>> The fact that some communities in the city get more ink than Amber Trails doesn’t concern Marc Brown in the least. That’s because people in northwest Win- nipeg continue to buy homes in the well- established community in record numbers. “The response to Amber Trails continues to be nothing short of incredible,” says Mr. Brown, Genstar Land Development’s Devel- opment Manager. “We just finished servic- ing phase 13 this past summer, and it sold out. Meanwhile, our latest phase, phase 15, is well on its way to being sold out. “Right now, we’re marketing the last four lake lots. Demand for homes in the commu- nity is still very, very high – people just love the area.” All of which then prompts one to ask ‘why’? “I think there’s a number of reasons,” Mr. Brown says. “First, there’s a wide variety of housing options, from single family homes to condominiums. Best of all, the homes are affordable. If you’re a young family looking for an entry-level home, there should be one to fit your budget. The same applies if you’re looking to move up, or get a high- end home.” At the same time, condominiums in Wood- land Park – a condominium project by Ran- dall Homes – have also been selling like hotcakes. “They’ve been very popular with empty nesters looking to downsize, and with first time home owners due to their affordabil- ity and great design. They offer another dimension to the community that people appreciate,” Mr. Brown says. “And we’ve also got two apartment projects that will be going up on Templeton Avenue that will offer people another option.” Randall Homes’ Jason Jaquet said that Am- ber Trails is something of a hidden gem. “The developers (Genstar) have done a great job there,” he says. “There’s such a wide variety of homes that there’s some- thing for everyone. We were really pleased when they asked us to conceive Woodland Park.
A Great Place To Call Home Popularity of Amber Trails a dream come true for builders and residents alike
By Todd Lewys – Photos by Marianne Helm
Cont’d on page 106
104 Parade of Homes Spring 2013
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