Brimming with Confidence Cont’d from page 7
“These are all mega projects. People have to work on these projects and they have to live some- where while they’re working,” he says. “Wherever we’re seeing new housing going up we’re seeing new businesses too. “We’d like to think IKEA’s decision to come to the city was partly influenced by all the new housing developments.” Robert Wickstrom, owner of Hearth Homes, agrees with Mr. Moore that the trend of a strong local housing industry will continue. “We haven’t really felt any change in Winnipeg and Manitoba. The market is very good. Our com- pany expects to be on par with where we were in 2012,” he says. “The number of builders belonging to the home association has increased every year. Every year it
seems to get busier. The Parade has definitely grown over the years. It used to be held only once a year, in the fall.” The city’s plan to welcome 12,000 immigrants per year has also height- ened the demand for more homes. “It’s nice to be busy, there’s no doubt about it,” Mr. Wickstrom says. “The only negative impact it may have is that it may take a little lon- ger to get a house finished. Houses are getting more complex as well. “The competition is stiff out there. There are very diverse products for people to see. We’re trying to do things just a little bit differently, but functionality of design is still very important.” Not even the prospect of rising property taxes is expected to have much impact on the industry, says Frank Controneo, Sales Manager for Artista Homes. “I don’t think the property tax increase is going to be a huge deter- rent to buyers in our sector,” he says. “We’re full of optimism. We’re not seeing any slowdown in Manitoba, and we’re looking forward to an awesome 2013.”
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8 Parade of Homes Spring 2013
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