new home buyers. For its part in the success story, Stone Ridge Meadows has proven there are de- cided advantages associated with building a new housing development within an es- tablished community. “That’s the great thing about building in a small town – virtually all the amenities you need are there,” says Genstar Develop- ment’s Dave Boles. “People who’ve bought homes in Stone Ridge Meadows love the fact that Stonewall has a wide range of amenities right in town, from shopping and services to recreation, schools and churches.” At the same time, the community of more than 4,500 is near enough to the big city to nullify any objections about an onerous amount of travel between the two urban centres.

“The beauty of Stonewall is that it’s close enough to offer an easy commute into the city,” Mr. Boles says. “And it’s a nice easy drive on a twinned, four-lane highway – much less stressful than the stop-and- go people experience in the city. That’s something people really like about living in Stone Ridge Meadows.” Spencer Curtis of Hilton Homes says the 50-acre development offers far more than a seamless commute and self sufficiency. “It offers something that was never done in the area before. It’s not a huge commu- nity (with a total of 143 homes to be built by the time construction of phase two, the development’s final phase, concludes), but it’s a well-planned community with an ex- ceptional level of detail.” “The paths, mature stands of trees and pri- vacy that it offers all combine to create a very distinctive community. You never for- get where you are when you’re there.” That private, almost cottage-like-commu- nity feel is exactly what Genstar was after when they conceived the development, Mr. Boles says. “We really tried to go out of our way to cre- ate a small-town lifestyle that would pro- vide residents with a quiet, private area to go home to. To that end, we did everything we could to maintain the fundamental characteristics of the land.

Amber Trails Headingley – Deer Pointe Park McBeth Landing Stonewall – Stone Ridge Meadows The Oaks West St. Paul – Legend Estates

‘It’s not a huge community but it’s well- planned with an exceptional level of detail’

Cont’d on page 102

Parade of Homes Spring 2013 101

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