By Pat St. Germain
>> REMEMBER WHEN you had to keep an eye on the percolator to make sure your morning brew didn’t spew all over the stovetop?
Ask your grandma, or even your mom.
Electric coffee pots that shut themselves off automatically when the coffee perked debuted in 1952, and Mr. Coffee automatic drip machines arrived on the scene in 1972, but old-school percolators haven’t gone the way of the ice-box. You can still buy a brand-new one today for your camp stove. SOME ARE INSTALLING COFFEE STATIONS IN THE MASTER BEDROOM SO THEY CAN GET THEIR FIX THE MINUTE THEIR GOOGLE ASSISTANT WAKES THEM UP EACH DAY. Of course, you can also buy a built-in coffee station that will whip up everything from a two- shot espresso to cappuccino and even a plain cuppa joe at the push of a button. Thermador makes one that comes complete with a bean grinder and milk frother, and homeowners aren’t just using them in the kitchen. Some are installing coffee stations in the master bedroom so they can get their fix the minute their Google Assistant wakes them up each day. In the 1940s, a well-appointed kitchen had a stove and a refrigerator. If you wanted a dishwasher, you married one.
Cont’d on page 123
Parade of Homes FALL 2017 121
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